Redox Reactions Simplified, Part 1
Learn the surprising connection between common toxins and your body's energy crisis.
Redox reactions are continuous exchanges of electrons between molecules in your body, similar to passing negatively charged water balloons, and these reactions are essential for basic functions like moving, thinking, and processing food into usable energy. When molecules gain electrons through redox reactions, they become "reduced" with a lower charge, while molecules that lose electrons become "oxidized" with a relatively higher charge. This process always happens in pairs, as one molecule must receive the electrons another gives away
Your body maintains a delicate balance of electron exchanges. Too many electrons being passed around too quickly or incorrectly will damage cells, leading to a harmful condition called oxidative stress
NAD+ is arguably the most vital molecule in your body, acting like a taxi service that carries electrons throughout your cells. Without NAD+, your cells cannot convert food into energy, repair DNA damage, or maintain proper cellular communication
Mitochondrial damage from toxins like seed oils, microplastics, and EMFs create "reductive stress," where electron carriers (like NADH) get stuck and cannot properly transfer their electrons, leading to reduced NAD+ levels and cellular dysfunction
While expensive NAD+ boosting supplements exist, maintaining healthy NAD+ levels can be achieved more affordably through proper niacinamide (vitamin B3) supplementation and, most importantly, by avoiding substances that damage mitochondria
Have you ever seen someone walking on a tightrope in the circus, carefully keeping their balance so they do not fall off? That is a little like what happens inside your body every day, except instead of a person balancing on a rope, your cells are balancing something called redox reactions. The word "redox" might sound fancy, but it is just short for two smaller words: reduction and oxidation.
These redox reactions happen continuously to help you stay healthy, move around, think clearly, and even sleep. When you eat an apple or a sandwich, your body has to take the energy that is stored in your food and turn it into a form your cells can use. But before we go further, let’s talk about what an electron is, since it plays a big part in redox reactions.
Understanding Electrons
You can think of an electron as an extremely small particle that orbits around the center of an atom. Atoms are like tiny building blocks that make up everything around you, including your body, the water you drink, and even the air you breathe.
Electrons carry a negative charge, a bit like a tiny battery that has a minus sign on it. When one atom or molecule passes an electron to another, it is as if they are handing over a piece of that negative charge. This exchange of electrons happens continuously in your body, even though you cannot see, hear, or feel it.
Electrons might seem like they are too small to matter, but they are very important. They are involved in every chemical reaction that keeps you alive, from breaking down your food to helping your muscles move. In a way, electrons are the sparks that keep your body’s engine running. If you did not have these sparks, your body would not have the energy it needs to do everyday things, like walking up the stairs or even thinking about what you want to have for lunch.
Your Body’s Balancing Act
That is where redox reactions step in. Think of them as a super-organized chain of events, where one molecule passes along these tiny, negatively charged electrons to another molecule. Since electrons are negative, if a molecule gains electrons, its overall charge goes down, and we say it's been reduced. It's an easy way to remember it: gaining negative electrons = reduced charge.
On the other hand, the molecule that loses electrons has lost some of that negative charge, so its charge becomes relatively higher, or more positive, and we say it's been oxidized. This process always happens in pairs: if one molecule is giving away negative charges (getting oxidized), another molecule has to receive them (getting reduced).
You can imagine if too many electrons get passed around too fast or in the wrong way, bad things will happen in your body. Just like Goldilocks, you need just the right amount of electrons being passed at the right time. The moment your body loses this careful balance, trouble can happen, and cells will get hurt.
Fortunately, you have many helpers that keep your redox balance under control, sort of like friends who take care of you when you're in trouble. These helpers make certain that your cells do not get overwhelmed by too many or too few electrons flying around. Sometimes people refer to this important balance as your "redox status," which simply means how healthy and stable your cells are when it comes to these tiny electron exchanges.
By understanding the basics of redox, you begin to see how your body manages energy and protects itself from harm. It is a lot like learning the ABCs or the multiplication tables: you need to know the words and understand their meanings before you can really comprehend the bigger picture. Once you grasp how redox works, you will also discover how things like good food, rest, and exercise help your body stay in tip-top shape.
Understanding Redox in Simple Terms
Let’s dive a little deeper into redox reactions without making it too complicated. Picture a group of friends passing water balloons that have a negative charge and you are around a circle on a hot day. If someone hands you a water balloon, you have gained that the negative charge of balloon (reduction), and if you hand that balloon off to someone else, you have lost negative charge (oxidation).
Every time a water balloon leaves you, it goes to another person. There is always an exchange: you cannot have one friend lose a water balloon unless another friend is there to catch it. That is exactly how electrons move around when we talk about redox. In your body, these water balloons are electrons that carry energy from one place to another.
So why does this matter? Because the exchange of electrons is what gives you the energy to do everything from talking and reading to kicking a soccer ball. Every time you move a muscle, your cells are using energy that came from these redox exchanges.
Now, if too many electrons get lost in the wrong place, your cells can be harmed by something called oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is like having too many bursting water balloons soaking everything around them. But your body has a team of special molecules called NAD+ and NADH to handle this. They scoop up extra electrons when needed and hand them out when cells are running low. These molecules work closely together, making sure things run smoothly and you do not have water balloon chaos. You might wonder: how does all of this help you in daily life?
Well, if you know about redox, you can choose foods and activities that help your body’s balance. When you make good choices, like eating fresh fruits, veggies, and protein, plus getting proper rest, these are like giving your water balloon team the perfect tools and instructions so the balloon passing never turns into a wet and wild mess.
Little by little, the more you learn about redox, the more you realize it affects everything from how awake you feel to how quickly you recover from a cold.
NAD+ and NADH — The Electron Taxis — Your Body's Most Valuable Players
To keep things simple, think of NAD+ and NADH as a taxi service that travels around inside your cells. NAD+ is like the empty taxi, waiting for passengers, while NADH is like the taxi that is full of passengers. But who are the passengers? They are electrons, those tiny, negatively charged particles we talked about.
When NAD+ picks up electrons, it becomes NADH, fully loaded and ready to drive. Once those electrons are delivered to the right place, NADH goes back to being NAD+. This is like the taxi dropping off passengers, then returning to pick up more.
But here's something really important to understand: NAD+ isn't just any carrier molecule. It's arguably the most important carrier molecule in your entire body, and one of the most important molecules, period! It's like the MVP of your cell's energy team. In fact, having high levels of NAD+ is one of the best signs of good health that you could possibly have.
Why Is NAD+ So Incredibly Important?
NAD+ is absolutely essential for your body to make energy. Without enough NAD+, your cells can't efficiently convert the food you eat into the energy they need to function. It's like trying to run a car with barely any gas — it just won't work! Your mitochondria simply cannot make ATP without NAD+. No matter how much high-quality food you are eating, it is impossible to convert it to energy without NAD+.
While discussing the vital role of NAD+ in cellular energy production, it's interesting to consider a theoretical scenario: what if you could magically completely and instantaneously remove NAD+ from your body? If your NAD+ levels were to suddenly drop to zero, the consequences would be even more immediate and catastrophic than cyanide poisoning.
Cyanide is of the most rapidly acting poisons as it stops ATP production and causes rapid cell death, typically within minutes. NAD+ depletion, however, would have a far broader impact. NAD+ is not only essential for multiple steps in energy production — including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain — but it's also vital for DNA repair, cellular signaling, and immune function.
A sudden loss of NAD+ would be like cutting off the entire city's fuel supply and its ability to repair infrastructure, communicate, or defend itself.
Yes, NAD+ is also crucial for repairing your DNA. You can think of your DNA as the instruction manual for your body. This instruction manual gets damaged all the time, and NAD+ is essential for fixing that damage. It's like having a construction crew constantly fixing potholes in the roads, keeping everything running smoothly.
Without enough NAD+, the damage builds up, which can lead to serious problems. There are enzymes called PARPS that repair DNA and they can't work without NAD+.
NAD+ is also involved in communication within and between your cells. It helps cells talk to each other and coordinate their activities. It's like a cell phone network that allows all the different parts of your body to stay in touch. The sirtuin enzymes use NAD+ to send signals throughout the cell. Finally, NAD+ plays a role in keeping your immune system strong and healthy, helping you fight off infections and stay well.
Because NAD+ is involved in so many vital processes, having high levels of it is like having a well-oiled, finely tuned machine. It means your cells have the resources they need to produce energy, repair damage, communicate effectively, and keep you healthy. Low NAD+ is like having a low battery.
Keeping Your NAD+ Taxis Running Strong and Avoiding Reductive Stress
Without these electron taxis, your cells would not have the fuel they need to run properly. Your body becomes tired and less able to fix problems. So how do you keep those NAD+ taxis running at full capacity? One of the best ways is to avoid the things that damage your mitochondria and lead to reductive stress. Remember that traffic jam of electrons we talked about? That's reductive stress, and it's a major drain on your NAD+ levels.
When your mitochondria are damaged by things like seed oils, microplastics, EMFs, and other toxins, the complexes can't process electrons properly. The electron taxis (NADH) get stuck, unable to drop off their passengers (electrons) and turn back into empty taxis (NAD+).
When you have a lot of reductive stress, it forces NAD+ to accept electrons, turning it into NADH. But if there is nowhere for NADH to go, it can't perform its useful functions and you run low on NAD+. This is like having a whole fleet of taxis stuck in traffic, unable to pick up new passengers. To avoid this, the most important thing you can do is to avoid those mitochondrial poisons.
By treating your body kindly — sleeping well, eating balanced meals, exercising, and, most importantly, avoiding things that damage your mitochondria — you can keep this taxi service in top shape and prevent those harmful electron traffic jams. That means more energy for you to learn new things, work and play, and stay healthy for a long time to come. NAD+ is truly a superstar molecule, and keeping its levels high is one of the best things you can do for your health.
A Word About NAD+ Boosters
You might hear about fancy new supplements, like NMN or NR, that claim to boost your NAD+ levels. These are like high-tech upgrades to the taxi system. While they might offer some benefits, they are also very expensive, and scientists are still learning about how well they truly work.
The truth is, you don't need a high-tech upgrade to keep your NAD+ taxis running smoothly. A simple, much cheaper option is to make sure you have enough niacinamide, a form of vitamin B3. Niacinamide is the fuel that helps your body make its own NAD+. Taking a small amount of niacinamide a few times a day (around 50mg, three times a day is a good starting point for adults) can be a very effective way to support your NAD+ levels without breaking the bank.
It's like making sure your taxis have enough fuel to keep running efficiently, rather than buying a whole new fleet of expensive cars. The most important thing is to keep your mitochondria healthy by avoiding those harmful toxins we talked about! That is what will keep your NAD+ levels high and your cells running smoothly.
More Players in the Redox Game — A Glimpse Into the Future
We've talked about the main players in the redox game — those electron taxis (NAD+/NADH) and how important they are. But just like any good team has backup players, your body has other molecules that help with carrying electrons and keeping things balanced.
There's actually a whole team of these electron carriers, each with its own special job. We talked about the main one: the electron taxis (NAD+/NADH).
There are also helpers that build things in your body and clean up messes, like a different kind of taxi service (NADP+/NADPH) — you can think of them as specialized workers that keep your cells in good shape — and the super cleaners (GSH/GSSG), the quick responders that can recycle energy (lactate/pyruvate). There are even emergency fuel reserves (acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate).
All of these helpers are really important for keeping your redox reactions in balance. They are like the supporting cast in a play — they might not always be in the spotlight, but the show couldn't go on without them!
Now, you don't need to memorize all these names, but it's good to know they exist. These are things you might learn more about later, especially if you're interested in health and how your body works. In fact, if you ever decide to get your health tested in the future, these are some of the things you might look at to see how well your redox system is functioning.
It's like checking the oil in your car — these tests can show if your cellular engines are running smoothly, or if there might be a traffic jam forming. It is important to know that the best way to keep these players working well is to avoid the things that damage your mitochondria, like those harmful seed oils.
NADP+ and NADPH — The Builders and the Cleaners
Now let’s meet the close cousins of NAD+ and NADH, called NADP+ and NADPH. You can think of these two as a slightly different taxi company, but instead of just carrying passengers to the powerhouse, they also deliver supplies to your body’s building crew.
NADPH can carry electrons that help build important things in your body, like fats that you store for energy and hormones that help you grow. Then, once the job is done, NADPH can become NADP+ again, ready to pick up a new load of electrons.
But that is not all NADPH does. It is also part of your body’s cleaning crew. Sometimes, nasty molecules called free radicals pop up. Free radicals are like rowdy troublemakers who knock things over if left alone for too long. If these troublemakers are not kept in check, they can damage your cells.
NADPH steps in, giving electrons to special substances that neutralize the free radicals, turning them into calmer molecules that will not wreck your cell’s furniture. It is a bit like using a fire extinguisher to stop sparks from turning into a bigger fire.
Because NADP+ and NADPH do both building and cleaning, they are absolutely essential to keeping your body’s overall redox system balanced. Whenever you hear someone talk about getting enough vitamins and antioxidants, you can think of how these helpers team up with NADPH. With the right support, your body’s building projects go well, and your cleaning crew can handle any messes that arise.
When these processes work smoothly, you feel better, look healthier, and have the energy to handle all the fun and challenges life throws your way.
FAD and FADH2 — The Delivery Trucks
Next are FAD and FADH2, which you can imagine as big delivery trucks that move cargo around your body. FAD is like an empty truck, and FADH2 is the truck when it is loaded with electrons. While NAD+ and NADH are the main taxis, FAD and FADH2 help carry extra energy from important places like your food to the powerhouse in the cell.
FAD becomes FADH2 when it picks up electrons, then drives them to your mitochondria — often called the power plant of the cell because that is where most of your energy gets produced. After the delivery is done, FADH2 returns to being FAD, similar to a truck that empties its cargo and heads back for more.
You might ask, why do we need both NADH and FADH2? Think of them as two different lanes on the same highway. One lane might lead you to one part of the city, while the other lane leads you to another. Your body’s redox world is big, and there are multiple routes to deliver energy to where it needs to go. Each route is specialized for different tasks, making sure that everything is efficient. That is one of the reasons you can run fast in a soccer game or focus while reading a tough book.
FAD and FADH2 are also found inside enzymes that are part of your body’s bigger energy-making cycle. This cycle works best when you have good nutrition, enough rest, and moderate exercise. If you skip on these, your delivery trucks might slow down, leading to low energy and an imbalance in the redox system. This is yet another reason why daily choices about food and activity are so crucial. You want all your trucks on the road and ready for action, right?
GSH and GSSG — The Glutathione System
Up next, GSH and GSSG. Think of these molecules as a super cleaning solution and the dirty mop water after you have cleaned up a mess. GSH, which stands for reduced glutathione, is the cleaning solution. GSSG, which is oxidized glutathione, is what GSH becomes after it has cleaned up. Your body often uses GSH to tackle free radicals, those troublemakers that can damage cells if left unattended.
When GSH meets a free radical, it uses its electrons to calm it down. In the process, GSH gets transformed into GSSG, a bit like a mop that has soaked up all the dirt.
But do not worry — your body has a system to recycle GSSG back into GSH, so the cleaning can continue. This recycling mostly happens in your liver, which is like the big cleaning headquarters. If your liver runs low on supplies, your glutathione system might not work so well, and that means free radicals can start to run wild. That can lead to harm to cells and even more serious issues over time.
Why should you care about GSH and GSSG? Imagine never cleaning your home. Before long, you would be tripping over old mail and dirty clothes, and it would be hard to find anything. In a similar way, if your body does not stay on top of cleaning out free radicals, your cells get clogged with gunk and can’t function properly.
By knowing about glutathione, you get a peek into how your body fights off everyday stress and keeps everything running smoothly. Eating foods rich in nutrients can help your body produce more GSH, giving you a stronger cleaning crew.
Lactate and Pyruvate — The Energy Recyclers
Have you ever run really fast and felt your muscles start to burn? That burning feeling can happen when your body is making a lot of energy quickly, and it starts producing something called lactate. Lactate and pyruvate are like two sides of a coin in your body’s energy bank.
Pyruvate is created when your body breaks down sugar. When your muscles need energy super-fast — like during a sprint — pyruvate turns into lactate. This process helps keep the energy flowing even if you cannot get enough oxygen quickly enough.
Later on, when you calm down and breathe easier, lactate travels to your liver and transforms back into pyruvate. Your liver then uses pyruvate to make more glucose to keep producing energy. It is almost like the body’s own recycling center, collecting used materials (lactate) and turning them back into something useful (pyruvate or glucose). By switching between lactate and pyruvate, your cells also help balance the NAD+ and NADH system.
That is because every time pyruvate turns into lactate, NADH can let go of electrons, returning to NAD+, which is then ready to do more work.
If you had no way to recycle lactate back to pyruvate, your muscles would tire out quickly, and you would have trouble doing everyday tasks, let alone playing sports. Even though lactate can make your muscles feel a bit sore, it is a sign that your body is working hard. Once you rest and breathe deeply, your recycling system helps clear the lactate away, so you can get back to feeling normal.
This cycle shows that the body is amazingly clever at making the most of what it has, ensuring no energy goes to waste.
Acetoacetate and Beta-Hydroxybutyrate — The Emergency Fuel
Sometimes your body does not get enough sugar from food, especially if you have not eaten in a while or if you are following a low-carb diet. In these cases, your body turns to an emergency plan: it starts breaking down fat for fuel.
When fat is broken down, your liver makes molecules called ketone bodies. Two of the main four carbon ketone bodies are acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. Think of them as emergency batteries that keep your brain and muscles going when glucose, your regular battery, is in short supply.
Your liver is the only organ that can make these ketone bodies. This means your liver acts like a factory that can produce spare batteries whenever you need them. Acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate can travel to your brain, which usually loves sugar, and give it an alternative form of energy. It is as if your body says, "No sugar? No problem! We have backup fuel right here."
This can be a lifesaver when you are running low on carbohydrates. But while this strategy works well as a backup, you have to be careful not to use it long term because it can cause you to lose muscle mass. Why’s that? Because the only way it can be used is when you activate stress hormones that break down muscle protein and transform it into glucose.
Ketone bodies also affect the redox balance by helping shift NAD+ and NADH levels in your liver. If you have too many of certain byproducts hanging around, it can throw off your redox status. By making acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, your liver keeps everything in balance.
Remember, though, that this is an emergency plan, not your body’s first choice. Your body likes having enough healthy carbohydrates so it does not need to rely on ketone bodies all the time. But it is comforting to know that if you skip a meal or do not have easy access to food, your cells can switch gears and keep going with help from these amazing emergency fuels.
Putting It All Together — Your Body's Electron Dance
Throughout Part 1, we've explored the fascinating world of redox reactions — the continuous exchange of electrons that keeps your body running. We've met the key players: the electron taxis (NAD+ and NADH), the delivery trucks (FAD and FADH2), the builders and cleaners (NADP+ and NADPH), and even the emergency fuel system (acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate). Each of these molecules plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of electrons in your cells.
Remember that NAD+ is arguably the most important molecule in your body, acting like a tireless taxi service that ensures electrons get where they need to go. Without enough NAD+, your cells can't convert food into energy, repair DNA damage, or maintain proper communication.
We've learned that while expensive NAD+ boosting supplements exist, the most effective way to maintain healthy NAD+ levels is through proper niacinamide supplementation and, most importantly, protecting your mitochondria from damage.
But what exactly damages these vital cellular components? And how can we protect them? In Part 2, we'll dive deeper into understanding what happens when things go wrong with your body's electron transport system.
We’ll explore how modern industrial changes, particularly the introduction of seed oils and other toxins, can cause your cellular engines to become clogged and inefficient. Most importantly, we’ll learn practical steps you can take to keep your redox system running smoothly, ensuring your cells have the energy they need to keep you healthy and strong.
So, keep an eye out for Part 2, which will be published next week. In it, you’ll discover how to protect and optimize your body's incredible electron-handling machinery, and why loading up on antioxidants like vitamin C can do more harm than good.
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