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Gates is a completely evil person who has dedicated a substantial portion of his life to making other people's lives hell. He tells his fraudulent partners during the pandemic that they are going to do this whole charade again.

Mass murderers feel obligated to warn their victims about their intentions like “Event 201” and the long list of military, academics, NGOs and philanthropists who contribute to the numerous pandemic simulations in the US. Will never go back to the old normal

The WHO has warned that H5N1, a particular strain of the bird flu virus, remains a major pandemic threat. Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said I think the great pandemic will be a bird flu pandemic for man. It will have a significant mortality in the range of 10 to 50%. I consider Covid a minor pandemic, the great pandemic is already coming.

https://winepressnews.com/2023/05/19/former-cdc-director-robert-redfield-says-for-the-second-time-that-bird-flu-will-be-the-next-great- pandemic/ (2023).--

But what is behind these statements?

Two main objectives of this new pandemic: vaccines and stopping eating meat.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) sent a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack last week demanding information about his spending on "dangerous bird flu experiments," which she says involve a "dangerous flu virus." highly pathogenic avian influenza. One of the researchers who is part of the project through the Chinese Academy of Sciences is Wenjun Liu, who, according to Ernst, is affiliated with a pathogen laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the pandemic is believed to have originated. of COVID-19. These experiments were a violation of federal policies related to gain-of-function research.

https://100percentfedup.com/usda-spends-1-million-taxpayer-dollars-on-dangerous-bird-flu-experiments-in-project-with-chinese-scientists-report-claims/ (2024).--

This “next pandemic” will be used to get the masses to stop eating meat, initiating mass slaughter on farms across Western nations; clamp down on small independent farmers who do not pasteurize milk, for example; remove meat and dairy products from store shelves; and all kinds of taxes and stipulations in its acquisition.

South Africa has had to cull around 7.5 million chickens to contain dozens of outbreaks caused by two different strains of avian influenza

Dr. Lee Merritt explains to Brannon Howse that the H5N1 bird flu outbreak is actually an attack on the food supply.


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/south-africa-7-5-million-chickens-culled-in-effort-to-contain-bird-flu-outbreaks/ar-AA1hG976 ( 2024).--

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