THE EPA has demonstrated its coexistence with powerful polluting industries that are far from health. EPA's control of the environment and pollution is governed by large lobby groups. The EPA is an agency involved in environmental corruption. The EPA has taken steps to weaken a wide range of environmental protections. This 20,000-document trove of information is the faithful work of Dr Jonathan Latham, who currently runs Independent Science News. With the help of truth detective Carol Van Strum, Dr. Latham has released this damning collection of evidence that reveals how the EPA has long functioned as basically an extension of the chemical industry. https://www.poisonpapers.org/category/articles/page/3/  .----- Previously, the Center for Biological Diversity and Friends of the Earth sued the EPA today for refusing to release public records related to meetings and communications with the lobbying firm Faegre Baker Daniels, former employer of acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler.

"Andrew Wheeler continues Scott Pruitt's toxic, pro-polluter agenda at the Environmental Protection Agency," said Lukas Ross, senior political analyst at Friends of the Earth. “The public has a right to know how much power Wheeler's lobbyist friends have over the EPA. “This lawsuit will help expose the dangerous influence of corporate polluters and root out corruption at the EPA.” https://www.globalresearch.ca/epa-sued-for-records-of-andrew-wheeler-meetings-with-oil-lobbyists/5662076  .---

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This 20,000-document trove of information comes to us thanks to the faithful work of Dr. Jonathan Latham, who currently runs Independent Science News. With the help of truth detective Carol Van Strum, Dr. Latham has released this damning collection of evidence that reveals how the EPA has long functioned as basically an extension of the chemical industry, approving rubber stamps. for chemicals that are extremely toxic to humans. https://www.wnyc.org/story/poison-papers-reveal-all/  https://www.poisonpapers.org/category/articles/page/3/  .-- The EPA approved the land application of treated sewage sludge, also known as biosolids, despite the objections of its own scientists.

Now, all of the pollutants that the EPA strictly regulates in air and water are present in soil at millions of times higher concentrations. In an emergency memo titled "Management Alert: Certain Publicly Disclosed Toxic Release Inventory Data Are Inaccurate," Charles J. Sheehan revealed that, in conducting the Toxic Release Inventory Impact (TRI) Audit, whistleblowers Late in EPA's annual report The TRI National Analysis, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) concluded that what the EPA tells the public about toxic emissions and what is actually happening do not exactly align .

The EPA while all this was going on this corrupt agency apparently works for chemical companies instead of the people who pay their employees' salaries, there are literally thousands of chemicals on the market today that are harming and killing people, with no consequences. https://theintercept.com/2017/07/26/chemical-industry-herbicide-poison-papers/

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