An extraordinary and much needed organization founded by Laura Bartlett and Greta Crawford and great insight from Dr. Mercola. It will surely save many lives and damage to defenseless patients in the face of misinformation and corruption in hospitals. One of the basic tenets of modern medicine is the right to informed consent, but this disappeared as C-19 gripped the world and vaccine companies saw huge opportunities for profit.

There has been widespread deception by governments, public health officials, social media platforms and the media, with people losing liberties at every turn for failing to comply with mask and vaccination mandates or just express your opinions about the situation.

This is the subject of the documentary called Uninformed Consent. The film promises an in-depth look at the narrative surrounding COVID-19. It explores not only who controls it, but also how it has been used to inject nearly everyone on Earth with new and untested technology.

It is a sobering look at the destruction of human rights, not just on a larger scale but on a more personal level through the story of the devastating loss of one person, a story too many people can relate to these days.

The film also features commentary from doctors and scientists who were brave enough to take a stand and speak out against Big Pharma and other elites who are profiting from global vaccine mandates.


Scott Schara, the father of a 19-year-old girl with Down syndrome who died from hospital neglect, said the world is at the beginning of a holocaust and hospitals are being used to implement it. "Doctors and nurses in hospitals receive immunity from liability for killing people which continued along with the bonuses they pay hospitals for following these agendas that literally murder people," Schara told host Sean Turnbull during his recent guest appearance on the "SGT Report."

Since the death of his daughter, Schara has delved into investigations into the real reasons why gross negligence occurred in hospitals. It was also important to note that Grace did not have an advocate for 44 hours because Schara was removed from St. Elizabeth's Hospital for questioning protocols. According to Schara, the hospital received a $7,500 bonus for listing that as the number one cause of death. The hospital also ordered Grace to use the ventilator, but the family refused. The Scharas later discovered that using a ventilator would have earned the hospital up to $300,000.

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/789588/ (2022)


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I have been trying to figure this out on my own and I cannot TELL you how GRATEFUL I am for this story, the organization, and the resources. I agree - spread this far and wide.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr. Mercola, Greta and Laura!!! This is brilliant and belongs in the safe with my Health and Life Insurance records. I will also create a separate file in my camera pictures so I always have it with me after I get notirized. This is brilliant! I have just filled mine out and will send and encourage my family and friends to do the same and follow the thorough and easy to follow directions.

I will still try to stay out of the hospital if at all possible.

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So we have to pay Mercola money to get a peek of this form?

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My thought exactly

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Go to the free websites.

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As Dr. Mercola stated.... documents are FREE at OurPatientRights.com

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