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Oct 4, 2022
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This happened to my mom in hospital a few years back.... make smoothies with ripe papaya and drink every day. Juice lots of healthy green organic leafy greens, like chard, spinach, and have you blood drawn to check your platelet count to see it going back up. Firstly pray to God who heals us by faith. Father God, we touch agree for Brenda's healing throughout her body in Jesus blessed name. Thank you Father for hearing this my humble prayer. Amen. Be encouraged Brenda and place your faith in God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Hopefully you have repented of your sins, baptized in Jesus name and walking according to His righteousness. God bless you.

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Oct 4, 2022
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Blueprinted/patented/protection/funded by the very .GOV sworn to serve and protect our nations best interests for prosperity from foreign and domestic enemies and harms!!

The absolute worst part is the rock solid legal protections from "ALL" liabilities ever!

That in itself was the greatest blunder written in legal history in 1986! Not that darn long ago!

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Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental - David Foreman

“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome

Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk



" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet "


Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written


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Thank you Lioness of Judah Ministry for your great dedication to spreading the truth of this plandemic. Many people convinced of the effectiveness of genetic weapons now see the serious dangers they cause.

A Belgian immunologist and leading medical analyst has received a booster shot against Covid, his third dose of Pfizer's clot-busting vaccine, and is now suffering from a barrage of cancerous lesions in his lymph nodes. Michel Goldman, who used to run an institute for vaccine technology analysis, had been very outspoken about promoting the "safety" of covid injections, especially mRNA, he now says he was dead wrong.

Like so many others who pepper his unsubstantiated views on Fauci flu shots, Goldman now suffers the irony of his own advice. His cancer prognosis, according to diagnoses, has been severely exacerbated by clot injections and, in particular, by bracing. Now even the best immunologists who received the clot injections not only admit it, but also suffer the consequences. mRNA vaccines instruct human cells to create an endless barrage of toxic spike proteins (prions) in the vascular system, which spread throughout the body, despite what was said at the beginning that they remain in the place of the injection.

Now, most cancers are linked to mRNA vaccines, and the vaccine industrial complex and the fake news media (MSM) are doing their best to keep it all a secret. Goldman's cancer is the type that attacks the T cells that coordinate the body's immune response to invading pathogens. However, mRNA vaccines create billions of invading pathogens to stimulate an immune response to SARS-CoV-2. Now, Goldman's T-cell lymphoma has just been aided in its invasion by an entire army of pathogens, and there is no end in sight to its continuing barrage. The mRNA vaccines have stimulated tumors and lesions, making Goldman's cancer much, much worse.

https://breast-cancers.com/2022/09/24/did-a-well-known-physicians-covid-shot-make-his-most-cancers-worse/ (09/24/2022)


The CDC isn't going to tell you any of this. Today, it's the job of "misinformation spreaders" like me to let you know what is in the most respected peer-reviewed scientific journals.

https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/it-is-now-known-that-the-covid-vaccines?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=76122300&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email (10/03/2022)


I told the CDC that the formula they use to trigger safety signals was seriously flawed in Aug 2021. They ignored me. But even using their own flawed formula, "death" should have triggered a signal.

https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/unassailable-proof-of-incompetence?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=76300605&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email (10/04/2022)

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After Europe approved the COVID vaxxine for kids, excessive deaths in children increased by 755%. Recent studies now prove that the COVID vaxxine are being transmitted to children through the vaxxinated mothers’ breastmilk. A recent Harvard study shows that the COVID vaxxines are far more dangerous than COVID-19, itself. And the CDC has quietly acknowledged all this. All of these facts were explicitly labeled “False” by the mainstream narrative.The awakening masses are now aware that these experimental vaxxines are deadly and that we are all being lied to………………..The latest video from Greg Reese. By Alexandra Bruce

https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/10/no_author/deadly-covid-vaccines-and-the-mysterious-downward-spiral/ (10/04/2022)

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A group of 57 leading scientists, physicians and policy experts have released a report questioning the safety and efficacy of current COVID-19 vaccines and are now calling for an immediate end to all vaccine programs.

There are two certainties regarding the global distribution of Covid-19 vaccines. The first is that governments and the vast majority of the mainstream media are pushing hard for these experimental drugs to reach as many people as possible. The second is that those who are willing to face the contempt that comes with asking serious questions about vaccines are critical players in our ongoing effort to spread the truth.

Most people simply follow the orders of the governments of the world, as if they have earned our complete trust. These scientists have not. This manuscript is a step forward in terms of responsibility and free flow of information on this crucial topic. Take the time to read it and share it widely.


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The CDC isn't going to tell you any of this. Today, it's the job of "misinformation spreaders" like me to let you know what is in the most respected peer-reviewed scientific journals.

https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/it-is-now-known-that-the-covid-vaccines?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=76122300&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email (10/03/2022)


I told the CDC that the formula they use to trigger safety signals was seriously flawed in Aug 2021. They ignored me. But even using their own flawed formula, "death" should have triggered a signal.

https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/unassailable-proof-of-incompetence?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=76300605&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email (10/04/2022)

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When I first heard of the MRNa shot I told my wife "it sounds like a 'time bomb'".

Looks like I was right, no?

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When I first read about the MRNa shot it was not yet approved. It was touted as not providing immunity, but reduced the "severity of moderate symptoms" . Since it was highly experimental, didn't provide immunity and only reduced the severity of "moderate" symptoms, not the severe symptoms that disable and kill, I opted not to get the jab as it seemed to me to provide little benefit at great risk. Guess I was right!

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On September 26th, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study that contradicts the mainstream media and health authorities, demonstrating that mothers who received an mRNA Covid-19 vaccine are shedding that mRNA in their breastmilk.

The study is titled “Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk,” by Nazeeh Hanna, MD, Ari Heffes-Doon, MD, and Xinhua Lin, PhD.


https://winepressnews.com/2022/09/30/death-shot-journal-of-the-american-medical-association-admits-that-vaccinated-mothers-are-passing-on-mrna-in-their- breastmilk/ (09/3'/2022)

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I knew someone who was concerned that her two month old nursing infant might get sick from nursing after the mother was "vaccinated" with the MRNA genetic modification jab. The mother did not want the "vaccine", but felt arm twisted based on pressure in order to keep her job. The doctor,according to the mother, told her that the infant would gain immunity as he nursed after she got the vax. The mother told me that the baby threw up for two days after she had been "vaccinated" for COVID. The ignorance of doctors is absolutely shocking and also, irresponsible.

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How is the baby now ?

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The resilience of the human has been tested since the early dawn, yet mother nature has cared and nurtured humanity through it all. … All but stupidity.

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With the hunter/gatherer now erased from the advent of Modern Tech Digital Society,

perhaps this "0" exertion of the body and sitting on ones glutamic maxima for more than 12 hrs a day, the only exercise is the the moving of a mouse and eyeballs. So instead of thinking a pill or the Jab is the absolute total package in medicine, because the world is brought to you by Pfizers hypnotic trances, Maybe try a gym membership and some great nutrition videos instead. The motion is the lotion, that's greater than any potion!!

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Oddly we never ever see one of these people volunteering to be part of the solution.

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What's absolutely crazy is the way these "vaccines" are designed in the first place. All it takes is for people to read one book or even one summarizing article about the way the immune system works. It requires no medical degree to figure out that to enhance antibodies is a dangerous practice leading to severe inflammation and autoimmunity. Surely these euphemistically called "Side effects" like seizures, comas , heart inflammation and deaths were anticipated in advance. Ignorance is NOT always bliss, and wherever people blindly trust, they may not even be being responsible. It is absolutely important to educate oneself about things related to one's health!

Several things are known, as common as the ABCs, and as basic as first day kindergarten-level medical school training: A) The immune system has many components, all acting together in balance. B) That key word, balance, is all important, because when out of balance, one gets autoimmune attack or destruction of bodily tissues and inflammation. C) It is also known that antibodies when out of balance, are pro-inflammatory and depending on the antibodies at hand, may also lead to hyper-allergic conditions.

So what is all this hype anyway, that the "vax" increases immunity to COVID by the method of enhancing antibody activity? It is, in legal terms, "False and misleading" to say that this is "Safe and effective". It is instead , an inherent recipe for severe inflammation, at best! D) It is known that the immune system recognizes self vs non-self, and attacks whatever is non-self, while leaving self alone. So along come our brilliant FDA, CDC, WHO, and public "health" authorities, touting the use and benefits of injections of messenger RNA, to attach to cells and thereby render them "non-self" as far as the body is concerned. Remember that nonself leads to attack by the immune system, which now confuses the body's own self with non-self, due to foreign material attached to those cells. Tissue destruction and inflammation are the result. And being genetic modification, this becomes a PERMANENT state of affairs! Now come on, how "Safe and effective" is that?

continued below

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Continuing from above

Oh, I forgot. The lipid nanoparticles. They were as best as I understand it, added to the jab to mask the presence of these non-self ingredients. The problem with that is that these toxic lipids don't belong floating in the bloodstream and coating every cell in the human body, to begin with!

Toxic materials are triggers for autoimmune attack! What foolery governs the "Thinking" of those who designed these jabs, is above and beyond over the top.

To conclude, I believe the time will come--- and fast too---- that people will defect in droves from mainstream medicine to naturopathic. Ten years ago, 28% of people USA wide were using alternative or complimentary medicine, due to so-called "Side effects" from mainstream medicine. These can include coma, seizures, death www.drugs.com it is no laughing matter!

And then they call the naturopaths the quacks! It is time to turn the tables.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor ,but a well read layperson. That does not mean that I am not a critical thinker and as a person who has suffered from autoimmunity, I have done a lot of research about health. It is my right, it is my duty to analyze and share wherever I believe there is a frank concern. I represent the information above based on my best understanding but not with the authority of a physician. Please use this information as material based on which to ask your doctor questions. Doctors have every legal and moral obligation to think carefully.

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Dr! I have already made the decision to move on rather than see an executioner. Need to tape that to my chest in case I am out of it

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Yes Mirandola, first came 9/11, which the government used to transform itself into a police state. Then came the COVID-19 pandemic, which the police state used to test its lockdown powers.

In light of the government's tendency to exploit crises (legitimate or fabricated) and capitalize on the nation's heightened emotions, confusion, and fear as a means of extending the reach of the police state, one has to wonder what crisis it will declare to continuation. It's a pretty simple formula: first, you create fear, then you capitalize on it by taking power.

Terrorist attacks, mass shootings, “unforeseen economic collapse, breakdown of functioning political and legal order, intentional internal resistance or insurgency, widespread public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human-made disasters” – the government has been anticipating and preparing for such crises. during years . now _

As David C. Unger writes for the New York Times: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: surveillance of the planet, and preemptive wars of ideological containment, usually in terrain chosen and favorable to our enemies. Limited government and constitutional accountability have been sidelined by the kind of imperial presidency that our constitutional system was explicitly designed to prevent."

https://www.globalresearch.ca/first-came-911-then-covid-19-whats-next-crisis-lockdown-nation/5792784?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles (08/09/2022)

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The United States government that has become a master of deception. This is a government that lies, cheats, steals, spies, kills, maims, enslaves, breaks laws, overreaches its authority, and abuses its power at almost every turn; it treats its citizens as faceless statistics and economic units to be bought, sold, traded, traded, and tracked; and he wages wars for profit, imprisons his own people for profit, and has no qualms about extending his reign of terror abroad.

Worse still, this is a government that has become almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, robbery, pornography, scientific experimentation, or some other other . diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity.

With each passing day, it becomes painfully clear that this is not a government that can be trusted with your life, your loved ones, your livelihood, or your freedoms.

Recently, for example, the Pentagon was forced to order a comprehensive review of US clandestine psychological warfare operations. USA. (psy ops) conducted through social media platforms. The investigation comes in response to reports suggesting the US military has been creating fake personas with AI-generated profile pictures and fictitious media sites on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to manipulate social media users.

Psychological warfare, as the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations Group explained in a recruiting video released earlier this year, allows the government to pull the strings, to weaponize everything it touches, to be in all parties, deceive, persuade, change, influence and inspire. .

https://www.globalresearch.ca/masters-deceit-government-propaganda-fear-mind-control-brain-warfare/5794214 (09/22/2022)

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Guillermou, you summarize it very well. It is a life lived in....breathlessness...fairly constantly....in the USA ever since 9-11-01 happened. And various other crises---constant ones----since then have been ongoing, not merely with COVID....as if that wasn't enough. It is time for the people to see through the tactics at last. You are right, Guillermou, to say that a crisis can be false or legitimate, but that either way they are exploited for the same gains. It is a sick game and a sick psychology behind it which suffers no qualms and no remorse for inflicting unhappiness and suffering on masses of people. Some people do not belong walking the streets, let alone in public power. Throw the bums out of office!

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Nietzsche said "the earth has a skin... and this skin has a disease: man"

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Happy to have found your substack… thank you Dr. Mercola…

Prayers and blessings 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😊

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Del has some additional info you might have interest in.


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On the HIghwire home page is a 2-minute accompanying video with Del explaining why and how the ICAN network had to build a dashboard for massive volume of released data, as the US CDC had not bothered to do so.

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Disclaimer of Liability ™

Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.

We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).

We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.

“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world (Clown Schwab, Davos 2022)”.

By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented MmRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).

Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.

Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.

We care,

CEOs Murderna & Schizer.


Dr. Red Pill Fact Checker: They make sh$t!

 Schizer (1minute video)


 Murderna (1minute video)


 Micro-Tech in COMIRNATY Quackcine – New Zealand D SOS


 How to Detect your MAC Address (e.g: “Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”)


 Micro-Tech Patents (50) – Charles Lieber – Caught!


 Covid-19 Quackcines Worldwide Democide - 1,291 Side Effects – Schizer Approval Document Reveals


 Suppression of Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells - 100% of People Tested pre and post Covid-injections.


 Safe and Defective: 16 German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Are 'Suddenly and Unexpectedly' Dropping Dead.


 Schizer Massive Data Fraud: Time to Lock them all Up!


 How Bad is my Batch?


 The Covid Lies of the Century


 Murderna Quackcine Patented 9 Months Before Plandemic on 2019-03-28


 Covid-19 Plandemic Blueprint – RKM Lockstep 2010 Report.


 Event 201, a High-level Pandemic Exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York


 50 Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates


 United States D.O.D issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed


 Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not "safe and effective" -- not even close


 CastruDoh | Covid Terrorism, Murder, and Racketeering


 We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable!


 Planned Worldwide Infanticides


 'Blow-up Pandemic Mortuary' Set up in 2019 - UK


 EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures


 Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself


 Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID Vaccines Are Producing Unusual And Surprising Numbers Of Cancers


 The "Safe and Defective" narrative is falling apart


 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)


 New evidence has been submitted to the ICC alleging World Governments are complicit in genocide and crimes against humanity - includes a sworn affidavit from Prof. Luc A. Montagnier.


 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


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Nostradamus, please see my comment below linked to one of these links about Charles Lieber arrest. Also the link about how to find out if someone has a MAC address is only for Android phones, it doesn’t say anything about iPhones.

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This is really good!

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I've being posting this since December 2021. Since then millions have still been genetically modified around the globe and thousands died. That was before the videos showing nano-wires in the blood of the jabbed even started coming out!

Can you wake up people who don't want to see or hear the truth?

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Whoa, so much historical information! Went down a Steve Kirsch link last night to another substack article with a comprehensive outline of how SADS occurs and the slow-kill, averaging 5 months from these shots. Here's a link to a series called Forgotten Side of Medicine: How Do Vaccines Cause Sudden Death? - https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/how-do-vaccines-cause-sudden-death - didn't finish the lessons in blood flow, particle direction and pressure however near the end there's an embedded video Dr Richard Fleming working in real time, showing blood clotting that may scare the sh*t out of most.

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Well I’m not reading it before sleep. But it applies to jabbed people, right?

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If you are jabbed......

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Years ago, the ACLU was writing about cloned babies and the legal implications to civil liberties, since gene patenting and insertion of such patented genes into any human being, implied ownership of that person's body. Along come the MRNA "Vaccines".....what people out of ignorance simply believe, and do not ask questions about! Whoa! this can be risky at best and even potentially dangerous. Time for a think?

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Important information.


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Thank you Dr Mercola for being there for us. I’m so sorry about the horrible crime they did to your account. I will follow and support you wherever you go!

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 Certificate of Achievement: Surviving the Greatest Psychological Fear Campaign in Human History


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Printed, framed and hanging on the wall!

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Please don't forget to share it!

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You've got it! Have had some doors closed to me, however, when one door closes another opens..... or maybe a window.

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Thank you for confirming and enlightening. My regards to the loss of your father under such alarming circumstances.

Naturopathic doctors saw much of this from the very beginning. Did our mainstream Medical communities miss it entirely or was there subterfuge?

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I think the day will come, and soon, that people defect in droves from mainstream medicine to naturopathic. The naturopathic doctors actually think and play detective regarding underlying causes of symptoms. Imagine that? Plus, only about a decade ago, 28% of the USA was using CAM (complimentary and/or alternative medicine) due to side effects from mainstream medicine. Side effects is a frank euphemism for severe organ and health damage. There is a reason why the military originally called it "collateral damage". And there also is a reason---people need to be urged to think about this---why it was renamed "Side effects". Sometimes sugarcoating the truth is the biggest slap in the face of all.

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They have eliminated the "No Harms" and replaced it with business models. I agree with everything that you say.

"Side effects" used to be a red flag that stopped research until a safety profile was established. Now it is just time to call the lawyers.

Collateral damage is really a different way to say acceptable damage.

Many of the docs I knew/worked for in the 1980's went into bartending or other means of support when the first HMO's were established. They saw the writing on the wall.

When I roomed my first patient computers did not even exist.

It was all brain power!

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Aznasimage I don't go for the "No harms" and "legal immunity" biz, because it is nothing more or less than a gag order. It says, "file no litigation, have no speech!" about whatever, including death of a loved one. Sorry, such gag orders are completely unconstitutional, and why we the people honor them as the law of the land, sure beats me. I think it is time for people to have a think and to wake up. I also suggest that for people en masse to study and memorize the BIll of Rights, and to quote it, is important. Some readers may scoff, saying that the Bill of Rights no longer does us any good. I disagree. I have invoked the law with powers that be and have seen them turn around based thereon. We have to hold politicians, police, judges,lawyers all accountable to the law. It is only when we do not ,that things go rogue. Do not fight for your freedom, invoke the bill of rights instead! And educate others about the Bill of Rights. Therein lies our freedom, and we have to really insist on it. Use it or lose it, as they say. God bless you all. "No state shall make or enforce laws abridging the privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States" ---14th amendment.

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You are correct in today's world. I was referring to a doctor's responsibility "To do no Harm". It used to be their mantra.

Docs were involved with patients, not politics, before medicine became a business with H.M.O's in the 1980's.

It wasn't always like this. We, the Patient, used to have rights.

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It seems nearly impossible to trust The American Medical Association. I certainly used to.

I imagine scores of incredibly compliant patients have lost long standing physicians over Covid-19 vaccines.

The only people that made sense throughout Covid were Naturopathic docs. Therapeutics, immune strengthening supplements, recognizing a virus for a virus, so treat it already!

The AMA tried to act like it was all new medicine. What was that about? Can you guess?

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"Cardiologist calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots"

Just doesn't cut it; WEF, WHO, FDA and CDC need immediate suspension!

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Don't forget Bill Gates and the other Globalists, the Fed, NIH and getting the US out of the UN. We just need bold politicians willing to vote for all of this.

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Politicians are irrelevant as long as the deep state stays in power; remember JFK?

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Skupe, yeah and a computer geek leading the world's "health" policy is scary at best, and dangerous at ...worst? No, as clear and present truth.

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He also knows nothing about nutrition either.

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He is NOT a geek... he is a monopolistic son of a b^tch and criminal!

He is a high-school drop-out; he has NO qualifications whatsoever.

Please don't insult geeks!

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After interviewing several high-level CDC officials, Dr. Marty Makary, a surgeon and public policy researcher at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Dr. Tracy Beth Høeg, an epidemiologist and biomedical communications consultant, revealed that the CDC overwhelmingly relies on "weak or flawed data to make critically important public health decisions," that these decisions "are being driven by what is politically acceptable to people in Washington or to the world." Biden."

https://www.naturalhealth365.com/cdc-used-flawed-reports-to-manipulate-americans-throughout-the-covid-19-pandemic.html (09/19/2022)

And as Dr. Mercola's video reports, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist who previously supported COVID-19 vaccines, has been the subject of breaking news for demanding a global halt to the distribution of vaccines. same vaccines he once promoted. His late father, Dr. Kailand Chand, a general practitioner, former Vice President of the British Medical Association (BMA) and his Honorary Vice President, also took two doses of Pfizer's mRNA injection. Dr. Chand was awarded the honorary Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the late Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in 2009. However, six months later, on July 26, 2021, Chand went into cardiac arrest at home after experiencing chest pain.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/doctor-who-promoted-covid-shots-tv-calls-global-stop-covid-19-vaccines-study/5795289?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles (09/26/ 2022)

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Guillermou you are right but it goes above and beyond relying on weak data. In fact ,the FDA and CDC routinely shut their eyes to extreme side effects, better known as severe organ and health damage, in clinical trials and pass drugs as safe/effective, out of pure political interest. I have attended researcher-physician's conferences and the things they had to say were astonishing!

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Hubris, you may want to read 3 new premium articles (as a guest) on the Epoch times website: First one - the NIH is still funding Eco-Health Alliance at the Wuhan Laboratory to the tune of $2.76 million for more Asia-based research on potential virus that can jump to humans. WHY oh-why - this is another grant to create even more bioweapons. (My note: The NIH is now tone deaf and blind?) Second - the FDA is reporting on 4 new known side effects from these mRNA shots. Third - Biden plans to require vaccns or weekly testing for 80 million private-sector workers. Articles all dropped today, each one more demented than the prior, showing the Fed Agencies and Executive branch capture by the Deep State, and maybe the CCP? And from Dr Malone's substack - now appears the UN and the WEF have also partnered with bigTech to bring major search engine results of their choosing.

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This is an excellent summary on the current state of things. Thank you for your efforts. You have been a bastion of sanity for so many people. 🙏😊

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Nostradamus Echo Health Alliance was just given another grant by Fauci, ( this is horrifying). https://drtrozzi.org/2021/12/30/nanotech-expert-charles-lieber-first-high-level-covid-criminal-convicted/

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The plot is a lot thicker than that. Echo Health Alliance is the front company for all bio-weapons programs (~400) in 25 countries.

e.g: See below the stakeholders of the bio-weapons programs in UkroNazistan.


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How are we supposed to fight corruption that massive?

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Do not Comply!!!

I've been trying to wake up the population to the fact that it's the government that we trust that is fighting to kill us by all means necessary. I always show the facts that are censored by the government and its Ministry of Truth and they can be verified.

The simple question that people are not asking is this:

1 - There are 7 (seven) patents on the spike protein since 2002 that are publicly available. They were filed as the result of bio-weapons research. i.e they're supposed to kill humans!

2. SARS-Cov-2 virus is a bat virus (not dangerous in the wild) made deadly to humans thanks to the spike protein (bio-weapon) by Elf Fauci et al.

How can you then fight Covid-19 (SARS-Cov-2) by turning your own body into a bio-weapons factory that produces Spike Proteins (Covid-19 quackcines)?

If your government coerces you to get injected with known bio-weapons, should you still consider it your government? This is a premeditated genocide. These are criminal activities even supported by the Vatican (P2 Freemasons).

When tyranny becomes law, Resistance becomes Duty!

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Absolutely. But that’s on a personal level & then we link together to create mass non compliance BUT THE CORRUPTION IS SO DEEP AND WORLD WIDE 😳. It’s staggering.

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Do you know why all empires always end up in the dustbin of history?

We're at another bifurcation point in the history of the planet.

If you look back 1,600 years, you'll realize that we're exactly where the Roman empire was - i.e in its last throes.

You cannot fix this type of corruption - it's universal and violates the Natural Law. The problem here is that your Congress Woman/man does not even know what the Natural Law is. Meaning that there is no way out of this mess. The Natural Law cannot tolerate this type of garbage indefinitely. Believe me, I know what I am talking about - I have many facts to back this up but how can you wake up people who refuse to see?

When the Roman empire was crashing around ~410AD, the Romans (Pagans) started accusing Christians for provoking their gods wrath with their new faith (Romans had adopted Christianity as official religion ~381AD)

So, for them the (Pagan) gods were crazy and were crashing everything.

Saint Augustine defended Christianity in his book called "The City of God".

(NB: This is a philosopher and theologian and I am not a religious but in order to understand history, you'd better read all important books.)

The key take away from the book is that for him Rome's problems had Nothing to do with any religion. It had to do with the violation of the Natural Law by the Roman empire since ~149BC when Rome was not Christian!

Look at recent historical facts since ~1500AD on the planet and make your own conclusion! I am not optimistic.

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History does show what you are saying and so does the bible, even more so and in no uncertain terms. All roads lead to Rome is not just a saying, all roads DO lead to Rome ....REVELATION 17 AND 18.

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I agree. One very visible symptom is this new fad of gender transition of our children happily egged on by the so called medical profession many times without the consent of the parent. I have just read that there are between 300-600 specialized clinics performing these procedures many times on minors. This is a symptom of a civilization gone crazy.

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Prayer and fasting

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So, if you keep going down the rabbit hole by following different links you find there was a case brought in the ICC re, COVID shots v. Plaintiffs in Britan in 2021. I suppose it will languish there.

Also we don’t hear about this evidence being brought to Geneva against the United States regarding Bio Weapons by the Russians. How will we find out what happens? Is the United States treasonous government so tied in with the WEF & Soros, etc, etc that it won’t be held to account?

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The ICC is just a smokescreen. Don't count on it.

It's a UN agency and the UN is part of the agenda.

Kill Gates has full diplomatic immunity too - I don't know which country he represents!

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I believe fauci just awarded these monsters at Eco Health Alliance another half a billion taxpayer money to study bat diseases and how they could be transmitted to humans (the same Gain of Function research.) when do we build the gallows?

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Interesting dialogue. Successive US administrations have contemplated the use of nuclear weapons directed against both nuclear and non-nuclear states. This article focuses on nuclear warfare against "non-nuclear states."

In 2001, the Pentagon, under President George W. Bush, had envisioned a new generation of anti-bunker tactical nuclear weapons for use in the Middle East and Central Asia against "non-nuclear states":

“US military officials and nuclear weapons laboratory leaders [had] urged the United States to develop a new generation of low-yield precision nuclear weapons…that could be used in conventional conflicts with third world nations” . “The Bush administration, in a secret policy review… [had] ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia and the “axis of evil” Iraq, Iran and North Korea Korea but also China, Libya and Syria. Waging nuclear war against non-nuclear states. “Top secret document”. “Non-Nuclear States” “Allies of America” Scheduled to Wage Nuclear War Against “Non-Nuclear States”, “Enemies of America”

https://www.globalresearch.ca/dangerous-crossroads-americas-plan-to-wage-nuclear-war-against-non-nuclear-states/5792889 (09/18/2022)

Moscow says records and other evidence show that US-funded biolabs, which are linked to the EcoHealth Alliance, the Biden crime family and others, were to be used to send drones packed with bioweapons to Russia.

The Russian Ministry of Defense claims to have uncovered the names of specific US personnel who have been involved in the development of biological weapons in the Eastern European country, although no tangible proof has yet been produced, according to Great Game India.

"Documents attesting to the kyiv regime's plans to use unmanned aerial vehicles capable of transporting and spraying lethal substances" are of special importance to the Russian authorities, military spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov announced during a recent conference. .

Konashenkov also claims that Russia has discovered the names of "specific officials who participated in the creation of biological weapons components", although he did not name any of them.

All he would say is that they are "the division heads and employees of the US Department of Defense, as well as its major subcontractors."

These biological weapons campaigns, Konashenkov continued, are "directly related to the son of the current President of the United States, Hunter Biden."

https://www.globalresearch.ca/exposed-pentagon-planning-use-ukraine-biolabs-attack-russia/5776405 (2022)

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Interesting link. Personally I don’t trust anything Hunter Biden & the Biden Crime family is involved in. I don’t think they have a red line they wouldn’t cross.

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Gui I bet land based Nukes are off the table as the devastation of toxic circles and scars to the landscape lasts for generations. However the oceans of the world have always been fair game as nations still use it for target practice and testing results. Bio-bugs are easier.

Albeit nuke-fission bombs effective at intimidations since Aug 6 & 9 1945.

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Hi randall stoehr. Did you publish on Dr. Mercola's free website? With what name?

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Hello Gui. I posted under my company name and old CB Radio handle of Wallguy.

I have been a wallcovering and painting tradesman for 42 yrs now. Hence the name is fastened to me like two coats of dry paint! Your depth and perceptions about most everything never ceases to amaze me. Keep your radar on full boogie...we my be in for stormy weather. Rand

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Thank you Randall

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Hi "gui", "In 2001, the Pentagon, under President George W. Bush, had envisioned a new generation of anti-bunker tactical nuclear weapons for use in the Middle East and Central Asia against "non-nuclear states": I suspect that you may be referring to a neutron bomb:


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You may want to take note of this recent quote from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban: “The armed conflict in Ukraine will continue until 2030, as a result Ukraine will lose half of its territory and the EU will cease to exist at that time. This conflict could have been local, but due to the intervention of the West, it became global, as a result of which the EU economy was destroyed.”

On September 27, 2022, several deep-sea explosions destroyed both German-Russian gas pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and 2. This means that no pressure or reconsideration from Germany's leaders, Parliament or business community could reverse the decision. of Germany for sanctioning Russia and for refusing to buy Russian gas.

There is no way that the EU, based in Brussels, together with NATO, was unaware of the destruction plan. Therefore, this is an act of suicide by the EU, willingly destroying Germany's economy and with it a large proportion of the European/EU economy, and the standard of living of Europeans.

So, in order for this Washington-dictated, EU-agreed act of self-demolition to not be reversed, the two pipelines had to be destroyed. Four explosions in total, recorded by Denmark and Sweden. Raw gas is coming out of the sea near Denmark. The consequences for the environment and health cannot yet be assessed.

But the value of the gas leak, after two days, had already been assessed at 2 billion euros. Indeed, reversing his commitment to Washington to destroy Europe was a risk to the Western powers aspiring to Empire, the US/NATO. If Germany were to abandon its destructive decision for ethical or conscientious reasons, in order to protect its population from a predicted "extreme cold winter" and imploding economy, as we currently see, Western globalization, aka the OWO plan, would fail.

These pipeline explosions are an open declaration of war on Europe. To the peoples of Europe. And this, most likely, with the full knowledge of Brussels, that is, the EU Commission, or at least the head of the EC.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/italy-hungary-eu-clash-nord-stream-destruction-ec-wantonly-planning-destroy-european-union/5795011 (09/30/2022)

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It's very difficult for "them" to face the truth. Dr. Malhotra is a hero!

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The science of making money is present with the genocide of genetic weapons against Covid-19 and they walk together to the Great Rest. We can say that it is more than evident that the globalist elite Big Pharma-Great Reset is currently committing human genocide, carrying out their eugenic depopulation agenda. Despite the blackout of big media censorship as complicit killers causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent, uninformed, lying victims of killer vaccines, in response, scores of leading physicians, expert scientists, and whistleblowers who love true science have exposed corruption at great risk to themselves have been screaming from the rooftops to sound the doomsday alarm.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko stated in an interview: "If we follow the advice of some of the 'world leaders,' as Bill Gates said last year, '7 billion people should get vaccinated,' then the mortality rate will be more than of 2 billion people. So wake up! This is World War III."


Furthermore, a growing army of Big Pharma whistleblowers have also courageously shed light on this much-needed truth of what humanity perilously faces in the coming Dark Winter months, when millions of victims of democide around the world are likely to be shockingly laid to rest by fatal blood clots. , strokes, heart attacks, multiple organ failure, cancer, all directly related to and caused by Big's genetic weapons Dr. Joseph Mercola, exposed the "medical reboot" within Klaus Schwab's NWO reboot. Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading international cardiologist, internist, and epidemiologist, has caused quite a stir by claiming in late August 2021 that vaccinated people have a viral load 251 times higher than unvaccinated people. Dr. McCullough also promotes natural immunity and the benign drugs HCQ and Ivermectin instead of harmful vaccines, simply stating: We are in the midst of a major biological catastrophe.

Even the inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, MD criticizes Covid-19 mRNA vaccines as bioethically irresponsible and highly dangerous: We need to confront the data and not try to cover things up or hide risks. Canadian Dr. Charles Hoffe was horrified to learn that 62% of his patients, mostly First Nations, experienced permanent blood clot damage after receiving the vaccine. “Vaccines are experimental by definition. They will remain in Phase 3 trials through 2023. Recipients are human subjects entitled to free informed consent under Nuremberg and other protections, including Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly resolution 2361 and FDA emergency use authorization terms. ”.More than 160 experts criticize COVID vaccines as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” in a powerful letter



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Hi Gui, some will find this David Martin history lesson offensive, especially the catholics among us; however, this needs to be listened to...for some time, seems the "powers that be" want the culling to continue. Who are those powers? David Martin outlines where this may be coming from in clear and concise manner here: Dr. David Martin - The Catholic Church & The Illuminati - https://www.bitchute.com/video/cKQUsOOynXGD/ - He ties many things back to a playbook used in the 11th century. So while everyone is pointing at Rothschilds and other uber rich, this powerful nationstate may have been supporting what is now occurring, undetected for over a decade, under everyone's noses. Several bloggers referred to the Vatican over the past 6 months or more, lot of missing pieces are in this expose.

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Thanks Sherman, also: The Illuminati Plan foresees the deliberate instigation of terrible calamities, brought on by wars, natural disasters, and urban lawlessness; as a means to restore the order they have disrupted, our leaders will announce they must impose Martial Law, suspend the Constitution, our liberties and our freedoms. They will explain that they have to "temporarily" take away these freedoms before they can restore "Law and Order". "Law and Order", once it is in play, will replace all other strategies for imposing the global dictatorship because it will be the "iron fist" that will pummel the opposition to death so the New World Order can be instituted. All the other strategies were designed to get us to the iron fisted "Law and Order" stage.


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Fifty percent of young adults who get myocarditis from the Covid-19 vaccine will die within five years, according to Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker, a former member of the Eastern Ontario COVID Response Team.

On a recent episode of "The Ben Armstrong Show," the host discussed the potential long-term consequences of the COVID-19 vaccine that people haven't seen yet. According to Shoemaker data, about 95 percent of people in intensive care units are fully vaccinated and their immune systems are now damaged.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/doctor-claims-50-children-who-suffer-myocarditis-due-covid-vaccination-will-dead-within-5-years/5795279?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles ( 01/10/2022)

After interviewing several high-level CDC officials, Dr. Marty Makary, a surgeon and public policy researcher at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Dr. Tracy Beth Høeg, an epidemiologist and biomedical communications consultant, revealed that the CDC overwhelmingly relies on "weak or flawed data to make critically important public health decisions," that these decisions "are being driven by what is politically acceptable to people in Washington or to the world." Biden."

https://www.naturalhealth365.com/cdc-used-flawed-reports-to-manipulate-americans-throughout-the-covid-19-pandemic.html (09/19/2022)

And as the video reports, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist who previously supported COVID-19 vaccines, has been the subject of breaking news for demanding a global halt to the distribution of the same vaccines he did. once promoted. His late father, Dr. Kailand Chand, a general practitioner, former Vice President of the British Medical Association (BMA) and his Honorary Vice President, also took two doses of Pfizer's mRNA injection. Dr. Chand was awarded the honorary Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the late Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in 2009. However, six months later, on July 26, 2021, Chand went into cardiac arrest at home after experiencing chest pain.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/doctor-who-promoted-covid-shots-tv-calls-global-stop-covid-19-vaccines-study/5795289?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles (09/26/ 2022)

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