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Sep 26, 2022
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Hey Brian, you're the first or second of the regulars from Mercola's daily newsletter I recognize here on this recent format. Perhaps others are using different names. I wonder if the people who became "friends" through that site are now not contactable. (imaginal110)

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THIS is the face of satan. WE ride with JC! Get behind me Satan!!

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We have to stop this before the end of 2022. We need to expose their names I live in Virginia Beach, VA. My stepmother works at Sentara Leigh Hospital. Her name is Shannon Sweeney, and she is corrupt as hell. She got my 21-year-old brother to take the vaccine and booster. She got my father, that has an enlarged heart, to keep taking the vaccines. She is 37, and my father is 62. She is all about the money. I hope someone takes this info and adds her name to the list. She works in the ICU at Sentara Leigh Hospital in Norfolk, VA. She knows what she is doing. She never took the vaccine, either.

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Sep 26, 2022
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You mean The Wrath of God

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Yes!!! GOD will “take care” of them in His time !!!!

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Amen my brothers and sisters in Christ! We still must stand against evil where we can! We will answer for that along with all other things.

And absolutely! His wrath will be far worse than anything perpetuated by them! 🙌🙌

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Talk about evil stepmother! Yikes! I'm so sorry for your father and brother! I pray they are healthy.

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She told my grandmother that she would die if she didn't take the vaccine. My grandmother is 84 and takes no prescription medications. The whole family wants nothing to do with me or my grandmother.

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They will when reality sets in. When more people die of the vax than have died of covid, which is happening quickly, they will. Brain washing was a tool that worked but I don't think it will work forever. Sooner or later even the hard core bought have to look around and say WTF happened?

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People never make the connection, it's shocking they will blame anything and everything but the vaccines. I have no hope for most people, they seem to be lost and incapable of intelligent, independent thought and just go along with what big pharma, the media and the US govt (aren't they actually all the same anyway?) tell them to think.

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I'm so sorry, but glad that you and your grandma have each other.

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You and your grandmother are the wise ones. I am sorry you are going through this, but this whole jab thing has changed people’s thinking and rational behavior. So many people we once thought had good common sense, no longer have it. Most of our friends have taken it and keep doing so no matter how many reactions they have. My husbands whole side of the family took them and wouldn’t listen to a word we said. We haven’t seen them in two years. I’ve accepted the fact that we may be seeing a lot of deaths in the near future, but we have nothing to feel guilty of since we tried to warn them before they injured themselves. God bless you and your grandmother!

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We can not save them All !!! It is heartbreaking but we continue on!!! And hopefully repopulate the Earth!!!

My unvaxxed nephew & his wife just had HEALTHY TWINS!!!!

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You are right! Congratulations!!!! How exciting!!!

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What a vile human she is! Hang in there Shane!!! You have us to be in community ! We cannot SAVE them all! God help us & God open their eyes to the EVIL!!!

Also go to unjected.com to interface with like minded people

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Thanks, my friend. Yeah she is evil as they come. But she has got it coming.

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We are probably on someone's radar just reading or commenting on mercolas ( brave guy, he and others like Malone who are regularly trashed professionally from eye rolls to public smears) but unless the like minded site has an incredible cyber security force it's making it easy when the time comes to round up the like minded free thinkers...hate seeing boogie men every where but they are no longer hiding from sane people....

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You’re spot on. They also want neighbor to turn each other in. Family. It’s coming. I too have brainwashed family. Our devices see, hear, record. Smart TV’s Alexa devices. On and on. Even when turned off! In concern of that I took necessary steps to have my devices as protected as possible. Basically, since then I have learned that for the largest part, nothing works except NOT using the devices.And/or unplugging from the wall! The powers that be have all manner of seeing and hearing whatever they choose and from whomever. I’ve come to the point of not caring. I have to because I absolutely refuse to live my free life in fear of evil!

I know I’ll be with our Creator in heaven when I leave here. I’m praying for all like minded people here to have souls saved by Jesus Christ! This world is temporary, with eternity in front of us! This is the most important decision of life! However, I have to wonder, isn’t there enough of this country that are like minded to stand against this evil no matter the temporary nature …..so why aren’t we?? Why aren’t we forming huge groups at state capitols with our signs, pamphlets, hanging posters, bull horns, like the evil have formed to do the same? True we are not like them!! However, in my opinion, we outnumber them and we’re not making enough noise! We can still hold our integrity above and beyond! Why are we ALL not standing? Supporting loudly the doctors, researchers, etc., that ARE being discredited, suppressed, and having their websites taken off! We’re about to lose our country! Not just for this reason. God help us!

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Because the Bible says that “they have traded the truth for a lie.”

Because 90%+ of our churches are not truly Christian. “Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction, and there are MANY who go in by it. But narrow is the gate and difficult is the path that leads to life and FEW FIND IT.” -Jesus Christ

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Your step wicked witch is exactly the reason why I have avoided anything in white coats/skirts for 30 years. These idiots also killed both of my parents, 2005 and 2011, with their money making garbage and I will never forget or forgive that. Then along came Covid and the dollar signs took over any sense of compassion or care left in the medical field. If I was a Dr. or a nurse today, I would be ashamed of myself, but sadly a paycheck is worth more than human lives in this so called "greatest health care in the world lie".

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They got my mom in 2010. I BEGGED her NOT to go and get the flu shot - she was on various meds already which I also tried to help her get away from. But she was 85 at the time and believed in the big pharma/AMA murder Inc cartel. A day later she had a stroke and almost bled out.

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I’m so incredibly sorry Cindy! I haven’t lost my mom yet, but she’s the exact same way as yours was. I begged mine not to take the jab to no avail. That age group is really the last generation to fully trust what they’ve been told by the “authorities”. We did have a world at one time that was a bit more trustable than now, tho not much! If they grew up having that mind set of authority over all, it’s a done deal pretty much. Even if you show them the proof. It’s heartbreaking. I know there’s millions of us out here that know the truth or some of it, and have family mocking or just not talking! The powers that be have done an exceptional job at dividing us. I’m heartbroken for all of us. And beyond angry!

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So sorry to hear this terrifying story! Imagine every family would disclose their stories and people would come forward with a list of names!! Thank you.

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Why on earth do they keep listening to her?! Maybe you can convince your father to write her OUT of his will since she is clearly just a gold-digger!

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She didn't make them vax. Encouraged maybe, but they volunteered. We need to stop blaming idiots for encouraging us to do bad things, and start blaming the idiots that matter -- ourselves.

Some people just don't belong here.

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True ! Unless someone held them down - they willfully sat down to take it ! My neighbor was heavily coerced into it very early on “they are not going to have enough for everyone blah blah blah” now her former migraines are through the ROOF & she’s never felt “right “ since then. She took the Moderna FEAR BAIT & immediately regretted it !! Oh, yeah & she’s had “bleeding issues” ever since !!! Her Obgyn says it’s “RARE break through bleeding on the Pill” WTF!!!

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I am so so sorry! Makes my blood boil!! I have to wish that EVERYONE that was injured by these poisons would somehow, somewhere get very public about what’s happened to them! The trick would be in getting it seen, as those demons do everything they can to suppress and discredit!

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If you have a wife that you love. Would you not believe her? She said she would divorce my father if he didn't take it or if he ever talked to me again. So, what do you call that? And when she came home for a year straight crying and telling everyone that people are dying from covid. She is very manipulative in her last relationship before my dad. She drove the man crazy to the point he blew his head off with a gun. She is a nut job. I use to work with her for years. But my father knows this and all he thinks about is that she is young. But you know it's his life.

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I am shocked; appalled, and saddened by all that you have shared Shane. It's reprehensible what your Mother in Law has done; including what she did to the poor man she was with before she met your Dad. But if your Dad is mentally stable; I would think that the MINUTE she told him that she would divorce him if he ever talked to you again, that EVERY RED FLAG would be waving wildly in his mind; and THAT would be ENOUGH for him to say, "Forget it; no matter how much I love and trust YOU; I ALSO love and trust my Daughter; and I REFUSE to be handed an ultimatum when it comes to my own flesh and blood." If you believe that she has deceived him to the point where he can no longer make rational decisions for his self; wouldn't you have good legal recourse; though I'm not sure; since I'm not a lawyer; what, specifically; it would be? At any rate, I'm VERY sorry for you and your Dad and your Grandmother for having this shrew in your lives. I pray you will find the help you need.

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My father has been that way to me my whole life. He has always thought that I was trying to break up his marriage. Never believe anything I ever said. Told me I was trash just like my mother. Him and my first step mother use to physically and mentally abuse me for 9 years. She would do it in to the morning when he went to work and when he got home. She would tell him I gave her a hard time and he would beat me. So it was a beating in the morning and evening for 9 years. I tried to tell him and he told me that I was full of shit and that all I was doing was trying to get them to divorce. But when he cheated on her with the one now that is 37-year-old. He told her he was getting a divorce because she use to beat me. Haha. Just to use me to get what he wanted.

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Gosh; that is beyond horrible Shane. Now I feel REALLY bad. What a tragedy.

Shane, I can't help you personally. But I know Someone who can.

When I was young I suffered some degree of abuse; though nothing like yours; at the hands of a few 'teachers' and other people. When I was a teenager I started drinking. I became a chain-smoking; foul-mouthed drunk. Then one day someone told me about Jesus. That He loves me; even in my low state. He died to save me; to save us all. For the first time in my life; I started to know what TRUE Love REALLY is. Not 'something' that CALLS ITSELF "love", but TRUE, SELFLESS, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

I told God I was sorry for all of my sins; I asked His Son Jesus to come into my heart; to forgive me; to wash me clean on the inside; and to live in my heart as my personal Savior and Lord; so that I could go to heaven instead of hell when I died. From that moment on; everything changed. My desire to smoke cigarettes went away. My desire to drink alcohol/to be drunk when away. My foul mouth was washed. I dressed differently. I spoke differently. I acted differently. I WAS DIFFERENT. Jesus knows your pain MORE than ANYONE ELSE; He FEELS it; and He loves you. He died to save you Shane.

If you confess to Him that you are a sinner; as EVERY human being is; and you repent for your sins; and ask Jesus to come into your heart; to wash away your sins and the guilt that can come with them; and ask Him to help you with all of the memories of things that you've done AND the horrible things that were done TO you; and to help you to FULLY forgive; He WILL enter your heart Shane; and He WILL make you NEW on the INSIDE as He did with me and with MILLIONS of others. He's waiting for you Shane; He won't reject you; He won't put you down; He will lift you up.

If you have any questions; feel free to ask. I will be getting off of here soon; but even if I get off of here before you send a reply; I will check back tomorrow to see if you did and I will answer you as soon as I possibly can.

Take care Shane. You are loved. Always.

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Thank you for the nice words. I couldn't have gotten to where I am at today if it wasn't for God. But when I got close to God and ask Him to come into my heart was about 8 years ago. When I was an engineer on a tug boat in New York. It was a very dark period in my life. I prayed and said I can't do this without Him. So, I prayed for month's end. If that job was what He wanted me to do. Long story short I couldn't leave that job without His help. I have never had a job that paid that kind of money. So, He got me off that boat and put me at Liberty University. And I have been going there ever since I have one last class to get my Master's degree in Business Administration. I would have never gotten through that if it wasn't for Him. I'm not a school-type person. So, God is very real. I would have never been able to get over what I have if it wasn't for God. It took me 15 years to get over my childhood. But, I look at it as a motivator to keep pushing forward. Thank you for being you. You have a big heart and this world needs more like you.

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Praise Him sister! I hope all of you get my message I left below despite this convo was last year! I will meet you soon and I look forward to that day! 🙌🙌💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻

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You are helping no one at all by offering your completely metaphysically baseless, therefore useless, worthless religious "solution".

It's a shame that time machines don't exist, for if they did you could transport yourself to the Dark and Middle Ages where you would feel right at home among your ignorant, uneducated, fanatically zealous ilk.

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So sorry for you.😞

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Not sure why you’re here, unless it’s to scoop up names and scout out what’s being said, but your comments are rude, uncalled for and ignorant and I will pray for you. Once someone’s heart has been hardened, they cannot always see and hear truth anymore.

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Love my wife dearly, but she's wrong a lot. I believe she believes what she says but try to correct her diplomatically when shes wrong, emphatically if its important, or not at all if it's unimportant. She used to threaten divorce occasionally, I gave her space until it passed. Divorce rates are high because most people don't want to submit to destructive partners. Those who so easily acquiesce to tyranny need therapy more than their tyrant.

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This is a Communist FEAR Campaign. People who have God in the hearts will not let MAN rule their decisions, but rather God. People need to reach out to the Holy Spirit as mentioned in the bible for guidance. I am willing to tell people not to take the shot because “it is a human experiment that can be deadly”, and let it be their decision.

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Oh My. I’m so incredibly sorry! You’re right! She’s nuts and needs to be in an institution or better yet prison for life! How it’s going anymore tho, she wouldn’t be in for long!!🙄😡 My 82 year old mother refuses to listen to me. We’ve gotten into such hard core verbal arguments that I gave up! Not to mention it was very bad on my blood pressure I’d get so angry! She’s never going to change her mind no matter the proof. She and those like her believe it’s US being deceived. Eventually they MIGHT see, unfortunately too late. 😞

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I don’t understand why these replies aren’t ending up in the proper places. This is for Shane 🤦‍♀️

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Everyone's all about the money, that's largely what has kept this going.

Worship of mammon. We gave up on God. We've made our choice and our bed as a society.

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We make choices every day, often bad. All the way back to Adam and Eve. Seems to be our nature.

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Well, it is, but as you say, they're CHOICES. Much like the people wanted a king and God gave them Saul, distraught at their lack of faith in Him. They paid a price for THEIR choice.

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Sorry she’s a demon of deceit !!! Pray for protection for your dad & brother ! God will “take care of” her in his way !

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Does your dad know she hasn’t taken the jabs? As she’s a nurse, I’m surprised she didn’t have to. Anyway, I’m sorry you are dealing with this evil wench. 🙏🏼

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The Marik interview with Kirsch this weekend describes the enormous pressure the medical staff are under. Lots of blame to go around.

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my word... would love a link or platform where this happened...

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Stevekirsch.substack.com. Busy site, daily posts, hundreds of comments.

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He has no idea. He just does what he is told it's sad. She knows the board that runs Sentara.

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Horrible Horrible, I believe you, very scary!

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Oh please Lord, have mercy!

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There are consequences when man plays God!

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For sure. See Babylon, in the Bible! To bad we can't learn from past mistakes but just bent on repeating them. Unfortunately the outcome will be the same.

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If you really want to get creeped out, Epoch times has posted a documentary “Under the Skin” as of Sept 23rd. Find time to watch as this shows many of the mRNA shot issues were already at play with Gardisil, say for the past 15 years(?). These new mRNA shots moved way past those outlined issues into Sudden Death. Unbridled capitalism on show around the world, numerous experts interviewed in 2017 or so, have been pushed out of their positions by wealthy Pharma takeovers or Pharma-university support- these corporations poison university science as well as humanity with their search for ever increasing money and power. Education and comprehension are important first steps to counter their financial and health-and now life-destroying attacks. Aha! Here’s a link to the Epoch Times cinema showing of “Under the Skin” - https://www.theepochtimes.com/under-the-skin-documentary_4736070.html

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Also, if you have not already, please read "The Real Anthony Fauci; Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the war on Democracy and Public Health by Robert Kennedy Jr.

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Sorry, but this is not “unbridled capitalism”. Under unbridled capitalism, pharma would not have a monopoly on health care. You might call this “unbridled state socialism” = naziism.

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perfectly said karen!!

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National socialists would never do this. Watch (and download) "Europa the last battle" and "The greatest story never told" on bitchute while you can.

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Must be a paid subscriber to view.

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I was also able to download it with RealPlayer.

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My neighbors grand daughter took the Gardisal poison & was left paralyzed on her left side. She still does not have a moment in her left arm !!! he reached out to me. He knew I was a freedom fighter and asked about how to get out of all vaccines especially Covid. I told him get the hell out of California.

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Aluminium is especially dangerous in nano-particle form, which is the form used in vaccines, as are other nano-particles, and the latest fad, using [known to be very toxic] experimental synthetic lipids, rGO, etc. All vaccines are worse than useless disease preventers, so all vaccination is frankly evil. Any staff who injected any vaccine without [full-informed] consent, which is highly doubtful for most/all vaccines, should be sent to the gallows or other execution site! "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" (corrected); medical staff have a duty of care to know [exactly] what they intend to inject, and if they can't find out, they shouldn't be injecting it, even if it costs them their jobs!"

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Interesting that you say that. I've been wondering throughout this how much God will actually tolerate before He pulls the plug. At this rate it won't be much longer before most people are transhuman. As I see it, we're now in the phase of Rev. 20:7-9 whereby the camp of the saints is presently being surrounded. Satanism and the occult are wide out in the open now along with their sacrifices, etc. It's an interesting time to be in to be sure.

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We haven’t entered the tribulation yet. It opens, (chapter 4) with the One World Govt leader, the AC, who has a bow and no arrows…meaning he puts a stop to a war by bringing a false peace. There are no 144,000 Jewish witnesses who will evangelize the world…none of the plagues have come yet (destruction of all grass, fresh water, sunlight blocked, demon swarms, the 666 mark required in the hand or forehead, the heat of the sun once the ozone layer is gone, the total plunging into darkness… seal judgments, trumpet judgments and bowl judgments.) Revelation 20 is the 3rd phase just before the return of Christ. We are poised before the rapture of the true remnant. That’s where we are today. And when that last person accepts Christ, up we go. “For God has not appointed us to wrath,” (1Thess 5:9) and we are to be looking not for judgment, with the rest of the world, but “looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” (Titus) He will meet us in the clouds, (1Thess 4:16-18) not returning to earth until the tribulation is over. (Rev 19:11-16) That is the moment every eye will see Him.

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Do people really think they can just have yearly 'shots' that will stop them ever getting sick and will somehow miraculously make everything OK, where they get to live to 93 with no complications?!

Oh wait. Yeah, they do think this. Most have never studied biology and will believe ANYTHING and most of the others that have studied biology seem to have no brains left. Maybe Disney has been around too long and people think it's super easy to get your Happily Ever After: "Just take this shot and you'll never be sick again!"

It does not work this way, it has never worked this way and it will never work this way! What is WRONG with people?!?!?!

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Kind of like how they think Chemo and radiation for cancer, that destroys all the also good cells will somehow be beneficial to an already struggling body. Good plan. Destroy cancer cells (maybe) and destroy everything left in the body that is trying to fight the "disease". Cancer isn't the disease. It's a symptom that something is wrong in the body and God forbid you try to find the wrong! Cancer will never be cured. It's worth way to much money! Ask the ACS. Ask Susan Koman. Ask Big pharma. Then look at their financials. Be careful where you waste your money!

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Sep 26, 2022
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Yeah - but at least Pasteur supposedly figured it out on his deathbed. Most jabbed people are going to die COMPLETELY UNAWARE.

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I have similar thoughts about the microbe theory you mentioned. Have you read about the GAPS (Gut and Physiology Syndrome) protocol by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride? She presents some very valid points regarding the gut being the root cause for many diseases.

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Agreed!! I never want Chemo. Ever. It should be the last thing anyone wants when they have 'cancer'. Instead of saying to the newly informed cancer patient: "You need to restructure your life big time!" they are told "Just have this chemo then keep doing what you were doing in life" (except what they were doing in life probably caused this cancer in the first place...).

Humans really do win first prize in the Idiocy contest!! :-D

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Sep 26, 2022
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Oh that's a great saying! I had to look it up - supposedly it's from Paramahansa Yogananda (he founded Self Realization Fellowship). Hilariously I used to go to SRF as a kid, along with my Mum! I never heard that saying in all the teachings, though, or perhaps I just wasn't paying enough attention ;-)

But most people have absolutely NO idea just how big a role diet plays in their health...until they CHANGE their diet (usually because they're on the brink of bodily disaster!). Most people think they eat OK, and why would they need to go gluten-free, or dairy-free, or sugar-free, or caffeine-free, or alcohol-free?

We're a bunch of hedonists!

Although in Yogananda's case, he WAS a bit corpulent. Bit of the old pot calling the kettle black there. I think lack of exercise may have been an issue for him!

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What a great saying! So true. Read Dr. M’s book “Fat For Fuel”. !!!

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Exactly! I canceled my way expensive health insurance that does nothing to prevent disease nor treat it in any way that I won't reject. Any treatment for likely not possible future diseases that I would accept is not covered. Instead of that Obamanation erroneously called health care, I use the money I save to eat healthily and stock up on multiple lifetimes (preparedness for The Great Collapse and I can share) worth of the best of supplements and much more. Besides, prevention is infinitely better than "manage the symptoms," the crazy, yet profitable standard of the pharmaceutical businesses. Entering the harsh times to come with the best health and fitness we can manage is a powerful preparedness choice particularly with a future of a nonfunctional society and economy which includes no hospitals nor facilities except for what we can manage with our preparedness. I puzzle my dentist by insisting upon replacement of what he terms perfectly good fillings that have a few more years of life and suggest I want all dental work to last a hundred years! It would be wise to include doctors as valuable members and assets in your preparedness groups and protect them.

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Look into Zion Health, a biblically based medshare plan. That’s what I have. Very affordable.

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I believe I understand a most likely cancer cure. But I'm not a practitioner nor a researcher, so I invite anyone who is to work with me to try it on someone with cancer who is willing. Let's see how many times the medical establishment will dismiss it as unexplained "spontaneous remission!" What I have to suggest is tested and proven to do no harm, so there is nothing to lose in trying. I will do my part at no cost. RonaldHLevine4548@yahoo.com

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The best chances of killing cancer cells have been suppressed for years, so many lives could have been saved.

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And wear that mask. Social distance. I swear this virus is the most obedient one known to man. The mask for a virus is like putting up a chain link fence to stop mosquito. 6 ft distance? when the virus can easily travel 30+ ft in a cough or a sneeze. And those ridiculous plastic shields installed at grocery stores and restaurants. Sit down can eat, stand up and run for your life! Who trained these viruses to STOP at the edge of a 4 ft. wall? Gates? Schwab? Joe? Soros? Fraud Fauci? MSM? (probably) What the hello happened to just plain common sense? Brains? Guess they no longer exist in the DoJo called "reality" I guess we all need to strap on our Meta Verse glasses and own nothing and be happy.

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Sep 26, 2022
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You have to train it! SIT! STAY!

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Ha ha yes, 'common' (or should we say UNcommon) sense indeed. It's the most silly phrase in some ways! :-D I think it was more relating to what the 'common' people would do, because even back Then (insert whatever timeframe in human history you want, here), the rich people were stupid.

As soon as people have hired help, they really limit their thinking for themselves and lateral/practical thinking goes out the window. Just think: how many people don't know how to find North....unless they have their phones? Or don't know how to drive somewhere without their GPS directing them?

I know that one's reality IS one's emotional reality, but it seems that most people have a very warped sense of what could possibly even have the faintest sniff of being true these days. Makes me wonder how sane their brains are to be honest...

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more build back bullshit… just say NO.

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I deeply wished it was just a shit from a bull, it's way more than that:( IN fact it goes so deep, that it can take ones breath away.

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Right! The shit we are knee deep in didn't come from a bull it came from Satan himself. Google Earth should show Washington DC as this great big pile of brown stinky stuff! and not a cow in site., just some red (joes recent backdrop) horns.

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6uild 6ack 6etter.

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PERFECT! Satan is alive and well and taking out as many as he can. Pity the fools that bought this. I do.

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And i thought Dr. Frankenstein was just a Bollywood movie. Little did I know I would live in it.

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Welcome to the party pal !!!! Bannons warroom report this last week !!! Follow joe Alan on GETTR he has all the facts !!! Peace out patriots 🇺🇸

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Follow Glenn Beck and Blaze TV - they cover everything, and they don't mince words!

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I also like Brannon Howse and Stew Peters on Lindell TV. Stew is a human pit bull!

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Peters is a shill.

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Agree 100%

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Beck is just another shill.

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Agree 100%

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Bannon is just a shill. Controlled Opposition, just like Fox News. I know it's hard to believe but it's true.

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Agree 100%

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We are under attack on all fronts.

Medical care

Food supplies

Water infrastructure and sanitation

Housing and shelter


Electrical grids

Social unrest. You name it.

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What could go wrong! It doesn't matter to those who sanction, vote for and otherwise participate in murder of millions of babies and experiment on the world population with biological warfare including directly injecting it and claim it is good to reduce population they think of as a blight and cancer to Gaia Earth. Now their illegitimate, fraudulently ballot counted occupiers of the executive branch and cohorts sanction abominations to our Creator with corruption of genetic codes of His design making our times "as in the days of Noah" with the flood destroying all except uncorrupted animals chosen to board the Ark "two by two" with Noah and his family.

Edit: Jeff Paulsen does a fine job in further elaborating on that in his comment here in comments.

From my preparedness perspective, I expect consistency from our Creator. I fight losing my EXCEPTIONAL Nation, given by miracles from our Creator, with political activism against impossibilities with me seeing miracles from our Creator repeatedly overcoming impossible. That tells me a lot including the lesson to do what is right regardless of impossibility of success and choose sides in the battle of good and evil. George Mason warned abominations to our Creator sanctioned by our Nation will, he feared, result in losing the blessings and protections of our Nation. Again, from my preparedness perspective, I pray I and my future family (when the special one for me finds me) are to be of the remnant to be spared. As much as I am blessed with phenomenal health and fitness far greater than I've ever seen in anyone, I realize my part is extraordinary preparedness and still I expect it to be insufficient for the harsh times to come except for my gratitude and prayers to my Creator for his miracles and protections from my Creator to continue.


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Thank You Dr. Mercola for posting this and few new points to me! All my posts are related to Spike's bioinformatics and most recent one touching exactly the same:


from different point of view.. I think the more people write about this 'criminal project' and put their resources together the better we all understand the details.. All the rest is at:


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“20 new gene therapies since 2021” … who has the patents ?

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Transhumanism, genetic manipulation, in Biblical times before Noah angels that were cast down out of heaven had sexual intercourse with females and produced giants that were known as the Nephilim. This is upsetting God the Father as this is messing with his creation and can only end in destruction. Don’t give in to this!

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And people fear Sasquatch and never heard or witnessed one in the backyard or the interstate off ramp

My phuckin word the stoopidity so rampant in these conversations

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since the first 'version' of the SARS-CoV-2, means one Spike protein, and that implies one universal Spike gene for every human on this planet.... New variant, new booster, more of almost the same genetic stuff to increase the probability to cross the stem cells and 'finish' the reprogramming. How many identical humans did we have so far? Not even twins are completely 'equal' in their physiology due to epigenetics. But now with the lowered biodiversity in the animal and plant kingdoms, the same pool of countless chemicals, the factory for a universal future, seems to be set.

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We are fast approaching the Rapture.

Prophecy right on track.

God is going to put a stop to this very soon.

Satan is running the world today.

The Anti-Christ will soon be revealed to the world.

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What if that collection of books is missing information and the information contained within it is mauled?

Ever heard of anything like that?

Try being one with what is in perpetuity then no stories and no books required :: chains upon mind release brainfree

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