Are there any brands of saunas that you recommend??

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I would suggest purchasing a “CORE” body temperature meter, the goal with the Suana is to get body temperature up to 102F degrees. If your core body temperature gets to that level the sauna is hot enough.

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Can you tell me if the commercial Hotworx infared saunas are safe. I recently joined and have been going 3-4 times a week. I definitely get a good strength workout and sweat but the heat setting is only 130 max and now I’m concerned about EMFs

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I was going to join Hotworx also but I have the same concerns about the EMFs. I would like to know, not sure if the company would give accurate information.

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I actually just found on a Hotworx blog that their infared consists of 95% far infared and 5% near infared so I’m going to pass since I the EMF concern seems to be regarding the far infared. Bummer!

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Thanks for sharing about the saunas at Hotworx. I’m passing on it also. I am looking into Therasage or another place with a sauna. So difficult to find.

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Thanks for share !!

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Re Heat Shock Proteins. Is the 160 temperature proof of increasing heat shock proteins? If someone is sweating a lb or 2 and getting core body temperature up by 3 to 4 degrees (for example with Sauna Space) with only 4 bulbs and the temp is 120 or 130 - does core body and sweat relate to heat shock proteins? Or those are separate unrelated measures?

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Doug December 9, 2022

Should you do your aerobic exercise program before using the near IR sauna?? Does the intensity of the exercise program affect the time needed to be spent in the sauna??

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If red and near IR saunas mimic sunlight, won’t a wood fired sauna with a glass door do the same? Humans didn’t just traditionally get sunlight. They also had nightly fires. It’s not just the heat of the fire, but also the light. The meditative effects of the flames flickering and the wood popping is also a benefit to a wood fired sauna, let alone the esthetic. What is more pleasing, the flickering of a fire or staring into light bulbs? I sit in front of a kochelofan with glass doors and the fire might approach 1,000 degrees. There are benefits to a cool home so I keep mine below 60*F in the winter. I sit on a drum throne (a low swivel stool), and turn like a rotisserie chicken, otherwise I will burn. Even in a 50*F room I will sweat some. But most interestingly I need to drink about half a gallon if I sit for an hour or so. This must suggest I am getting significant internal heating, or at least bioactivity. We get this near IR exposure while exposed to the sun. Surely we get the benefit without being in 170 degree weather. I see no reason why a person couldn’t get heating benefits from a far IR sauna, and the near IR benefits from a fireplace, camp fire, or the sun. Other than time efficiency there should be no need to experience these effects simultaneously. If you have the resources, then having a wood fired sauna to me seems to cover all bases, and is a natural approach. I for one trust that more than I would any light bulb.

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Does Mercola have a suggestion on how to best wrap the groin for men to protect that area as well if doing an intense setup - 7 or 8 bulbs? Mercola wraps the head with an ice gel wrap, but what about the groin area?

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