You along with 99%^ the USA Know is what someone TOLD You to KNOW!!!!!!!!!!! Either da TV or Censored Internet or the Newspapers .and who own these "Mass Information Machinery?' da Jews.

Who owns the US Government? 89% are JEWS. ...Who owned DARPA....??? which is worldwide......Masons-Jesuits-Jews.....and DARPA is the brains and has endless $$$ and control everything from Walmart to YOU and the Boards of education US_Canada and most the rest of the world......look it up for yourself >> https://www.darpa.mil/ <<< https://search.darpa.mil/?query=education%20hs&page=1&pagesize=10&f.FileType.size=10&f.Offices.size=10&f.Topic.size=10&f.TypeOfContent.size=10&facet=true&facet.field=Offices&facet.field=FileType&facet.field=TypeOfContent&facet.field=Topic&predictResultSize=3&predictSearch=false&relatedQuery=false&topQuery=false&tune=true&tune.0=5&tune.1=3&tune.2=2&tune.3=5&tune.4=180&tune.5=10&tune.6=10&xsl=json

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Just ask DARPA . Open this page >> https://www.darpa.mil/ << then click on the Magnifier symbol and the search window opens.....just type in what you want to see example type in "5G" or ;'FDA' or NASA or universities in China anything you want to see and read about

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