Life on Earth is increasingly compromised by the toxic load of more than 350,000 industrial chemicals and mixtures of chemicals new to nature used by industry, from agriculture and food, consumer products, pharmaceuticals and a wide range of other sectors. PFAS are a big part of the problem, making up 15,000 compounds.

The American chemical industry is a nearly $800 billion business. Chemical company payments for PFAS are huge, but the problem is growing.

Results of the FDA Total Diet Study from 2019 to 2021 FDA said no detectable PFAS could be found in 701 of 718 samples. The FDA and EPA are trying to cover up a much bigger problem.

The chemical industry took a page from the tobacco playbook when it discovered and suppressed its knowledge of the health harms caused by PFAS exposure, according to an analysis of previously secret industry documents by UC San Francisco researchers.

The Forever Pollution Project: an investigation into PFAS contamination in Europe revealed the massive contamination of Europe by PFAS. Europe, which has already launched a plan to ban 10,000 PFAS chemicals. The United States is far behind other parts of the world

The industry used several strategies that have been shown to be common to the tobacco, pharmaceutical, and other industries to influence science and regulation, particularly suppressing unfavorable research and distorting public discourse.

U.S. industry disposed of at least 60 million pounds of PFAS “permanent chemical” waste over the past five years, and did so through processes that pollute the environment around disposal sites, according to a new analysis of agency data. of Environmental Protection.

The lack of transparency in industry-driven industrial chemicals research has important legal, political, and public health consequences.

The FDA and EPA, the same agencies charged with protecting health and the environment, have largely covered up for chemical companies that have spent decades hiding the horrible truth about the dangers of PFAS while continuing to contaminate our soil, water, and air. and food. The public needs to be awakened to influence US regulatory agencies, particularly the FDA and EPA, about the seriousness of PFAS contamination.

https://annalsofglobalhealth.org/articles/10.5334/aogh.4013 (2023).---

https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/03/chemical-companies-pfas-payouts-forever-chemicals (2023).---

https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2023/05/425451/makers-pfas-forever-chemicals-covered-dangers (2023).---

https://peer.org/report-forever-chemical-disposal/ (2023).---

https://www.deskera.com/blog/impact-of-chemical-manufacturing-on-the-environment/ (2023).—

https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2023/02/23/revealed-the-massive-contamination-of-europe-by-pfas-forever-chemicals_6016906_8.html (2023).- --

https://anh-usa.org/ban-pfas/ (2023).---

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How can Poufa's be tested to see if the brand used is good for consumption? Is it healthy to put this in a smoothie daily?

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