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A blood test can help detect with up to 94% effectiveness and 20 years in advance whether a person will develop Alzheimer's disease, according to a study published in Neurology.

Research from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL), Missouri (USA), revealed that the brain begins to show damage caused by the beta-amyloid protein, vital for the development of Alzheimer's. , up to 20 years before the main symptoms of this disease appear, such as memory loss and confusion.

"Currently, for clinical trials, we examine people with brain scans, which is time-consuming and expensive," Bateman noted. "But with a blood test, we can potentially test thousands of people in a month," said the author of the research.

https://www.ibsafoundation.org/en/blog/test-to-detect-alzheimers-20-years-ahead-of-time (2023).--

This special issue “Antioxidants in age-related diseases and anti-aging strategies”, with systematic review and meta-analysis, adds new contributions that describe the mechanisms by which oxidative stress and inflammatory factors cause the onset or progression of chronic diseases related to age. age, as well as new strategies to treat or prevent these pathological conditions. Ginkgo biloba (GB) has health benefits for memory and cognition, AD, Parkinson's disease (PD), and dementia, which are attributed to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic activities. In addition, GB can exert benefits in cardiovascular conditions, hypertension, insulin resistance, fasting serum glucose, glycated hemoglobin and dyslipidemia, can improve cerebral blood flow supply, executive function, attention/concentration and non-verbal memory and reduce stress. Bioactive compounds, mainly polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenoids and organic acids, are responsible for the beneficial effects.

https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/11/10/1868/htm (2022)

Intermittent resistance exercise and taking Ginkgobiloba supplements at the same time can be an effective treatment to increase the level of brain hippocampus-derived neurotrophic factor and slow down the process of Alzheimer's disease.

https://jsums.medsab.ac.ir/article_1610_en.html (2024).--

Due to their potential to alleviate symptoms associated with neurological diseases, Lavandula angustifolia, Ginkgo biloba, Melissa officinalis, Crocus sativus, ginseng, Salvia miltiorrhiza and Magnolia officinalis have become well known. This article provides an overview of the therapeutic effects of these phytomedicines, showing their impact on various factors related to Alzheimer's.



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