OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!EMF-Radio Frequency RADIATION..... Radiation is the KEY WORD.....ALL Radation will kill something.....proven a billion times over.....Sunlight is a Radiation....at around 4–7 terahertz is the frequency of sunlight........and your eyes can actually see an EMF or a Radio Frequency RADIATION....well ya can see it reflect from things.....like green leaves on a tree.......but even that frequency will kill something....as In want something clean? set it in direst sunlight.......kills off some bacteria, some moulds , some fungus....Sunburn is a RADIATION Burn....

Thank You Dr Mercola for running this article

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Oh the World has had the RF Spectrum 'mapped' for a century or two.........JC Bose in India experimented with RF Radiation on Plants in the 1890s on frequencies as high as 6 gigahertz....and published his findings >> https://www.gutenberg.org/files/18986/18986-h/18986-h.htm << Nikita Tesla , Hertz and many more were well into EMF effects on living matter...it was a well established fact.....until these facts were 'evaporated' from the educational world..today few have any knowledge as to how dangerous they are....

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But some are 'Waking Up'........maybe...but when the world finally sees the facts are real..most this earth will be so irritated....it will be like living in a microwave oven....

But underground will be a heaven...and there are millions of underground cities and communities ....most cities have one or more...there are thousand of miles of underground tunnels....even a few under the SouthWall(pole) .....LOL....but The fucked up education system still pukes out the Outterspace bullshit.and the Spinning Ball garbage to all school kids ....every class has a silly "Globe Earth" ball....its been programmed into every kid for centuries.....with garbage like 'StarTrac' with a Jew as THE Savior... 'Spok' Flying thru some imaginary 'Universe'at some 'warp speed'..........yeah the brain washing goes DEEP ...

...................."Hurry Up McCoy.....beam my Jew ass up".........

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Now we have LIAR NASA....puking out MORE trash........., mars Lander...Moon walk........darkside of 'Da Moon' ............with 'real Pictures and videos; of waitless clowns with crap 'floating around' in a waitless 'space......while a full glass of water sitting on the counter......yawn....with her Hair a pufffed out with about 5 cans of Hairspray.....LOL......how much pure bullshit can people eat before they see hiw fake this entire NASA LIE is.....?????????? "Oh Dats Ok......just Roll Up Dem sleeves"

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No mention of vaccines? Puzzling!

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You blocked me from posting on your emails why don't you allow Free Speech this is America? I said a few Bible verses like Satan comes first as Jesus Christ pretending to be God as Paul teaches in second Thessalonians 2 verses 1 through 4 in the KJV Bible.

Do you have any documentation on all the DNA from aborted fetuses they're putting in food?


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