The junk food industry has managed to create an unnatural addiction in people's diets, with sugar addiction and carefully tested flavors, developing the pernicious science of addiction to extraordinary levels, with artificial ingredients used to produce these delicious snacks, to confuse and trick your body's metabolism. This is in stark…
The junk food industry has managed to create an unnatural addiction in people's diets, with sugar addiction and carefully tested flavors, developing the pernicious science of addiction to extraordinary levels, with artificial ingredients used to produce these delicious snacks, to confuse and trick your body's metabolism. This is in stark contrast to whole foods, the flavor and consistency, which nature itself created, and therefore work with your body to satisfy hunger and food cravings. DiNicolantonio stated that sugar is even more addictive than cocaine, becoming the most consumed addictive substance on the planet, far above nicotine or alcohol. In a study titled “Sugar addiction: is it real?” A narrative review”, an article by researchers James DiNicolantonio, James O’Keefe and William Wilson, research by American professors, reported that the consumption of added sugars has similar effects to other drugs, such as cocaine or opium.
According to the research, the information available has made it possible to identify behaviors typical of drug addicts in those who consume a lot of sugar. Binge eating, anxiety, withdrawal symptoms. Consuming sugar produces effects similar to consuming cocaine, altering the mood, due to its ability to activate the brain's reward system and pleasure centers, leading to a search for more sugar. Consumption of sugary drinks had a significant impact on the prevalence of obesity and related metabolic risks, including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome
We have Professor Yudkins' Big Book "Pure and Deadly White." "Yudkin was far ahead of his time with his idea of nutrition as a broad topic: not only the study of the composition of foods, but the importance of enjoying a variety of fresh foods and the recognition of psychological factors. and social, which make us choose certain foods and avoid others (in the first link)
Consider also Dr. Robert Lustig's book, “Fat Chance: The Hidden Truth About Sugar, Obesity and Disease.” Lustig spent the last 16 years treating childhood obesity. His meta-analysis of cutting-edge research on large cohort studies of what sugar does to populations around the world, along with his own clinical observations, gives great credit to the war on sugar.
Lustig said that "the problem with obesity is that the brain is not seeing the excess weight." The brain can't see it because appetite is determined by a binary system. Either you are in anorexigenesis - "I am not hungry and I can burn energy" - or you are in orexigenesis - "I am hungry and I want to store energy." The switch is your leptin level (the hormone that regulates body fat), but too much insulin in your system blocks the leptin signal.
Over 80% of the 600,000 packaged foods you can buy in the US have added sweeteners and flavorings, which create sugar addiction. Daily fructose consumption has doubled over the past 30 years in the United States. Global sugar consumption has tripled in the last 50 years, while the population has only doubled. The obesity pandemic and the growing development of chronic and degenerative diseases have a meaning.
The junk food industry has managed to create an unnatural addiction in people's diets, with sugar addiction and carefully tested flavors, developing the pernicious science of addiction to extraordinary levels, with artificial ingredients used to produce these delicious snacks, to confuse and trick your body's metabolism. This is in stark contrast to whole foods, the flavor and consistency, which nature itself created, and therefore work with your body to satisfy hunger and food cravings. DiNicolantonio stated that sugar is even more addictive than cocaine, becoming the most consumed addictive substance on the planet, far above nicotine or alcohol. In a study titled “Sugar addiction: is it real?” A narrative review”, an article by researchers James DiNicolantonio, James O’Keefe and William Wilson, research by American professors, reported that the consumption of added sugars has similar effects to other drugs, such as cocaine or opium.
According to the research, the information available has made it possible to identify behaviors typical of drug addicts in those who consume a lot of sugar. Binge eating, anxiety, withdrawal symptoms. Consuming sugar produces effects similar to consuming cocaine, altering the mood, due to its ability to activate the brain's reward system and pleasure centers, leading to a search for more sugar. Consumption of sugary drinks had a significant impact on the prevalence of obesity and related metabolic risks, including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome .---- .---- .----- (2023).--- (2023).--- (2023).---
We have Professor Yudkins' Big Book "Pure and Deadly White." "Yudkin was far ahead of his time with his idea of nutrition as a broad topic: not only the study of the composition of foods, but the importance of enjoying a variety of fresh foods and the recognition of psychological factors. and social, which make us choose certain foods and avoid others (in the first link)
Consider also Dr. Robert Lustig's book, “Fat Chance: The Hidden Truth About Sugar, Obesity and Disease.” Lustig spent the last 16 years treating childhood obesity. His meta-analysis of cutting-edge research on large cohort studies of what sugar does to populations around the world, along with his own clinical observations, gives great credit to the war on sugar.
Lustig said that "the problem with obesity is that the brain is not seeing the excess weight." The brain can't see it because appetite is determined by a binary system. Either you are in anorexigenesis - "I am not hungry and I can burn energy" - or you are in orexigenesis - "I am hungry and I want to store energy." The switch is your leptin level (the hormone that regulates body fat), but too much insulin in your system blocks the leptin signal.
Over 80% of the 600,000 packaged foods you can buy in the US have added sweeteners and flavorings, which create sugar addiction. Daily fructose consumption has doubled over the past 30 years in the United States. Global sugar consumption has tripled in the last 50 years, while the population has only doubled. The obesity pandemic and the growing development of chronic and degenerative diseases have a meaning. It-by-John-Yudkin-z-lib.org_.epub_.pdf .------