Look at the best buy date on your milk and ask yourself what's improved in refrigeration over the last 20 years which allows you to have a milk that doesn't expire for two months? Then pull up your browser and look up rBST dairy cows and why is there not a GMO label on your milk?

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We are facing the fake food industry and multinational pharmaceutical companies that promote disease and death.

Totally artificial foods are an increasingly popular trend focused on the development of a new line of synthetically produced ultra-processed food products using recent advances in synthetic biology, artificial intelligence and biotechnology.

These new products seek to imitate and replace animal products, food additives and expensive, rare or socially conflictive ingredients (such as palm oil).

Biotechnology companies and agribusiness giants are seeing the opportunity to enter this promising “green” consumer market and therefore these products are marketed to a new generation of environmentally conscious consumers who are increasingly critical of the grim realities of industrial food production.

As a result, meatless burgers and sausages, as well as imitations of cheese, dairy, seafood and others, have begun to flood the market, and can be found from fast food chains to local grocery stores.

The current Amish population in America is quickly approaching 400,000, with the oldest and largest having an average of 7 children per family, so the population is growing rapidly. In a new, comprehensive study (as of June 2023), presented by Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was estimated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent unvaccinated (fully unvaccinated), conditions Typical chronicles hardly exist. if there is any.

These chronic conditions, also called preventable diseases and disorders, suffered by nearly many vaccinated children and swaths of Americans, include autoimmune diseases, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, ADHD, arthritis, cancer, and of course...wait for it...autism.



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I have learned a lot nutritionally in the last decade and one thing is that pasture raised raw milk from A2 cows is so beneficial for the body. In fact, my s-i-l who is/was lactose intolerant is able to drink it without problems. Thank you Dr Mercola, your articles were the catalyst for beginning my deep dive into nutrition & healthful living. P.S. am on the Nourish Coop membership waitlist now too!!

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Got a query from MarKe about preservatives I eliminated to cure Eczema.

Comments/questions on the original emailed article seem to've been lost here??

How do I access them?

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