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1. Eat a low histamine diet.

2. Take a high-quality probiotic.

3. Incorporate a DAO supplement.

4. Utilize natural antihistamines.

Natural antihistamines found in certain herbs and supplements can help alleviate histamine intolerance symptoms by blocking the effects of histamine on the body. Natural antihistamines that may be helpful with histamine intolerance include the following:

------Quercetin: A flavonoid found in foods such as onions, apples, and berries.

------Vitamin C: A natural antihistamine that can help to reduce inflammation and support immune function.

------Nettle leaf: A natural antihistamine that can help to reduce allergy symptoms.

------Butterbur: A plant with natural antihistamine properties available in supplement form.

------Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish or fish oil supplements can help to reduce inflammation in the body, which may help to alleviate allergy-like symptoms.

These natural antihistamines can be found in many supplements, but we recommend Optimal Reset Histo Relief. Optimal Reset HistoRelief combines many of these natural antihistamines along with proprietary blends that help support the immune system while helping support healthy histamine levels in the body.

5. Drink plenty of water.

6. Focus on decreasing your stress.

7. Sweat them out.


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