Dr. Price studied isolated, non-industrialized peoples to establish the parameters of human health and nutrition, discovered this new substance, and found that Activator X (K2 MK-4) helps the body absorb and utilize essential minerals.
Grass-fed animal products such as raw meats and milk, cheese provide you with Activator X. Dairy products contain conjugated linoleic acid, which is a potent anti-cancer, muscle-building, and immune-boosting agent. It also contains vitamin D, A, E as well as essential minerals such as manganese, chromium, iodine, zinc, copper, and selenium.
According to Dr. Price's findings, Activator X was present in the diets of incredibly healthy primitive populations who had long life expectancies, few degenerative diseases, and few cavities.
For more information on Activator X, Dr. Weston A. Price's research, and the true story of milk
The table below compares Price's discoveries about Factor X with modern scientific knowledge about vitamin K2, explaining from a more technical perspective the processes underlying his novel observations.
Cheese contains vitamin K2 MK-4 as well as longer chain MK. Cheese is made by adding different bacterial cultures to milk, each of which produces a different effect. Typically, the MKs found in cheese, from highest to lowest, are MK-9, MK-4, MK-8, MK-10, and MK-7. Some cheeses aged for ninety to one hundred and eighty days may have only vitamin K2 MK-4.
A table of contents of K2MK-4 from different foods can be found at the link
In the 1930s, Rosalind Wulzen Wulzen's "anti-stiffness" factor is a compound found in the fat of dairy products.
It has been proven to protect against hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of the pineal gland and arthritis. The Wulzen factor or stigmasterol is destroyed by pasteurization and is only present in raw dairy products. Research has indicated that stigmasterol may be helpful in preventing cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer, including ovarian, prostate, breast, and colon cancer. It also has properties as a potent antioxidant and hypoglycemic.
Meat and dairy products that come from grass-fed cows contain the richest source of a special fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that also promotes good cardiovascular health, boosts the immune system, is anti-cancer, regulates glucose, and helps you lose body fat, promoting more lean mass.
Dr. Price studied isolated, non-industrialized peoples to establish the parameters of human health and nutrition, discovered this new substance, and found that Activator X (K2 MK-4) helps the body absorb and utilize essential minerals.
Grass-fed animal products such as raw meats and milk, cheese provide you with Activator X. Dairy products contain conjugated linoleic acid, which is a potent anti-cancer, muscle-building, and immune-boosting agent. It also contains vitamin D, A, E as well as essential minerals such as manganese, chromium, iodine, zinc, copper, and selenium.
According to Dr. Price's findings, Activator X was present in the diets of incredibly healthy primitive populations who had long life expectancies, few degenerative diseases, and few cavities.
For more information on Activator X, Dr. Weston A. Price's research, and the true story of milk
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/248920842_The_Untold_Story_of_Milk_The_History_Politics_and_Science_of_Nature's_Perfect_Food_Raw_Milk_from_Pasture-Fed_Cows_by_Ron_Schmid .----
https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/in-defense-of-vitamin-k2-mk-4-dr-prices-activator-x/#gsc.tab=0 .----
According to research, Activator X also plays a role in:
1) Proper growth and development in children.
2) Supporting endocrine function, especially thyroid.
3) Reduce chronic inflammation linked to heart disease.
4) Decrease mortality rates
The table below compares Price's discoveries about Factor X with modern scientific knowledge about vitamin K2, explaining from a more technical perspective the processes underlying his novel observations.
https://radiantlifecatalog.com/blog/bid/59999/The-Mystery-of-X-Factor-Butter-Oil-and-Vitamin-K2-Solved .----
Cheese contains vitamin K2 MK-4 as well as longer chain MK. Cheese is made by adding different bacterial cultures to milk, each of which produces a different effect. Typically, the MKs found in cheese, from highest to lowest, are MK-9, MK-4, MK-8, MK-10, and MK-7. Some cheeses aged for ninety to one hundred and eighty days may have only vitamin K2 MK-4.
A table of contents of K2MK-4 from different foods can be found at the link
In the 1930s, Rosalind Wulzen Wulzen's "anti-stiffness" factor is a compound found in the fat of dairy products.
It has been proven to protect against hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of the pineal gland and arthritis. The Wulzen factor or stigmasterol is destroyed by pasteurization and is only present in raw dairy products. Research has indicated that stigmasterol may be helpful in preventing cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer, including ovarian, prostate, breast, and colon cancer. It also has properties as a potent antioxidant and hypoglycemic.
Meat and dairy products that come from grass-fed cows contain the richest source of a special fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that also promotes good cardiovascular health, boosts the immune system, is anti-cancer, regulates glucose, and helps you lose body fat, promoting more lean mass.
https://www.wisechoicemarket.com/grass-fed-foods/ .--- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362643996_Stigmasterol_in_Health_and_Disease_A_Review .---- https://research.monash.edu/en/publications/health-benefits-and-pharmacological-properties-of-stigmasterol .--- https://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S1063458409002179 .--- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2021.694362/full .--- https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/11/10/1912 .----
I love what Ashley is doing. It's beautiful.
All good info but where do buy it??