Humanity faces terrible measures as part of the WEF Great Reset, associated with transhumanism, artificial intelligence, the WEF cyberpolygon, war crimes, killer vaccines, the vaccine passport and contraceptives like Premarin . All of them threaten an intrusion into the lives of citizens as part of eugenics following the movements of Thomas Malthus, Charles Darwin and John D. Rockefeller Jr.. Individual identity, freedom, rights, privacy and even will They are destroyed as the Global Elite implements their designs. As Dr. Mercola points out: “Today, eugenics has been rebranded as transhumanism.” There is much evidence to show that power-hungry individuals choose mass murder as their primary instrument to achieve their goal of tyrannical control. From Malthus to the Club of Rome and a whole host of eugenicists who crossed the path, there is no shortage of people who believe they should “regulate” the reproductive tendencies of other people.

This background is in continuity with the events currently related to the WHO. On April 25, 2009, the WHO, headed by Margaret Chan, declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). And a couple of weeks later, the “Good Club” met in New York at the height of the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, which turned out to be a scam. In May 2009, the billionaire philanthropists met behind closed doors at the president of Rockefeller University's home in Manhattan. Participants included the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey and many more.

This secret meeting was sponsored by Bill Gates. They called themselves "The Good Club

For more than ten years, billionaires described as philanthropists have held meetings to reduce the size of the world's population culminating in the 2020-2022 Covid crisis.

Recent events suggest that “depopulation” is an integral part of the so-called Covid mandates. Neil Ferguson, supported by the Gates Foundation whose father has a eugenicist tradition, designed the coronavirus lockdown model (launched March 11, 2020). As we remember, that mathematical model of March 2020 was based on “predictions” of 600,000 deaths in the United Kingdom.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/secret-may-2009-meeting-of-the-good-club-billionaire-club-in-bid-to-curb-overpopulation/5742626 (01/10/2023).- --------

Consider Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in their pursuit of the so-called "Master Race." The concept of a dominant, white, blonde, blue-eyed Nordic race did not originate with Hitler. The idea was mobilized in the United States and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists carried out a campaign of ethnic cleansing of the American eugenics movement. During the early decades of the 20th century, California eugenicists included powerful but little-known racial scientists such as Army venereal disease specialist Dr. Paul Popenoe, citrus magnate and Polytechnic benefactor Paul Gosney, banker of Sacramento Charles M. Goethe, as well as members of the State Board of Charities and Corrections and Board of Regents of the University of California.

Eugenics would have been such strange armchair talk if it had not been for extensive funding by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman Railroad fortune. They were all allied with some of the most respected scientists in the United States, coming from such prestigious universities as Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Princeton. These scholars embraced race theory and racial science, and then falsified and distorted data to serve the racist goals of eugenics.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/horrifying-american-roots-nazi-eugenics/5784668 (2022)

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DARPA....." “Sir, yes sir! That’s camouflage, sir! Misdirection. Confusion. You always said, keep the enemy off-balance, only let them know what’s in your best interests for them to know, keep everything that’s important hidden. Maintain the element of surprise in case you even need it. That’s what I was doing there. Practicing. No need for Any-One to know more than he needs to know. Sir!”

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