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For 2000 years, Buddhists have been practicing some forms of meditation that can be very useful for the goal of knowing ourselves better. Toxic relationships, self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression... are words and states that we live with day after day and that we must analyze.

We must stop to think about what we want to be, what we want to become. In a society where we are taught to compete, we must establish ourselves in our true self, without building walls based on dreamed images of ourselves. Self-realization comes with the knowledge of our interior. We cannot feel fulfilled if we do not allow ourselves to feel fulfilled in the depths of our being.

The philosopher Sören Kirkegaard points out that “man cannot be abandoned except by his and hers.” And fleeing from the despair that comes from distancing ourselves from our authenticity means facing Being, with capital letters. Namely, who we really are and not who we have been taught we should be. To connect with our self-esteem and rebuild ourselves, we must begin to enter the world of meditation.

-------------------------141 BENEFITS OF MEDITATION. Some of them:

1) Strengthen these 9 key brain regions. Harness the power of meditation to make your brain smarter, happier, and healthier. Change your brain, change your life.

2) Longevity, life extension and anti-aging

3) Heal the "intestinal and brain axis.

4) Increase immunity, develop health, defeat diseases

5) Reduction of stress and stress-related conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and fibromyalgia

6) Strengthens "grit" and mental toughness.

7) Balances the left and right cerebral hemispheres

8) Meditation makes us so happy.

9) How to neutralize bipolar disorder.

10) Improved memory.

11) Attention capacity.

12) Improved willpower.

13) Sleep better.

14) Less pain.

15) Decrease in blood pressure.

16) Less anxiety.

17) Less depression.

18) Meditation can help you better understand yourself, find your best self, and increase positive feelings and actions toward others.

https://eocinstitute.org/meditation/141-benefits-of-meditation/?mind_power_2&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAyp-sBhBSEiwAWWzTnq-eHd0XhFQrJx1L8Vr_Vt1IgQV01cIX3NMyowBlE0B1Q0T4rFMz1xoCV2oQAv D_BwE#/

In the links types of meditation and scientific evidence that mindfulness practices, such as meditation, have a positive impact on our mental health. Here are some of the tests.

https://www.weliahealth.org/2022/07/meditation-and-benefits-for-our-mental-health/ (2022).------

https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/cultivating-health/10-health-benefits-of-meditation-and-how-to-focus-on-mindfulness-and-compassion/2022/12 (2022).- ---


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