Chewing Neem leaves or seeds destroys bacteria that cause cavities. The powerful oil of this plant acts as a powerful remedy for oral infections, cavities and to prevent bleeding and sore gums. Across India, neem sticks are used as chew sticks to reduce oral bacteria and naturally clean, whiten and brighten teeth and even fight bad breath. Green tea also eliminates harmful bacteria inside the mouth. Green tea contains natural fluoride, which protects our teeth and mouth and prevents cavities. Green tea can also be used as a mouthwash. Green tea also helps eliminate bad bacteria from the intestine, facilitating digestion.

. Licorice root is an important herb that helps curb cavities and gum disease. Chewing licorice root protects against bacteria as it has antimicrobial properties. However, it is important to remember that licorice is not the same as licorice candy. Licorice is available at local pharmacies and is best known for its properties in fighting toxicity, treating cavities, and gum disease. Onion, when consumed raw, can cause bad breath, but at the same time it is very good at killing bacteria in the mouth.

Onions have antimicrobial properties that prevent gum disease and prevent cavities and plaque. Another important component to relieve toothache and dental problems is garlic. Garlic contains allicin. Allicin is an antibacterial agent that helps relieve tooth pain. More remedies in the links. https://theelitedental.com/herbs-spices-good-for-teeth-2/  .---- https://kanatahighlandsdental.ca/news/advantages-of-the-herbal-remedies-for-dental-cavities  https://www.smilecraftdental.com/which-herbs-and-spices-are-good-for-teeth/  .---

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Well I'm glad I read this before I tried this prescription toothpaste Clinipro. Dentist says I have bone loss and to start using this Hefty fluoride toothpaste... as I'm driving home talking to myself I filter out fluoride I filter out chlorine from my water and now he wants to put additional fluoride in my mouth

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