Required reading for any parent!

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Excellent article....I as an Old man with AS, AKA Asperger's syndrome, grew up in radio as in Ham Radio SWL and experiments with Longwave ,signal generators and more gizmos.... a basement full of O-scopes and transmitters and WWII surplus 'Boat Anchors' by the ton...field generators freq counters on and on....

I was always 'different' and often at odds with people...some called me weird or crazy...I been beaten , stabbed ,spit at called all kinds of nasty things... but .grew up in the RF world....

But......today it's different.....as in today's world the lower bands of radio ...the Low waves abnd high freq radios are mostly gone and replaced with UHF and SHF and into gigahertz and terahertz and Picohertz and beyond and Tesla said along with JC Bose and many more about the dangers to living tissue exposed to higher non-ionizing RF frequencies and ionizing radiations will kill . JC Bose wrote and published his findings and workup to RF Radiation freq of 6 gigahertz https://www.gutenberg.org/files/18986/18986-h/18986-h.htm

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