Above all, young people are going to be the most monitored. damaged by 5G radiation, in addition to being subjected to the damage of biological weapons against COVID-19, knowing that their risk is almost zero except for previous pathologies. So we have several problems in the domain of the mind due to the subjugation of these devices by artificial intelligence.

The domination of the mind will now be total by the algorithms created on mobile phones by the G20 passports, and by the slavery of people to the mobile phone. A study led by Dr. Nancy Etcoff, an expert in Mind-Brain Behavior and the Science of Happiness at Harvard University, revealed that many users prefer to use their phone than interact with their loved ones. Alarming results are found in younger generations who have grown up in a digital world, as they are more likely to adopt problematic behaviors

A symptom of dependency is always placing the phone in sight, during meetings with family or friends, during meals or during leisure time. Taking advantage of every pause to look at the phone, unable to live without interruptions to check the screen. It is important to reeducate our circle of friends and loved ones, to talk to them about the issue created by passports. Detoxifying cell phone dependency will enhance relationships and encounters and avoid total control by G20 passports.

Much should be made people aware, especially young people about the use of mobile phones

According to Statista, the current number of smartphone users in the world today is 6.648 billion, meaning 83.07% of the world's population owns a smartphone. This figure is up considerably from 2016, when there were only 3.668 billion users, 49.40% of that year's global population.


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Smartphones can put us into a trance by stimulating the TPJ area of the brain with a magnetic field:


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