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The reality is that Claire adapted to her illness with joy and a desire to live. She says; "You have to change the way you see your role in society and the world." Beautiful song "Galaxies". She was 21 years old at the end of her life here on earth and she knew how to face her illness with great spirit. May her Creator have her in his glory

Some people diagnosed with a serious illness experience a change in perspective that makes them focus on the important things in their lives, those that give them meaning and purpose. Negative emotions, such as anger or guilt, can sometimes even have a positive effect, motivating you to meet treatment goals, for example. Keeping an open mind can help you find the positive and better cope with emotions even in the darkest situations.

Social support can have a huge impact on your mental health when facing the stress of a serious medical condition. In addition to providing practical help, such as taking you to doctor's appointments or helping you with household chores, having people you can lean on is essential for your emotional well-being. Staying in touch with others and continuing to enjoy social activities can make a big difference in your mood and attitude during treatment.

A support group can be a safe place to talk about what's going on in your life and get coping advice from others with similar medical problems. Don't be discouraged if you don't hit it off with the first group you try - sometimes it can take a few tries to find the group that works best for you.

Facing your emotions, even the most painful and fearful ones, can help you relieve stress and suffering, better accept your condition, and find greater peace and physical strength on your path to recovery.

Practicing a relaxation technique such as mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or deep breathing can help you feel calmer, lower blood pressure, and relieve stress.

Relaxing immersive virtual reality based on environments and games offers novel interventions, with beneficial effects among people with cancer and, potentially, beneficial effects in those with other long-term physical illnesses.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), have positive impacts in terms of their impact on quality of life domains such as physical functioning, emotional well-being , social relationships and general satisfaction with life

The ability to perceive internal bodily sensations is called interoceptive awareness. It has been shown that people with greater developed interoceptive awareness show better emotional regulation, pain, and coping strategies in adverse situations. This practice is an example of how you can begin to exercise the "muscle" of interoception every day.

Interoceptive awareness training (IAT) significantly reduced pain catastrophe and positively altered illness perceptions in people with chronic pain. The findings suggest that IAT may be an effective component of comprehensive pain management strategies, highlighting the importance of addressing the psychological dimensions of chronic pain alongside physical treatment modalities.

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https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10410236.2024.2325183 (2024).--

https://spcare.bmj.com/content/14/1/14.abstract (2024).--

https://ijaeti.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/360 (2024).--

https://insighttimer.com/es/alejandravillarreal/meditacion-guiada/practica-de-interocepcion-el-sexto-sentido-del-cuerpo (2024).--

https://journals.kmanpub.com/index.php/jppr/article/view/2277 (2024).--

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