The various modalities of suspension training is a combination of unique training movements aimed at improving strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility, power and core stability in a single workout. Suspension training is marketed as a cardiovascular and resistance training exercise modality performed as circuit training, in which a series of exercises are performed in rotation with minimal rest time. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of suspension training on physiological and metabolic markers of intensity and performance. The results indicate that a suspension workout with a 30-second:60-second work-to-rest ratio provides at least a moderate-intensity cardiovascular workout, while some data suggests higher intensity. Interval training leads to adaptive responses by the body such as increased blood volume and capillary proliferation which helps in oxygen supply to muscles.

The suspension training exercise program can be a useful tool for weight loss and fitness improvement. Both are directly related to better health and decreased mortality from all causes.

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wd-Dudgeon/publication/274373145_Physiologic_and_Metabolic_Effects_of_a_Suspension_Training_Workout/links/551c29dd0cf2909047ba969d/Physiologic-and-Metabolic-Effects-of-a-Suspension-Training-Workout.pdf (2 015).--

In one review, muscle activation in various muscle groups was greater with suspension exercises compared to comparable traditional exercises, except for rowing.

https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/10.1080/14763141.2018.1472293 (2018).--

Included in this review are studies that investigate the effect of suspension exercises on muscle activations and compare them with their conventional counterparts. It was observed that suspension exercises increased activation in most muscle groups compared to conventional exercises, while there were no differences in activation in specific muscles. Therefore, it is essential to use a combination of traditional and suspension exercises for optimal performance with individualized planning.

https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/amusbfd/article/1180275 (2023).--

This article is very complete with exercises, including weight exercises to improve and stretches to improve grip strength.

Improving grip strength also provides:----

1. Reduction in risk of carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis.------

2. Better fine motor skills. Stronger hands make everything a little less complicated.-----

3. Improved resistance to arthritis.---

4. Reduced risk of tendonitis.---

5. Muscle mass gains through strength improvements.----

6. Those strength improvements we just mentioned.---

7. Decreased risk of injury in the gym.---

8. Fewer trips to and from the car after shopping trips.----


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Blood flow restriction (BFR) surely knows its usefulness for grip strength. High-intensity training methods are generally recommended to increase muscle mass and strength, with training loads of 60-70% 1RM for beginners and 80-100% 1RM for advanced individuals. Training with blood flow restriction, despite using lower intensities (30-50% 1RM), can provide similar improvements in muscle mass and strength. However, studies commonly investigate the effects of blood flow restriction training on large muscle groups, while there are few studies that investigated those effects on smaller muscle groups, such as muscles involved in gripping (e.g. , wrist flexors; finger flexors). BFR performed with low to moderate intensity loads was more effective in increasing grip strength and forearm muscle volume compared to traditional training. This study provides evidence that BFR can be an upper extremity muscle strength training tool, is relatively easy to administer, and had no adverse effects.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7727424/ (2020).---

Also in this study, low weight BFR training provided a greater increase in strength and hypertrophy in the proximal and distal muscle groups of the upper extremities compared to the control group. The limb without BFR showed a significant increase in grip strength compared to the control group, indicating a possible systemic effect.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1058274620301804 (2020).--

Incorporating BFR into low-intensity isometric training led to a cross-education effect on strength that was larger than that of all other groups (including high-intensity training.

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00421-023-05386-y (2024).--

In this study, the influence of two different photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) protocols (red 660 nm versus infrared 830 nm) combined with a blood flow restriction (BFR) training protocol on the wrist extensor muscles in the hand grip, wrist extension strength and electromyographic behavior. The association of PBMT (660 nm) and BFR was effective in increasing the grip strength of the wrist extensors, associated with an increase in RMS.

https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/photob.2019.4800 (2020).---

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Rock climbing is a fun way to get this exercise.

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