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Just another link in the racketeering schemes. Cleaning products make you sick. The air we breathe makes us sick. The frequencies and emf we are exposed to make us sick. The air has contaminated our food and water supply. Manufacturing practices add to our toxic burden.

You go to the doctor for the "cure" and get endless treatments. The HHS and her dirty subsidiaries like NIAID make vaccines to prevent sickness. You get the sickness the vaccine was supposed to prevent and spread it to others. The CDC and NIH enjoy patents off the failed vaccines. You pay tax dollars to the msm via your government so they can sell the 'safe and effective products.

Meanwhile, you are feeding this hampster wheel with toxic food that the USDA and FDA approves. Round and round we go in a circle of misery that includes the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, for now big pharma is consuming a whopping 1/3rd of the U.S. economy.

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