Contamination of the blood of people and animals by “vaccines” that is transmitted through blood donations, meat and air. Humanity faces a great threat that will cause illness and death for the glory and benefit of the pharmaceutical industry and government institutions.

Japanese researchers published a pre-print article warning of the risks associated with using blood from Covid-vaccinated people for blood transfusions and calling on medical professionals to be aware of these risks.

Many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines – such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as a drug delivery system – have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of vaccines. variety of diseases that affect all organs and systems, including the nervous system.---In connection with Dr. Mercola:

1) Spike protein contamination.---

2) . Contamination with amyloid aggregates and microthrombi formed by spike proteins.--

3) 3. Events attributable to a decrease in the donor's immune system and immune abnormalities due to immune imprinting or class change to IgG4, etc., resulting from multiple doses of genetic vaccines..--

4) 4. Lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”) and pseudouridinated mRNA (mRNA vaccines only)

5) 5. Contamination with aggregated red blood cells or platelets.--

6) 6. Memory B cells that produce IgG4 and IgG4 produced from them..--

The authors called for the vaccination campaign with genetic vaccines to be suspended and for a harm-benefit assessment to be carried out as soon as possible.

Remember that 70% of embalmers report encountering rare blood clots as of mid-2021. Acute onset problems in young children. Funeral directors and embalmers in the US and UK have gone public with shocking descriptions of highly unusual blood clots in up to 85% of the bodies in their care, a “massive increase” compared to the time before the COVID-19 vaccine, when it was normal Clots can be found in 5% to 10% of those who die.

A case report from Germany presenting autopsy results of a man who died after receiving three doses of the "gene-based" COVID-19 vaccine (one AstraZeneca, two Pfizer) over a seven-month period clearly revealed The presence of the spike protein in both the brain and the heart, and particularly in the cells of small blood vessels, is conclusive in the COVID-19 vaccine.

Rampant clotting and the disturbing science fiction appearance of clots – “long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery,” which Hirschman compares to squid, rubber bands, spaghetti, worms or parasites – are just some of the concerns that raise questions. on the safety of the blood supply.

The FDA, which oversees vaccines, accepts immediate donations from anyone who has received one of the mRNA or other types of COVID. -19 vaccines available in the US, as long as the person says they “have no symptoms and feel well.”

https://expose-news.com/2024/03/19/risks-of-blood-transfusions-from-vaccinated/ (2024).--

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/blood-clots-embalmers-report-mid-2021-covid-vaccines/ (2024).--

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/ (2022).--

https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-meat-supply-may-soon-widely-contaminated-mrna-proteins-from-biotech-vaccines/5804980 (2023).--

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May 27·edited May 27

It took them this long to figure it out? We've known since 2014 from the brilliant work of Dr. Judy A. Mikovits that the blood supply was heavily contaminated with HIV and other nasty retroviruses. And we knew what contaminated it! Thankfully she found a company who could clean that up using ultraviolet light. However, the stuff that's in the COVID jabs isn't just biological agents. Ultraviolet light cannot remove the metals and the polymers.

We heard alarm bells about the COVID vaccinated blood before they rolled out the EU products to the public. But no one listened...

I'm disappointed in the Japanese. It took them this long to see the obvious? They knew back in 2021 that the "vaccine" spread to every organ in the body.

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