Extraordinary article that makes up the destruction of human health by 5G technology. Let us also consider a future of mastery of the human mind. neuroweapons and the global “battle” for control of the human brain with the 5G system.

Samuel Koslov, a leading figure on the US Navy's Pandora project and a researcher at Johns Hopkins University, said the conference had shown that external electric fields can "become a key to cellular control...The social, economic and even military are huge...

UNESCO's International Bioethics Committee (IBC) wrote: “External tools that can interfere with our decisions can question, or even challenge, an individual's free will and, consequently, his or her responsibilities. In this way, neurotechnology could affect freedom of thought, decision-making and action.

Current legislation that protects human rights must be updated to cover the new threats posed by advances in neurotechnology. Otherwise, the future of humanity will not respect human rights and will be controlled by manipulators of the human mind, emotions and bodily functions.

This manipulation could be carried out by the secret services of national or foreign governments, using pulsed microwave transmissions from mobile phones. The fifth generation of mobile phone systems (5G) is ubiquitous and controls things remotely (for example, self-driving cars). The sixth generation of mobile telephony aims to connect the human brain to the Internet and the first sales of this technology are already expected within 9 years.

The EU is the only large agglomeration of states that does not possess technology for mass manipulation of human brains. China, with help from Russia, recently completed construction of its system in Sanya, Hainan Province, the United States operates the HAARP system, and Russia operates the Sura system.

All of these systems are, among others, capable of producing strong electrical currents in the ionosphere, transmitting pulsed microwaves at brain frequencies there through terrestrial antenna systems. These alternating currents produce strong electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere at brain frequencies that reach large areas of the planet and will control the brain activity of their populations (Elon Musk's Starlink system with 20,000 satellites around the planet could be used for the same purpose, or 5G satellites, if they were pulsing their transmissions at the frequencies of the human brain).

https://www.globalresearch.ca/peoples-brains-bodies-not-protected-against-attacks-electromagnetic-waves-neurotechnologies/5820193 (2023).-----

https://www.globalresearch.ca/world-competition-control-human-brains-should-stopped/5849422?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles (2024).----

DIET NRF2, improves the Nrf2 gene. It is made up of various forms of flavonoids, which can be obtained from common sources such as berries, green and white teas, chocolate, grapes, apples, citrus fruits, onions, broccoli, curcumin, turmeric and carotenoids such as zeaxanthin and lutein, dark green vegetables and leaves and spices (saffron, turmeric or paprika) are a particularly rich source of polyphenols.

1) polyphenols such as epigallocatechin 3-gallate from green tea and quercetin from apple; (2) non-flavonoid polyphenols such as curcumin and resveratrol; (3) phenolic acids or diterpenes such as rosmarinic acid or rosemary carnosic acid; and (4) organosulfide compounds such as isothiocyanate, L-sulforaphane, broccoli and allicin, garlic thiosulfonate.

www.mygenefood.com/activating-nrf2-pathway-nutrition-need-know/ .---


https://transcendingsquare.com/tag/nrf2-promoting-foods/ .---

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/role-nrf2-activation-dr-alexander-jimenez- .-----

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yeah Guill........I bveen saying for years 4G n 5G is gonna kill and it is slowly killing...small weaker things go first....like bugs and bees ..now with 5G in all schools and hospitals and public buildings.......it wont be to long before everyone will slowly be cooked aline.... https://rumble.com/v298x94-5g-apocalypse-the-extinction-event.html

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MytMountains Research Labs have been spewing out facts based on real life experiences with Radio Frequency Radiation,,,,having have chased EMF problems for 5 Decades....now the frequencies are insanity high .. And more deadly.....for anything Living

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This is NOT new information.........it was proven over 100 years ago by JC Bose on India.. >> https://www.gutenberg.org/files/18986/18986-h/18986-h.htm

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