It's God's judgement on America. He's only warming up. The grand finale for the U.S.A., aka the Eagle in bible prophecy will be to burn it by fire by the Bear 'Russia' whom Joe Biden is poking.

The last nation standing before the end will be the Dragon, China. At that time persecution of the saints will be the worst the world has ever seen prompting Jesus to ask, will I find faith when I return?

So, why is our nation being judged? Idolatry. What's that? It's anything you're passionate about, anything you like more than God, which brings us back to the number one commandment that sums up all the law: to love the Lord your God with all your mind, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.

God created the U.S.A. to bring in the fullness of the Gentiles. Is anyone being saved today? If not then the end is nigh.

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we also have the fake milk which was next on the agenda. Synthetic biology or synbio (precision fermentation) genetically modifies yeast, fungi, algae or bacteria to produce animal proteins that are then “fermented” in vats or “bioreactors,” and the resulting “milk” claims to contain “proteins identical to those They are found in cow's milk." However, when John Fagan, Ph.D., of the Health Research Institute, conducted an analysis comparing cow's milk to synthetic milk, he found that the amino acid composition of a whey protein was 57% different from cow's milk and the second was 46% different. Synbio milk contained 92 small molecules that have never been part of the human diet and whose identity is totally unknown to science.

If growing meat and milk in laboratories is problematic, the techno-food sector aims to invent even less realistic products. Investors have donated $3.5 million to Biomilq, a company that claims it can produce lab-grown human breast milk. Technofoods show that everything imaginable is not necessarily achievable. It is being shown that food production should return to the land. The Rodale Institute has shown that if global crops and pastures were managed according to regenerative systems, CO2 could be stored in soils.

An organic food supply would greatly improve human health and the viability of global health systems, while avoiding centralization and corporate control of food production. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/techno-foods-tech-entrepreneurs-richer/  (06/06/2024).— In connection with today's second report. GROWING EVIDENCE THAT PESTICIDES ARE LINKED TO PARKINSON’S DISEASE Inhabitants of areas with higher use of atrazine, lindane, and simazine were 25 percent to 36 percent more likely to develop Parkinson's, a new study shows. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/growing-evidence-that-pesticides-are-linked-to-parkinsons-disease-5600092  (03/05/2024)

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the Pennsylvania government's legal crusade against Amish farmer Amos Miller, who has been under attack for years because he grows, produces and sells food to the public outside the matrix of government control. Attorney Robert Barnes of Barnes Law LLP shared an update on a government. -Approved facility of the type managed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). If a farmer somehow defies this by producing food without government approval, as is the case with Miller, then said food can be destroyed at will by the government, according to the government. See for yourself in the legal report Barnes shared what PA Agriculture says about who is "allowed" to produce food in America and who is not (i.e., unapproved Amish farmers like Miller who sell, gasp, raw, unpasteurized milk). https://x.com/barnes_law/status/1762203802093121631  .-- https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/post/5309392/amos-miller-defense-brief  .--

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people like Will Harris and Shiva deserve our gratitude for standing up for healthy eating, animal welfare and nature. In a recent interview, Vandana Shiva said, authentic yields are achieved by traditional farms like the ones she promotes as the founder of Navdanya, a non-governmental organization that promotes biodiversity conservation, organic farming and farmers' rights, and which has trained more than a million farmers in food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture over the last two decades. “While industrial farms consume ten polluting units to produce one unit of food, in ours nothing is lost because, just like in nature, everything works in cycles and everything is used,” she explains.

In this dialogue with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Shiva says: Agroecology, sustainable agriculture that works with nature, instead of depleting it, is the solution to hunger, poverty. “Ecological farmers, regenerative farmers must unite to anyone who is on earth, because anyone who is on earth can start taking care of the earth and not participate in destructive war activities.” "In a crumbling world where there are 'cost of living marches' everywhere," where people can't pay for food and rent, "BlackRocks and Vanguards and asset management firms" seek to control $4 trillion of dollars in financial assets.

People must send the message that “our world is not for sale,” he said. Shiva and Kennedy also discussed how agroecology produces more nutritious food than a “One Ag” monoculture design. “Our work shows that the more biodiversity is enriched, biodiversity is intensified rather than toxics and chemicals.” You actually have more nutrition,” he said. https://www.globalresearch.ca/nature-not-sale-vandana-shiva-tells-rfk-jr/5791064  (08/22/2022) Vandana Shiva: I think our job, Dr. Mercola, is that an extinction is occurring. They call it the sixth mass extinction. Most people think the sixth mass extinction is about other species.

They don't realize that much of humanity is being pushed to extinction. Independent science, good healthy knowledge. That food is health, as Hippocrates said. Indigenous learning systems, ecological agriculture, small farmers. In Bill Gates' design, everything that makes life, life, that makes society, society, that makes the community, the community, that makes healthy beings, he would like to take this to extinction because he is afraid of it. to independence and freedom and health and our “beingness.” He wants us to be things, but we are beings. https://www.globalresearch.ca/boycott-fake-food-role-regenerative-agriculture-worldwide-health/5741264

After twenty years of competing, in industrial plantations soil organic matter has decreased by 14%, while in organic farms it has increased by 99%. Shiva attacks the big chemical and food industries for having reversed common sense regarding how to grow food: “They made us believe that without chemicals you couldn't produce food.” 75% of the Earth's problems are related to the way we produce food. The danger of industrial agriculture is the effects of chemicals on plants and soil, which consumes 75% of the planet's fresh water and is responsible for more than 70% of soil destruction.

All this consumption of resources has not made the Earth a more fertile place, but rather, by destabilizing its natural cycles of the earth and nature. Shiva proposes a change from the current mental framework, of domination and instrumentalization of the Earth, to one of love and respect for biodiversity. If we get rid of the illusions of the global technophile capitalist caste and learn to live according to the limits set by nature, the earth will deny us its food.

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it seems that they are afraid of progress on some fronts of sustainable agriculture and livestock. Organic and regenerative food and agriculture be the norm, rather than just the alternative. OCA often talks about our long-term goal with Regeneration International and our allies: to make organic and regenerative food, agriculture, and land use (and natural health) the norm, rather than just the alternative. As Vandana Shiva, our lifelong ally, points out, this would be “the solution to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy.” OCA and partners around the world, including Mercola.com, are dedicated to addressing critical issues of environmental pollution, nutrition, junk food, declining public health, climate change, soil health, biodiversity, pollution and water scarcity.

Forced migration, economic justice and rural economic development. “We need to stop corrupt politicians, the Big Ag lobby and the global elite from subsidizing degenerative chemical and fossil fuel intensive agriculture, GMOs, laboratory foods and factory farms. Current global subsidies, which target the usual activity of degenerative agriculture, amount to $700 billion a year.

By shifting priorities, we can pay organic farmers and ranchers not only a fair price for the food and products they produce, but also pay them to sequester excess atmospheric carbon in soils and aboveground plants and trees. in addition to providing other key environmental services. such as preserving clean water, improving soil fertility, protecting biodiversity, wetlands and wildlife habitat,,,,” https://organicconsumers.org/organic-bytes-newsletter-797-scale-up-regenerative-and-organic-farming-now/  .-- https://organicconsumers.org/imagining-a-greater-organic-reset-4/  .--

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