Fake meat is a gift from the devil for the glory of the Davos billionaires and the dominions of the agri-food monopolies industry and chronic disease medicine. Terrible experience outside the vision of the Creator. Diversity means organic agriculture and livestock, it does not just mean a raffle in which the species useful in the laboratory are mixed with the others, but the very fact that diversity exists acts as a productive engine in all living systems, such as as only with the mixture of all the colors is white light produced, without any of them being more important than the others, but in which they all contribute to a final result that is not found in any of the individual elements.

We need true science, well-rounded people who project wisdom to promote the health of the planet and the living beings that inhabit it. Our future well-being depends on placing relationships at the forefront of our collective interests. When nature is taken care of, we also take care of ourselves. All meaning arises from coordinated action and what we consider real and valuable depends on the well-being that we project, with the effort of regenerative local agriculture. Relationships with others and with nature must imply respect and an order of priorities that must be based on preserving it as it was born from the work of the creator. Life on Earth is not possible because of technological advances, but because there are trees, land and seas that allow us to oxygenate this planet and make it possible for us to breathe and feed ourselves. Love for nature, for life, for all the creatures in the world is the only thing that gives meaning to life.

Unlike gravity, biodiversity is something we have greatly altered in our brief presence on the Planet. Agriculture and livestock farming is one of the activities that most depends on the health of the ecosystem, and is undoubtedly one of those that has contributed the most to its deterioration.

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Fake meat, like global warming are a means to an end, transhumanism. It has nothing to with health. Fake meat is needed to convert human biology over to synthetic biology. When we eat real food we build up glutathione and superoxidedismutase(SOD). These destroy the synthetic biology which includes nanorouters. They are trying convert everyone over to transhumanism, and real food throws a monkey wrench into the efforts.

Global warming is the excuse they use to convince people these changes are needed. It's all pure fraud and extremely evil.

They want internet connected and easily controlled humans. Studies abound confirming that's what this is all about and the patents corroborate it.

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