""""Improving mitochondrial function by avoiding linoleic acid, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and EMF exposure can help protect cognitive function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like dementia"""" <<This is NOT POSSIBLE !!!! EMF == Radio Frequent is NOT POSSIBLE to eliminate or stay away from, It's everywhere.... You can not sh…
""""Improving mitochondrial function by avoiding linoleic acid, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and EMF exposure can help protect cognitive function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like dementia"""" <<This is NOT POSSIBLE !!!! EMF == Radio Frequent is NOT POSSIBLE to eliminate or stay away from, It's everywhere.... You can not shield yourself enough.
And DARPA is spending Billions$ of your tax money on Advancing 5G which is a KNOWN D.E.W or a Directed Energy Weapon which is basically transmitting 24hours/7days for over a decades Radio Frequencies that are deadly.........first at very low ERP or estimated radiated power out on people ,,,,,,,basically causing caner increase and a slew of other diseases that are activated by RF Radiations....PROVEN over and over again a century ago....but the DARPA AKA Jews-Jesuits_FreeMasons have Control over the world with total control over food , energy , military , medical, and governments.
DARPA Controls the earths energies. Weapons and food , agriculture ,waters, finances.......and on and on.... Unlessn ya start eliminated the criminals.as in cull off via rope , hammers . lead implant units , cars , trucks. etc,,,there will never be any bright future for anyone.....rich or poor..RFRadiation will kill m them all....
""""Improving mitochondrial function by avoiding linoleic acid, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and EMF exposure can help protect cognitive function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like dementia"""" <<This is NOT POSSIBLE !!!! EMF == Radio Frequent is NOT POSSIBLE to eliminate or stay away from, It's everywhere.... You can not shield yourself enough.
This was well known for over 130 years that Radio Frequencies can Kill living tissue...read who was warning about this >>> Published as a proven fact>>> https://www.thethirdlevel.info/2021/04/marconi-bees-frequencies-queen.html <<>>> and who published these facts? >>> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=7828069 <<>> https://www.gutenberg.org/files/18986/18986-h/18986-h.htm
And DARPA is spending Billions$ of your tax money on Advancing 5G which is a KNOWN D.E.W or a Directed Energy Weapon which is basically transmitting 24hours/7days for over a decades Radio Frequencies that are deadly.........first at very low ERP or estimated radiated power out on people ,,,,,,,basically causing caner increase and a slew of other diseases that are activated by RF Radiations....PROVEN over and over again a century ago....but the DARPA AKA Jews-Jesuits_FreeMasons have Control over the world with total control over food , energy , military , medical, and governments.
DARPA Controls the earths energies. Weapons and food , agriculture ,waters, finances.......and on and on.... Unlessn ya start eliminated the criminals.as in cull off via rope , hammers . lead implant units , cars , trucks. etc,,,there will never be any bright future for anyone.....rich or poor..RFRadiation will kill m them all....