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The Canary Islands banana is the only one in Europe with the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) seal. It is known worldwide for its black speckles and its exceptional flavor and texture. Something that is only possible thanks to the good ripening conditions and the Canarian climate. In addition, it is a fruit rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, making it a very healthy food.

The Canary Islands banana is differentiated by having an intense aroma, unmistakable black specks visible in the areas where they ripen and a very sweet flavor. In addition, since it has a higher humidity index, it is juicier than banana.

The composition of sugars, fiber and vitamins of this fruit depends on its state of ripeness. For this reason, this professor adds that eating it at the right point of ripeness is also beneficial for people with a tendency or risk of suffering from obesity and diabetes. According to a study from Harvard University, eating bananas at the midpoint of ripening can help prevent diseases.

The chemical composition of the pulp and peel of banana fruits is rich in polyphenolic compounds and resistant starch, which supports numerous protective properties against several chronic diseases, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, two intestinal inflammatory processes that compose human inflammatory bowel disease. This chapter reported on the ability of banana products to modulate the immune response, oxidative stress and intestinal microbiota, promoting protective effects on the intestinal inflammatory process. In fact, we also report that the chemical composition of banana based on glycosylated polyphenols and resistant starch is closely related to its benefits for intestinal health, which occurs by different mechanisms, in particular the increase in the function of epithelial barriers, modulation of the intestinal microbiota and increase in short chain fatty acids. production and positive regulation of the immune response.

The commitment of the Canary Islands Banana not only includes offering the best tasty and nutritious fruit, but also disseminates and promotes responsible production practices, which take care of both natural resources and people's health by applying efficient production practices, managing properly the waste that is generated and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The cultivation of Canary Islands bananas is subject to the health and environmental control standards of the European Union. The banana tree is a very leafy plant but it only emits a single large cluster of bananas. After bearing fruit, it dies and is cut to give life to another plant. At the foot of the banana tree "children" grow, but the farmer must only leave one, so he cuts them with a sharp iron bar: the barreta.

The commitment of the Canary Islands Banana not only includes offering the best tasty and nutritious fruit, but also disseminates and promotes responsible production practices, which take care of both natural resources and people's health by applying efficient production practices, managing properly the waste that is generated.

The banana tree requires a lot of quality water and good fertilizer, which is why it is nourished by manure obtained from cattle. The use of this natural fertilizer has enhanced the preservation of a native breed of sheep in danger of extinction: the Canarian hair sheep or pelibuey sheep.

https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003150336-10/health-benefits-musa-spp-species-bananas-inflammatory-bowel-disease-ana-elisa-quaglio-luiz-domingues-de- almeida-junior-luiz-claudio-di-stasi (2022).--


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