Biodynamic agriculture, from the Greek bios (life) and dynamis (strength), is a holistic, ecological and ethical approach, based on the theories of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) and his anthroposophy that aspires to a harmonious relationship between man and the earth. In 1924, a group of farmers in central Europe asked Rudolf Steiner for an alternative vision of agriculture, which was his true passion. Steiner presented a series of lectures and insisted that “modern” agriculture might be profitable in the short term, but would have dire consequences for the health of humans, plants, and animals in the long run.

Hilleby Kops, pioneer of biodynamics in Gran Canaria, began practicing it in the 80s. She was the driving force behind the creation of the Biodynamics Society in Spain.

Heraclitus already said it, “nature loves to hide” but what has to come to light, will not fail to do so. Biodynamic farming is a sustainable way to grow quality, tasty food and gives back more to the earth than you take from it.

The preparations are the main difference between so-called organic farming and biodynamic farming, but Hilleby emphasizes that biodynamic products, being in line with the cosmos, also provide man with great vigor and strength that comes directly from nature. Food grown in this way is logically superior in contributions.

One of Hilleby's sons, Ricardo Betancor, highlights the difference in the way of thinking of an organic farmer and a biodynamic one. The first one thinks, I'm going to feed the plant with natural resources and means. The second, let's see how I get the earth to be alive.

Hilleby Kops says “Making there enough bacteriological, microbial, etc. life is the main goal of a biodynamic, so that the earth can release all the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which there are in tons. “This way the plant will take a food that it will assimilate much better.”

DEMETER Spain also celebrates this year, 2024, 100 years of the global contribution of biodynamic agriculture to environmental and social sustainability. Biodynamic farming contributes to society in many ways by improving soil fertility, promoting biodiversity, preserving our environment and much more. It all started in 1924, when a group of farmers noticed an increase in diseases and a decrease in resilience in both animals and plants. All this experience led to the creation of the Demeter brand and the first Demeter standards in 1928. From that moment on, the movement continued to grow and in the last decade alone biodynamic hectares have increased by 57%, reaching 255,000 hectares in 2022. cared for. by more than 7,000 farmers around the world.

https://demeter.net/about/100-years/ (2024).---


https://demeter.net/biodynamics/ (2024).---


https://demeter.net/regenerative-self-sufficient/ (2023).--

TAKE ACTION AGAINST THE RENEWAL OF GLYPHOSATE. Open Letter to the President of the European Commission

https://demeter.net/take-action-against-renewal-glyphosate/ (2023).---

KEEP GM FOOD REGULATED AND LABELED. Tell our politicians to maintain our freedom of choice!

https://demeter.net/keep-new-gm-food-regulated-and-labelled/ (2023).---

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The bible said we should till the land. That was one of the judgements for the fall of man when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. We are all from Adam, even Eve.

The problem isn't the tilling, it's not following the other biblical precepts such as giving the land sabbatical rest every 7th year. And mans invention of dams was another attempt to escape God's judgement to the wicked. If we seek the Lord with all our hearts He promised to bless us with rain. Dams prevent replenishing the land with minerals.

Every agricultural invention whose intention was to negate the judgement God has backfired spectacularly leading us to the toxic, nutrient depleted food supply we have today.

Edit: I should add that the invention of pesticides was to escape God's judgement of pestilence. If we walk in the light of God's word and submit to his authority, God promises to bless us with rain and no pestilence. So unbelievers sought to escape pestilence which they see as a mistake or a product of evolution by targeting them for destruction. This brings the judgement of 'he who rolls a stone, it shall return upon him.'

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