1 Comment

OK.....all this is very interesting......BUT 5G radiation is by far THE cause of MOST medical Issues....

Understand this>> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4561347/ << and when EMF Radiation by 5G and countless Radio Frequency Transmitting Units , wireless units and there are thousands from Baby Monitors to internet routers to garage door openers to your car truck and computer , refridge, microwave ovens on and on...

Use a bit of logic....and understand the differences of 'Terrain Theory Verses the Disease THEORY'...

every cell in the body is effected by EMF-RadioFrequency RADIATION and ya CAN'T stop the RF Effects...they are 24 hours a day 7 days a week and in schools its several times MORE directed Radiated on STUDENTS.............understand what Directed Energy is doing to each one of US worldwide and YOU Can't stop it!!!!!!!!!!

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