International vaccine passports, digital IDs and social credit systems are now being put into place. Is this the final piece of the global cabal's game?
I quit Amazon in 2016! I closed my account and I don't even navigate to their website.
I always use the VPN on the internet. Sometimes I connect from Japan, then I switch to Europe, etc... I don't know how they'll identify me when I have no fixed IP address.
I always disable the camera when I buy a machine.
I stopped using DuckDuckGo after their CEO admitted they were censoring searches. I use Brave Search.
I use free ProtonVPN (Switzerland). They're supposed to not save your data (?).
I don't even have an account with them, only a an e-mail used for junk mail. They can't Identify me from that e-mail because I created it without providing a contact number 10 years ago!
The reason I don't use paid services is that they'll have my credit card #.
You're right to question the veracity of not storing your data. I know how these companies work.
When the CIA realizes that people are using services that prevent them from tracking you, they create a shell company that buys shares of the targeted company or just take over the company!. Becoming an insider, they gather the information they want.
I don't think that Proton is different!
DropBox used to tell customers that they will never share their data with the government. They were caught later doing just that. Imagine your cloud files being shared with the government for no reason?
AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.. had to share the master key used to encrypt/decrypt your messages with the CIA.
Do you think that you can send private messages from those telcos?
BF, what is your thought on Ed Dowd as well? He’s another I’ve liked & followed, but I question all of them, including Stew Peters. Some are even saying that Dr McCullough, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Jane Ruby, & Mike Adams are also controlled. This is all so horrible because we don’t know for certain who is good & who is bad.
This is why we are told to put our trust in God alone. Jesus was constantly warning us to not be deceived.
Mike Adams from Natural News was censoring me back in 2011, when I had cured myself of Crohn’s disease and was so excited that I was trying to tell everyone.
Once I realized that I couldn’t post a natural cure on Natural News, I was discouraged, realized that Mike was a fraud, and then moved on to Dr. Mercola instead, where I could at least post without being censored.
My wife pointed out that Mike Adams would host Alex Jones show on occasion, and therefore assumed Alex was a CIA creation too.
This made sense to me, because every time I said the name Jesuit, the censorship started. Alex Jones never talks about the Jesuits, as they are the ones in Power running this country from the shadows. The CIA is a Jesuit run spy agency, and the FBI is their federal policing agency. The federal government itself is nothing more than a vassal of the Vatican.
Even the Bible reveals this truth.
See. Revelation 17 - the Woman who rides the Beast
Dr. Jane Ruby is close to Mike Adams, and Stew Peters. I love everything I hear from Stew, but he just seems too good to be true.
Dr. McCullough in my opinion isn’t one of the good guys, even though he appears to be.
Same with Dr. Robert Malone. He is definitely a snake, and was much easier to detect than the others. The guy has a PR team of over 350 people filtering everything that comes out from him. He’s probably a Jesuit.
William Brown, that is interesting what you say about Mike Adams. I’ve listened to him a lot but I’ve also wondered about him. I know he has co-hosted Infowars before & I know he’s friends with Alex Jones. This may sound dumb, but I never knew of Alex Jones before covid. & since then, I actually thought he was for the people. So, he’s working for the other side then is what you’re saying? Wow, that’s disappointing. Why do the elite go to such extremes to confuse all of us, why would they not just be more secretive about their plans? Why do they install all these actors who basically pretend to be on our side then? I don’t get it. Anyway, & that’s funny that you don’t know who Ed Dowd is (respectfully funny, lol). He’s on GETTR & has been in A LOT of interviews. I like him a lot, but he did once say that the Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink, was his friend. 😳 That was a red flag to me, BUT, I might give Ed Dowd the benefit of the doubt because he formerly worked on Wall St & for Blackrock. 🤷🏼♀️
Oh & who was it on this thread that said RFK Jr is controlled opp? That would be really disappointing! & it sure wouldn’t make any sense, considering the good his organization does...unless, of course, CHD (children’s health defense) is not going to have any luck with their lawsuits against the laws that now censor doctors in CA & also if CHD doesn’t have luck in stopping the c19 jab from being put on the school vaccine schedule in CA. Gosh, are any of these people good anymore? 😞
Personally, I am tired of all the internecine krap that people sling. Listen yourself to all sides (heck, even Fauci). Ask yourself: Cui bono? How long have they been at this freedom issue? Does it have an internal ring of truth. Have you followed the money? Who is expressley acting against their own financial interests (the fasco-Marxists CANNOT say or do anything their god of this world, mammon).
Personally, I am suspicious of EVERYONE dissing everyone else here. That is typical of the vile Deep State. Listen to all of them. Make your own judgments. Try to take a course in basic logic if you need brushing up. This is all an issue called epistemology (how we know we know); to be honest, its what is in every war - e.g., think the French resistance in WWII - who was in the resistance, who was a double agent? Heck, who was a triple agent? Who was just muddled or inaccurate?
Mercola has been at it for decades, so has Adams, so has Jones. That is an inition bona fide, but still does NOT make them right. Jones himself admits he overstated Sandy Hook (some of it WAS staged), so sometimes even the good guys get it wrong - that's why we MUST do internal peer review. I was heartened to see Crawford's push back on the Stew Peters Died Suddenly, illustrating exactly that. It Peters a double agent? Opportunist? Just sloppy? Well, as you note, he has done other good interviews, so I think, while his basic premise is spot on, he was just sloppy. But that's ok, here's the good thing: pro-freedom types caught this immediately, and like Crawford, I think sensitively pushed back.
We have wheels within wheels within wheels to battle now. Some ways to disentangle the wheels are noted above, but it ain't easy, and most people are too intellectually lazy to even try.
But if we don't, then think Orwell's "a boot eternally smashing on yoru face," or just as bad, Huxley's "they will love their servitude."
First, Ps.. 118. Yes, God's Word is both infallible and inerrant. Good point.
Dowd is a former big wig with the evil Blackrock who became a whistle blower.
Peters' recent Died Suddenly is a case in point: He has the big picture right, and indeed millions have died, but his movie has a large number of errors in it. Does this mean he is controlled opposition? An opportunist? Merely a sloppy amateur journalist? I don't know. But I do know Scripture is 100% inerrant, so that point is good.
The issue is one of epistemology. Part of that equation is cui bono? I.e., follow the money. Also, are people speaking out to their own detriment, like Michael Yeadon. Even then, that could be a ploy within a ploy. Everyone is an actor today. Heck, I watch the vile Fauci talk, and he seems so sincere, so affable. Or think the vile, evil Clintons, with Hilary's pleasant smile hiding a vile, evil shell of a person underneath. Think Bill lying thru his teeth.
We live is a world where, as Orwell said, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
In my opinion, you have interpolated with Adams. I, too, have had stuff submitted, but to be honest, I think it just gets lost in the shuffle. Most stuff I comment on with Mercola also appears to be censored. But, maybe they have minimal staff and throw the baby out with the bathwater; maybe at one point I said something (most of what I write is clearly innocuous, but whatever) that put me on the naughty list, or something else. The problem with the internet is that it is simply impersonal, and we are all just aggregates, algorithms, etc. So, my comments on Mercola never appear; same with Adams. I don't ascribe it to anything nefarious, just that they are overwhelmed, have tech problems, who knows. I try to listen to everyone, even the fasco-Marxist left people when I can stand it, and evaluate from there. You call Malone an obvious snake, but on what basis? You assert he has 350 people filtering his stuff, but cite no sources. So, perhaps you, too, are a misinformation person?
I prefer to listen to people and see what they have to say. I don't ascribe nefarious intent to both Adams and Mercola not publishing even comments I make. Maybe they have a policy I inadvertently violated? Who knows. But even tho I don't "make the press" with Mercola, Adams, etc., I still find them invaluable in the battle for freedom. And I WILL note create an internecine battle within a fight that is MUCH bigger than my little ego....
The issue is epistemology - how we know we know. The issue has been around for 100 years:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts, Denis Rancourt and Michael Yeadon.
These are 3 honest people with no skin in the game who provide a much deeper historical, geopolitical analysis that any of those you mentioned. They get to the core of what has been happening and what did happen over the past three years moreso than Kennedy and Mercola as well.
Fitts bio is: United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing, investment banker and former public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and, during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush, as United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing.
She's now turned truth teller. I listen to her whenever I can.
All valid questions. For certain there are some moles, some of whom will partially tell the truth, just like any double agent, then at critical junctures thow a spanner in the works. But, some helpful hints: How LONG have they been at this? What price have they had to pay professionally or financially, or personally? Listen for the "ring of truth" in what they say (noting that most politicians are VERY well trained to fool people in that regard)
BF, what are you implying, that she’s controlled opposition? This whole scheme is so horrible & evil, how is anyone to know who to trust with all these actors?? I happen to really like her by the way.
BF, what do you mean by “a spook?” Is she what you call a white hat?? Intelligence asset?? What is G7 again? I’ve heard of it...I can research it. Thank you.
They are ALL being made now with 5G capabilities, Apple and others. At least this is what I was told by a Verizon tech. My old 7 is dying too and I'm weaning myself off of it (mostly I love having a camera but that's a lame excuse.) Someone gave me a flip phone that I might activate. I have a landline. Ugh.
I have a digital camera I can use for my online art. Download images onto the hardware and then download online. You can do similar things with a word processor. And there are printers that work offline that cost less than the online kind.
1. You can put stress on the predator class and they will kill each other, 2 you can create organizations that can maneuver circles around a top-down predator structure, 3 if you know some technology the dumb predators may not be able to track what you are doing.
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Our landline is not VOIP. But during Snowvid Feb 2021, we discovered that our landline, which we pay over $70 a month for, only lasts between 30 min and 3 hrs after the power is turned off. Battery backup technology isn't that great.
Is it cordless? Mine is not and it seems ok although I can't say with certainty. My landlords installed a propane generator for me and so fortunately, for now at least, when the power goes off it switches on.
Good point. But everyone here is yammering about cell phones. HERE are some solutions below. NO, THEY ARE NOT PERFECT. We get it. And yes, a flip phone is better if you can do that . I am using an Android now, WITH a 10 dollar faraday case (really folks, get one. EVERYONE can afford 10 buck. Blocks ALL communication in/out of your phone. But I intend to move to one of the solutions below soon. In the meantime ****GET THE HELL OFF GOOGLE/CHROME (not frivolous swearing, Google IS from Hell)***** I use Brave browser, at and it is bulletproof. Has Tor built in. Search engines use the new FreeSpoke, Swisscows, Presearch (DuckDuckGo has now gone over to the dark side). Start page was ok, but was bought. Don't know where they stand.
If you like the Murena Teracube for sale on /e/'s website, that would be simplest, and would get over-the-air updates* as well.
BTW, keep in mind that many paid applications from the Play store may not work on /e/OS, if they require specific Google services. But /e/ incorporates micro-G which basically spoofs those services, allowing some/many proprietary/commercial apps to work. But if you’re searching here, you, like us, probably actively oppose Google services.
*Official builds that you install yourself can also get OTA updates. Unofficial builds won’t, but they’re easy to update manually once you already have /e/OS installed, as long as it’s not an Android version change
Volta phone: they will send you a SIM card, or eSIM to plug into your phone, works as a replacement for your existing carrier. When you go into a zone, the phone is constantly checking in with towers, where it hands over your status parameters – “I’m a phone, and here’s my number.” This goes into the log files of ATT, Verizon, etc. These keep a record of your location, meaning you can be geo-fenced (e.g, you were a block away from a robbery, but police think you were involved – of course, note that if you were a mule for all those fake Biden votes being dropped off, they will never check that)
So, how do you get calls without being tracked? You appear as data., use discount code “Ranger.” Cost is about 50 a month.
Here’s how it works: there are two categories of devices talking to cell towers: phones and “non-phone machines” just using data – i.e., data devices like machinery pressure gauges reporting pressures in oil pumping and wells , security systems, remote control applications, etc. They just send data. These non-phone devices have a different type of SIM card (looks, fits the same, but just for data), which doesn’t identify itself as a phone; rather it identifies itself as a data device, and hence doesn’t pass a phone number to cell towers. Volta makes your phone look like a data device to the cell towers, so the phone never sends your phone number to the cell tower, and in fact it never checks in as a phone. So if there is geofencing being done, your device no longer has checked in as a phone, and the cell towers don’t know the phone number you have, as the phone switching occurs in a Volta server farm located far away, which then sends data packet to your “Non-phone” phone. Even if they wanted to track you, the switching is done at the server farm. You still make phone calls, text, browse the web like usual, just not going thru the regular phone switches. All you do is swap out the SIM card. You can sign up anonymously with Volta, and you can also get a new phone number from them. Mike Adams reports the sound quality is “clear as day” even tho it is data. Adams report here about 1 hour 20 min. mark. You also do not load the APK file from the Google play store.
YOU can also use as a hot spot; data … none of the carriers know what that data is, so they can’t assign it to you.
Above Phone Partners with Presearch on Secure, Private Phone
In an age of increased concern about surveillance, big tech tracking and security for crypto assets, Above Phone provides users with a 100% private, secure phone that leverages the best in open source, privacy-focused software to create a full suite of apps to replace big tech.
Through a new collaboration with Presearch, the community-driven, decentralized search engine that respects user privacy, the Above Phone is now even more secure and private.
This partnership makes the Presearch search engine and secure web browser app the default search and browsing experience for Above Phone users, guaranteeing a completely secure and private internet experience right out of the box.
The Above Phone is not just an alternative to big tech phones but a platform for ensuring your privacy on the go which runs on a custom version of the Android operating system. The Above Phone provides by default encrypted phone calls, video chats, and text messaging.
By setting Presearch as the default web browser and search engine, the Above Phone prevents you from being tracked or profiled, and ensures that your IP address or GPS location are not captured by the surveillance state, all while providing world-class search results. Search queries are not stored and users can remain totally anonymous.
Big tech companies have made billions selling consumer data to third parties. sometimes illegally. With the Above Phone powered by Presearch, theft of consumer data are blocked by default. Users are now empowered to control their data.
“Are you Degoogled?” is a growing trend as consumers take back their data from the big tech giants. The Above Privacy Phone powered by Presearch is a powerful tool in this arsenal.
About Presearch
Presearch operates a search engine with more than 4 million registered users, making it one of the largest blockchain projects in the world. Its users conduct over 100 million searches a month.
Why do people use Presearch? There are three main Unique Value Propositions (UVPs):
1. User control over data and privacy
2. Payment for contributing value to the ecosystem
3. Decentralization of the search ecosystem
About Above Agency
Above Agency is a digital agency that builds friendly technology ecosystems for people who value privacy & freedom. We got our start helping activist organizations and movements build robust presences without relying on abusive big tech companies.
The is a mobile privacy solution that combines four different components
• Secure hardware
• Open-source operating systems (GrapheneOS & CalyxOS)
• Free & Open Source Applications
• Privacy Services
The fifth and final component is user education accompanied by a change in mindset, and real-world practice. Education on the phones is supported by our Knowledge Base which is completely open to the public.
I have a ton of respect for WW. I wouldn’t want her investigating me if I were a criminal. She’s not only a great investigative journalist, she’s got huge ⚽️ 🏀 🏈
Absolutely! I've been following her work for about 2 years and I'm just in awe of her. She's one of the smartest, most courageous people out there, for sure.
I'm watching Alison McDowell's (wrenchinthegears) 3.5 hr video about Twitter, the Emergent Superorganism right now. She's another truly brilliant mind, I've been following her for 2 years as well.
Hello Reignite Family
We have decided to focus on step 14 for the next five weeks. We won't be doing another step until January 8th, 2023.
We will use this time to finish some projects that will enhance this initiative, and we'll keep pushing this step and previous ones.
With all the social events over the holidays, we could reach SO MANY people with step 14.
We'll still touch base every once in a while via email. Use this time to focus on your family, rest up and get ready for next year because we have a huge job on our hands to pushback against Digital IDs and currencies.
Step 14 of the GLOBAL WALKOUT
'Digital ID awareness'
We are so blessed to have Catherine Austin Fitts announce another step for us.
It's time for us to step outside our echo chamber even more and start educating as many people as we can about the dangers of a Digital ID and Digital currencies, that includes CBDCs (central bank digital currencies).
First, watch the new documentary called State of Control (click the link below for that) so that you can answer people’s questions. Then, download and print the pamphlet we’ve made (also in the link). Go for a walk with your family and friends and drop them into letterboxes, give them out at work, to the cashiers and parents at school drop-off. Give them to as many people as you can.
This is so critical because when the implementation of these things begins to happen, it might be too late to educate others. You’ve got to start now. The more people we can reach now, the more effective our campaigns will be to stop their agenda. Think of this exercise as rallying the troops and getting them ready to pushback against the global digital ID and global digital currencies when the time comes.
Yes it's coming. I have an old Nokia 3310, this is why it took me 4+ hours to clear ICA (Singapore), luckily I had a 'Western' passport and could create a burner email on a computer provided by Changi airport.
Humanity has been in prison for almost 6000 years. We are nearing the End of the Age, and they KNOW it. The REAL Agenda is hidden in plain sight. From the horse's mouth:
“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” Robert Muller (United Nations), author of the World Core Educational curriculum
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.
``Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods.... Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.'' -- Albert Pike in Morals and Dogmas.
His statue is in front of the US Congress since ~1903. Maintained with your tax money!!!
That’s all good and well understood, but do we turn the other cheek to be slaughtered.... a well known fact about humans is how we suffer more when things are done to others than this brings us down the emotional scale, also the vibrational scale, also the lower we go the closer we get to hell......So if we don’t stop this, this is where we will go, unless when we die we stay away from the light and leave this simulation, then leave this system altogether.
Can we put our phones away? Can we throw away our digital identities? Maybe just email to keep and data searching? We will need to form communities.
I was banned today from Dr. Mercola’s website for posting the following comment. Freedom of speech is officially dead.
To Mercola: you just lost one of your biggest fans. I’m sure you won’t miss my $200-300 a year in supplement purchases, but you’re still biting the hand that feeds you. It’s going to catch up to you eventually. You are a hypocrite. Always complaining about being attacked and censored, yet doing the very same thing to those who have supported you. If you are going to align yourself with the wicked bastards that rule over us, than you will take part in their judgement when it’s rolled out. Know that I will be exposing you as a fraud from this day forward to everyone who will listen.
To everyone else
Here was the comment that got me banned:
Joined On 07/16/2012
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Time will prove me 100% correct about Dr. Robert Malone. He is a wolf in sheep clothing. The Vaccine Passports won’t be stopped. They were what this pandemic was all about from Day 1. I’ve instinctly known this all along. God given discernment that instantly told me that the pandemic was a false flag, to scare people into accepting what would eventually turn out to be what the Bible calls the mark of the beast. When the dna altering vaccine was rolled out in record time, I was still trying to figure out the details as to how it played into the whole mark of the Empire scenario, but that’s when I discovered Quantum dot tattoos.
They definitely will qualify for the biblical mark of the beast, if they are placed on foreheads and right hands. To deceive people, I believe that they will be put on smart phone apps first, before eventually ending up tattooed on the bodies of the damned. The vaccines are definitely loaded with nanotechnology and the elite are definitely trying to introduce their Iron into our clay temples. The Bible said the final empire would be a mixture of iron and clay in Daniel chapter 2 This is what we are seeing now.
Zero chance that the passports will be stopped though. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled regardless. Just make sure that you guys refuse these marks, even to the death if it comes down to that. It’s better to lose your life, than your soul! The penalty for everyone who takes the mark is eternal damnation mentioned in Revelation 14. It’s here at the door folks, make sure your heart is right with God, and walk with Him daily. Things get Much worse from here on out. The following video is one of the best summaries as to what these mrna vaccines are really all about. It’s well worth the time to watch.
Steve Kirsch is one of them for sure. I was actually thinking about him before I came to the end of your comment. I noticed some red flags with him awhile ago, and quit wasting my time following up with anything he had to say. He just comes across as the type of guy who would sell out his own mother for the right price.
I believe the Jesuit Order rules the world from Vatican City. That is my interpretation of Revelation 17 - The woman who rides the beast.
I have written on this topic thoroughly so many times, That I get sick of repeating it, so I’ve saved one of my older comments on this subject, so I can just copy and paste, and save myself an hour of time typing it all out. I will go ahead and do that below, if you wanna take the time to read it. It’s long but thorough.
I’m thoroughly studied up on all of that. Roman Catholicism is a false religion. It was Constantine who basically Christianized his Pagan beliefs, and mixed them into his Pagan Babylonian Religion in order to unite everyone under his rule.
He was indeed the first Pope. Catholics are taught that Peter was the first pope. Utter foolishness. I can easily prove this to be false with Bible scripture alone.
I don’t care to read the book of Judith or any of their other false doctrines. Revelation 17 reveals everything that needs to be known about that Great Whore. Her teachings are no where to be found in the Bible, and many of the things they teach and forbidden in the Bible.
I could pump out a list of things, but nobody seems to care.
No religion is from God. They are all used by men to control and manipulate others.
This Bible is God’s Word, Religions are fake.
Nobody needs a priest or a preacher to teach them anything.
I personally found God by just picking up a Bible and reading it. I highly recommend that everyone else do the same.
At least that way, people can read it, and then decide what they believe AFTER reading what it has to say.
Most atheists have never read the Bible, yet they slander it every chance they get, mostly based off of assumptions.
It’s folly and shameful to dismiss a matter before hearing it.
For something that has eternal consequences, I wonder why more people don’t at least read it once.
The veil of deception is falling. People are seeing the truth behind the poisoning of humanity. It isn’t just the latest mrna dna altering abominations that they have called vaccines. It’s the glyphosate in the food supply, the chemtrails being sprayed daily into the atmosphere, the fluoride and other toxins being put into our water.
They’ve lied to us about everything, including the shape of our earth and what lies beyond its boundaries. The Bible explained the truth all along, and yet...religion has purposely turned men away from God’s Word, because men can see the wickedness and hypocrisy of Religion, and they assume that God isn’t real, and the Bible is foolishness as well.
In the Bible, the Book of Daniel reveals what the future holds. In chapter 2, God gives King Nebuchadnezzar a dream, which Daniel interrupts. This dream revealed all of the Empires that would exist on the earth from the time of King Nebuchadnezzar, unto the return of Messiah, and His eternal Kingdom. I’m going to quickly summarize, so I can get to my point a little faster. I highly encourage everyone to open a KJV Bible and read this chapter for yourself, and research everything I am saying to prove it to be truth, and not just my opinion.
In the Dream, there was a giant statue made up on different metals, each representing a different empire upon the earth, all in sequential order from the head to the feet. Here they are:
Head of Gold: Babylonian Empire
Shoulders of Silver: Mede/Persian Empire
Midrift of Bronze: Grecian Empire (Alexander the great)
Legs of Iron: Roman Empire
Feet of miry clay/Iron: Beast System
After much research, and studying the entire book of Daniel, and Revelation I have determined the above Empires are indeed associated correctly. The purpose of me writing these thoughts out is to bring your attention to where we are currently at in time. We are transitioning into the feet or iron/miry clay...the final empire before Christ returns. This system is described in several places in the Bible, but here in Chapter 2 of Daniel, verse 43 it says something profound that I want to bring to everyone’s attention.
Daniel 2:43 (KJV) And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
This is the verse that reveals what will be going on shortly. The iron (nanotechnology) being mixed with miry clay (humanity), they (fallen angels/aliens) shall mingle themselves with the seed of men (DNA) 🧬.
This is my perception of what the verse means, and I want the world to know in advance what’s coming. They seek an Empire of transhumanism. Super soldiers, hybrids, nanotechnology replacing blood cells. Remember the Bible says the life is in the blood. Ponder the implications of that.
I see all of this happening quickly, and those who have chosen to augment themselves will be branded like property. It’s called the mark of the beast. It will probably be a QRCODE found on the right hand or forehead. Probably invisible to the naked eye, but will glow under ultraviolet light thanks to the Luciferase added within it.
All QRCodes are nothing more than a numbering system, and the foundation for all barcodes are the place holders that separate them. 666. All barcodes including qrcodes contain placeholders of 6, to separate the country code from the manufacturers code. An example of this would be the number 612346567896
or ||1234||56789||
The vaccine passports/green passports will lead to the mark of the beast.
That’s what I believe is going on with these Mrna “Vaccines” complete with the name of Lucifer as they’ve included Luciferase into them. I personally found proof of this on Moderna’s own website.
If I were a Luciferian, I would NEVER inject anything into my body that bore the name of Jesus. Why would any Christian inject themselves with anything that includes “Luciferase”? The name of Lucifer!!!
Revelation 17-18 reveal the mystery of the woman who is riding the beast, and her judgment. This is where things come full circle. The woman is revealed to be a great City which resides on 7 mountains, and rules over the kings of the earth. I believe this to be Vatican City, Rome. In Revelation 18, it says the following:
and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants (corporations) were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (G5331-Pharmakeia) were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Revelation 18:23-24
The word Sorceries in this verse is Strong’s G5331 - Pharmakeia, it means the following:
1.the use or the administering of drugs
2. poisoning
3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
Notice the word idolatry above? Would you agree that people put blind faith in their physicians and pharmaceuticals? Is that idolatry?
And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.
2 Chronicles 16:12-13
Can you see the lesson here?
Now back to the overall revealing here in Revelation 17-18…
The reason this is important is because, these chapters reveal that the merchants/corporations of Rome are responsible for deceiving all of the nations of the earth with their Pharmaceuticals aka MRNA “vaccines” the same ones that introduced Iron into clay (nanotechnology into humans), the same ones that bore the name of Lucifer.
Is the USA a corporation of Rome? How about The city of London, New York, Washington DC? After all, the land Washington DC was built upon used to be called “Rome, MARYland”
Right between VIRGINia and MARYland, you just can’t make this stuff up.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the return of Messiah) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin (antichrist)be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God(our bodies), shewing himself that he is God. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,8-12
What is it referring to when it says “who believed not the truth?” What truth?
Could it be the following:
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word (Bible) is truth.
John 17:17
Definition of sanctify is to set apart as or declare holy;
The overall message this comment is trying to convey to everyone is that:
I pray that God will confirm this rather long comment to all of you out there who want to know the truth. I pray that it reaches those of you who don’t want to be deceived, and that it resonates with you.
Let no man deceive you! Put your faith and trust in Jesus and His Word. It is the foundation that can be relied upon.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
A video to watch for visual learners. This explains what’s going on with Alien deceptions. Once you know the truth about this, the truth starts becoming easier to see.
I’ll try to find you another link. Those who are hiding the truth are relentless and powerful. That link was working a few hours ago. It’s probably why they banned me. It laid it all out and connected all the dots.
Daniel 2:43 (KJV) And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
This verse is talking about the people who will make up the Beast System - the final world empire before Christ returns.
They’re indeed pumping clay bodies full of iron nanoparticles but the verse straight up says they shall not cleave one to another as iron doesn’t mix with clay. So I agree, there will be problems.
In Revelation, the people who took the mark develop grievous sores...all of this is linked together.
They’ve made several attempts today to break the link I posted. So, I have downloaded it onto a friends server to provide people with another link if necessary. I hate censorship and everyone participating in it! Dr. Mercola can go fly a kite, I’ll never buy another thing from him again, and I’ll expose him every chance I get.
I’ve watched comments that I have liked, removed before my eyes several times. I don’t think it’s a bug, I think it’s intentional, just another way to steer content since everything heavily liked moves to the top.
William Brown, before you get upset with Dr Mercola (I’ve been a fan of his for a long time too, & it’s cuz of him I didn’t take the poison), do you think the artificial intelligence could have censored your comment? Just maybe?? 🤷🏼♀️ He is a proponent of free speech, so it doesn’t make sense.
It breaks my heart to finally see the truth, but I was warned years ago and ignored the warning. I reached out to another Substack author that has been posting on Mercola with me for several years. Here is what he had to say about it.
1. They removed my comment completely so nobody could read it.
2. They have been preventing him from being able to like comments from certain people like myself. (A form of censorship)
3. He had noticed that Mercola has been cracking down on all negative opinions of Dr. Robert Malone recently.
4. I created a new account with a different email address and tried to tell my fellow friends on there what was going on, and I got a message that said “Your comment will appear after moderators approve your comment” and of course it was never approved.
There shouldn’t be any censorship at all on his site, and there is. That alone is problematic and hypocritical on his part. Whether or not he is one of them or just being threatened to play ball, or else pay the consequences is for everyone else to decide for themselves, but everything I have posted about the situation is the truth.
I’ve always loved and admired him as a beacon of truth and integrity in a world full of deception, but alas, he just turned out to be more sly than all the others.
Florida seems to be where they want all of the unvaxxed moving to. Probably so they can have their gmo released mosquitos inject people with the same crap.
It sure would be tough to get out of Florida if things got bad there. There’s literally not very many routes out of the State.
My mind can think of lots of scenarios. Here’s another: using weather manipulation I can see them causing hurricanes to slam Florida and destroy many livelihoods down there.
Either way, DeSantis is a puppet playing his role. It amazes me how many people still put faith in politics, especially with all of the obvious election fraud going on nowadays. They don’t even hide it anymore.
This country is being destroyed intentionally, and I can totally see a civil war on the horizon.
I believe that the earth is flat based on the Bible, and therefore don’t believe there is a South Pole. All of that polarity shifting is junk science in my opinion. However, I’m not that smart, and am probably overlooking many aspects to the equation.
William Brown, wow, I appreciate all of what you’re saying here. I noticed on here that multiple comments have been deleted, I think it was by the name “BF.” That is the first commenter I asked a question to...I think that commenter’s posts have been deleted. That is suspicious to me...& also, I was scrolling down reading your comment, & I guess I accidentally hit those 3 periods/ellipsis (...) & it said I reported your comment! 😬 I never meant to report your comment! Then, it wouldn’t let me heart/like your comment. 🤷🏼♀️ ?? I wonder if it’s some type of AI that polices all this stuff on the internet. ?? I hate to think that Mercola is not on the side of good.
Lots of shady activities are clearly going on right now. The censorship is real, and Dr. Mercola is definitely allowing it to take place, regardless of who’s actually doing it.
I’m heartbroken myself over all of it. I honestly thought he was one of the good guys. He isn’t. He’s a shill, one of the best I’ve ever seen. Since I’ve been commenting on his website since 2012, Lots of other regular commenters know me, and have privately revealed some shady things that have been going on for awhile.
I understand if people don’t want to believe what I’m saying. I was told myself 5 years ago by several people that Mercola was censoring them, and I didn’t believe it.
Something sinister is going on regardless, even if the details aren’t known.
Just looking at this thread today after 12 hours is revealing lots of deleted and censored comments as well as several people commenting on not being able to like my comments.
I’m only one person and they may have silenced me on mercola, but I still managed to get on Substack and call him out before he could do anything about it.
I had an old flip phone that was 3G and Verizon stopped supporting so I got another flip phone with 4G. I spend way too much on the internet while I am home and don't want to be that person who always has their head down looking at a small screen. I see mothers that don't pay attention to their small children. I see drivers who are too immersed to realize that the light has turned green. And, I see way too many distracted drivers that scare the crap out of me.
But this is the best reason. The FBI using geofencing on January 6.
The majority of the video links in this substack have been removed from twittr, btw. So glad the new owner is such a huge proponent of free speech /sarc.
A few question:s why do Chinese people take their smartphones with them 100 percent of the time? Is it illegal to be without the technological ball and chain in China? Does China already use AI and digital currency all over the country and people cannot pay with old-fashioned money?
Here in the US, I’ve started leaving my "smartphone" at home whenever I leave the house, and I’m starting to make note of where old-fashioned payphones are located here and there in case I need to make a call.
Little things add up, and if we stop using the old tech, it will soon disappear, just like landline phones did a couple of months ago. American "landline" phones are now VOIP, so no internet, no phone. :-(
Yeah, I figured that. I live in the country. No 5G here yet but I know it's just a matter of time. Most of the people here would think it'd be great to have it.
"The main difference between VoIP and landline is that VoIP uses the internet to transmit digital data between devices, while traditional landline uses physical wires to transmit analog signals."
Thanks for clarifying, William. :) I'm not very techy but was smart enough to ask when I had my landline installed here because Verizon had tried to talk me into VOIP when I lived in NY.
don’t add credit cards to ‘wallet’ on phone… think this is the intermediate step to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)… which is the precursor to Beast chip implants.
nahhh just put it in a faraday case when not in use - turn off wifi before putting it in. watch where you take it out when out and about since you could be pre-crimed because your phone popped up when a crime occurred so they have to "investigate". eventually you'll have to ditch it because you won't be allowed to be part of the digital system since you don't comply so prepare ahead of time to deal with that when it arrives.
Use Brave.
Do they even have those? I thought they stopped printing those a couple of decades ago.
I quit Amazon in 2016! I closed my account and I don't even navigate to their website.
I always use the VPN on the internet. Sometimes I connect from Japan, then I switch to Europe, etc... I don't know how they'll identify me when I have no fixed IP address.
I always disable the camera when I buy a machine.
I stopped using DuckDuckGo after their CEO admitted they were censoring searches. I use Brave Search.
I use free ProtonVPN (Switzerland). They're supposed to not save your data (?).
I don't even have an account with them, only a an e-mail used for junk mail. They can't Identify me from that e-mail because I created it without providing a contact number 10 years ago!
The reason I don't use paid services is that they'll have my credit card #.
You're right to question the veracity of not storing your data. I know how these companies work.
When the CIA realizes that people are using services that prevent them from tracking you, they create a shell company that buys shares of the targeted company or just take over the company!. Becoming an insider, they gather the information they want.
I don't think that Proton is different!
DropBox used to tell customers that they will never share their data with the government. They were caught later doing just that. Imagine your cloud files being shared with the government for no reason?
AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.. had to share the master key used to encrypt/decrypt your messages with the CIA.
Do you think that you can send private messages from those telcos?
She looks like her heritage might be Maltese. Lots of people from Malta emigrated to Australia after the war.
You questioned her last name in your previous comment. That is what I was responding to.
The Maltese language is very difficult. Lots of q's and z's.
I figured that her last name might be a difficult one that starts with the letter z and maybe she just used a shortcut.
Well at this point, I’m sticking to Psalm 118:8 - the middle verse of the Bible
Psalms 118:8 (KJV) [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
BF, what is your thought on Ed Dowd as well? He’s another I’ve liked & followed, but I question all of them, including Stew Peters. Some are even saying that Dr McCullough, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Jane Ruby, & Mike Adams are also controlled. This is all so horrible because we don’t know for certain who is good & who is bad.
This is why we are told to put our trust in God alone. Jesus was constantly warning us to not be deceived.
Mike Adams from Natural News was censoring me back in 2011, when I had cured myself of Crohn’s disease and was so excited that I was trying to tell everyone.
Once I realized that I couldn’t post a natural cure on Natural News, I was discouraged, realized that Mike was a fraud, and then moved on to Dr. Mercola instead, where I could at least post without being censored.
My wife pointed out that Mike Adams would host Alex Jones show on occasion, and therefore assumed Alex was a CIA creation too.
This made sense to me, because every time I said the name Jesuit, the censorship started. Alex Jones never talks about the Jesuits, as they are the ones in Power running this country from the shadows. The CIA is a Jesuit run spy agency, and the FBI is their federal policing agency. The federal government itself is nothing more than a vassal of the Vatican.
Even the Bible reveals this truth.
See. Revelation 17 - the Woman who rides the Beast
Dr. Jane Ruby is close to Mike Adams, and Stew Peters. I love everything I hear from Stew, but he just seems too good to be true.
Dr. McCullough in my opinion isn’t one of the good guys, even though he appears to be.
Same with Dr. Robert Malone. He is definitely a snake, and was much easier to detect than the others. The guy has a PR team of over 350 people filtering everything that comes out from him. He’s probably a Jesuit.
I have no idea who Ed Dowd is.
William Brown, that is interesting what you say about Mike Adams. I’ve listened to him a lot but I’ve also wondered about him. I know he has co-hosted Infowars before & I know he’s friends with Alex Jones. This may sound dumb, but I never knew of Alex Jones before covid. & since then, I actually thought he was for the people. So, he’s working for the other side then is what you’re saying? Wow, that’s disappointing. Why do the elite go to such extremes to confuse all of us, why would they not just be more secretive about their plans? Why do they install all these actors who basically pretend to be on our side then? I don’t get it. Anyway, & that’s funny that you don’t know who Ed Dowd is (respectfully funny, lol). He’s on GETTR & has been in A LOT of interviews. I like him a lot, but he did once say that the Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink, was his friend. 😳 That was a red flag to me, BUT, I might give Ed Dowd the benefit of the doubt because he formerly worked on Wall St & for Blackrock. 🤷🏼♀️
Oh & who was it on this thread that said RFK Jr is controlled opp? That would be really disappointing! & it sure wouldn’t make any sense, considering the good his organization does...unless, of course, CHD (children’s health defense) is not going to have any luck with their lawsuits against the laws that now censor doctors in CA & also if CHD doesn’t have luck in stopping the c19 jab from being put on the school vaccine schedule in CA. Gosh, are any of these people good anymore? 😞
So, HOW do you know Brown isn't a disinfo agent??
Personally, I am tired of all the internecine krap that people sling. Listen yourself to all sides (heck, even Fauci). Ask yourself: Cui bono? How long have they been at this freedom issue? Does it have an internal ring of truth. Have you followed the money? Who is expressley acting against their own financial interests (the fasco-Marxists CANNOT say or do anything their god of this world, mammon).
Personally, I am suspicious of EVERYONE dissing everyone else here. That is typical of the vile Deep State. Listen to all of them. Make your own judgments. Try to take a course in basic logic if you need brushing up. This is all an issue called epistemology (how we know we know); to be honest, its what is in every war - e.g., think the French resistance in WWII - who was in the resistance, who was a double agent? Heck, who was a triple agent? Who was just muddled or inaccurate?
Mercola has been at it for decades, so has Adams, so has Jones. That is an inition bona fide, but still does NOT make them right. Jones himself admits he overstated Sandy Hook (some of it WAS staged), so sometimes even the good guys get it wrong - that's why we MUST do internal peer review. I was heartened to see Crawford's push back on the Stew Peters Died Suddenly, illustrating exactly that. It Peters a double agent? Opportunist? Just sloppy? Well, as you note, he has done other good interviews, so I think, while his basic premise is spot on, he was just sloppy. But that's ok, here's the good thing: pro-freedom types caught this immediately, and like Crawford, I think sensitively pushed back.
We have wheels within wheels within wheels to battle now. Some ways to disentangle the wheels are noted above, but it ain't easy, and most people are too intellectually lazy to even try.
But if we don't, then think Orwell's "a boot eternally smashing on yoru face," or just as bad, Huxley's "they will love their servitude."
Sorry, I am for a third way.
The reason so-called secrets are in the open :
They excite your subconsciousness and use these creative powers against you.
Solution: read/study/practice 'The Promise and the Law' wriiten by Neville Goddard (1961).
Pray harder.
First, Ps.. 118. Yes, God's Word is both infallible and inerrant. Good point.
Dowd is a former big wig with the evil Blackrock who became a whistle blower.
Peters' recent Died Suddenly is a case in point: He has the big picture right, and indeed millions have died, but his movie has a large number of errors in it. Does this mean he is controlled opposition? An opportunist? Merely a sloppy amateur journalist? I don't know. But I do know Scripture is 100% inerrant, so that point is good.
The issue is one of epistemology. Part of that equation is cui bono? I.e., follow the money. Also, are people speaking out to their own detriment, like Michael Yeadon. Even then, that could be a ploy within a ploy. Everyone is an actor today. Heck, I watch the vile Fauci talk, and he seems so sincere, so affable. Or think the vile, evil Clintons, with Hilary's pleasant smile hiding a vile, evil shell of a person underneath. Think Bill lying thru his teeth.
We live is a world where, as Orwell said, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
In my opinion, you have interpolated with Adams. I, too, have had stuff submitted, but to be honest, I think it just gets lost in the shuffle. Most stuff I comment on with Mercola also appears to be censored. But, maybe they have minimal staff and throw the baby out with the bathwater; maybe at one point I said something (most of what I write is clearly innocuous, but whatever) that put me on the naughty list, or something else. The problem with the internet is that it is simply impersonal, and we are all just aggregates, algorithms, etc. So, my comments on Mercola never appear; same with Adams. I don't ascribe it to anything nefarious, just that they are overwhelmed, have tech problems, who knows. I try to listen to everyone, even the fasco-Marxist left people when I can stand it, and evaluate from there. You call Malone an obvious snake, but on what basis? You assert he has 350 people filtering his stuff, but cite no sources. So, perhaps you, too, are a misinformation person?
I prefer to listen to people and see what they have to say. I don't ascribe nefarious intent to both Adams and Mercola not publishing even comments I make. Maybe they have a policy I inadvertently violated? Who knows. But even tho I don't "make the press" with Mercola, Adams, etc., I still find them invaluable in the battle for freedom. And I WILL note create an internecine battle within a fight that is MUCH bigger than my little ego....
The issue is epistemology - how we know we know. The issue has been around for 100 years:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
– Edward Bernays, 1891 – 1994, nephew of Sigmund Freud, pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, and referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations" and also of propaganda. Bernays was named one of the 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century by Life. Authored the seminal book Propaganda in 1928. Good overview here
Who is the “they” you are listening to… CDC, FDA, FBI?
Candy R, were you asking me? & in what example/post, did I refer to “they” so I can look back & answer your question...
Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts, Denis Rancourt and Michael Yeadon.
These are 3 honest people with no skin in the game who provide a much deeper historical, geopolitical analysis that any of those you mentioned. They get to the core of what has been happening and what did happen over the past three years moreso than Kennedy and Mercola as well.
All VERY good people, Allen.
Deleted! Why??!
Everything was accurate. Why delete?
Probably blocked or changed by the same ones holding me hostage!
Never heard of her before. Good question.
She's in I am not that familiar with those folks.
All I am 100% sure of is that covid is a bioweapon and the covid death shots are also bioweapons.
Fitts bio is: United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing, investment banker and former public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and, during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush, as United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing.
She's now turned truth teller. I listen to her whenever I can.
She is a smart lady...and she is warning us.
Zeee is probably short for her real last name. But yes where did she come from, along with alot of recent "alt media" personalities.
All valid questions. For certain there are some moles, some of whom will partially tell the truth, just like any double agent, then at critical junctures thow a spanner in the works. But, some helpful hints: How LONG have they been at this? What price have they had to pay professionally or financially, or personally? Listen for the "ring of truth" in what they say (noting that most politicians are VERY well trained to fool people in that regard)
BF, what are you implying, that she’s controlled opposition? This whole scheme is so horrible & evil, how is anyone to know who to trust with all these actors?? I happen to really like her by the way.
BF, what do you mean by “a spook?” Is she what you call a white hat?? Intelligence asset?? What is G7 again? I’ve heard of it...I can research it. Thank you.
I Think this is one of the best interviews I’ve seen, among many other very good choices. It is very clearly explained and the graphics were superb. 
My smartphone quit working. I will not replace it!
Or just don't get an Apple Iphone?
Not just Apple behind this.
Besides, the only alternative I know of is android, which is a google product.
They are ALL being made now with 5G capabilities, Apple and others. At least this is what I was told by a Verizon tech. My old 7 is dying too and I'm weaning myself off of it (mostly I love having a camera but that's a lame excuse.) Someone gave me a flip phone that I might activate. I have a landline. Ugh.
I have a digital camera I can use for my online art. Download images onto the hardware and then download online. You can do similar things with a word processor. And there are printers that work offline that cost less than the online kind.
Yes, I'm working on it! Time to get out my old cameras. Wish I still had a darkroom!
This is the best thing you would do in your life. No kidding.
Can we use flip phones? Or what is the best to keep from getting hacked
Get rid of your smart phone, or by a Faraday sleeve for it now.
We have been in a mental prison for decades. My article explains what is happening and what you can do.
Also see Bill Sweet and We are Sovereign on Twitter
That article didn't say what you can do.
1. You can put stress on the predator class and they will kill each other, 2 you can create organizations that can maneuver circles around a top-down predator structure, 3 if you know some technology the dumb predators may not be able to track what you are doing.
Spread the word and don’t comply.
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Landlines are expensive, in my area $70 a month. Plus they need all your personal identifying information of course.
Our landline is not VOIP. But during Snowvid Feb 2021, we discovered that our landline, which we pay over $70 a month for, only lasts between 30 min and 3 hrs after the power is turned off. Battery backup technology isn't that great.
Is it cordless? Mine is not and it seems ok although I can't say with certainty. My landlords installed a propane generator for me and so fortunately, for now at least, when the power goes off it switches on.
So, what's your freedom gonna cost you? Your life?
Good point. But everyone here is yammering about cell phones. HERE are some solutions below. NO, THEY ARE NOT PERFECT. We get it. And yes, a flip phone is better if you can do that . I am using an Android now, WITH a 10 dollar faraday case (really folks, get one. EVERYONE can afford 10 buck. Blocks ALL communication in/out of your phone. But I intend to move to one of the solutions below soon. In the meantime ****GET THE HELL OFF GOOGLE/CHROME (not frivolous swearing, Google IS from Hell)***** I use Brave browser, at and it is bulletproof. Has Tor built in. Search engines use the new FreeSpoke, Swisscows, Presearch (DuckDuckGo has now gone over to the dark side). Start page was ok, but was bought. Don't know where they stand.
Some non-googled phones to maybe look at:
For apps:
Aurora store
Murena terracube phone has Graphene OS Terracube 2E $330 CAN remove battery, Google h/w means you cannot remove battery
Graphene OS, does NOT use Google play or calysOS?
If you like the Murena Teracube for sale on /e/'s website, that would be simplest, and would get over-the-air updates* as well.
BTW, keep in mind that many paid applications from the Play store may not work on /e/OS, if they require specific Google services. But /e/ incorporates micro-G which basically spoofs those services, allowing some/many proprietary/commercial apps to work. But if you’re searching here, you, like us, probably actively oppose Google services.
*Official builds that you install yourself can also get OTA updates. Unofficial builds won’t, but they’re easy to update manually once you already have /e/OS installed, as long as it’s not an Android version change
Volta phone: they will send you a SIM card, or eSIM to plug into your phone, works as a replacement for your existing carrier. When you go into a zone, the phone is constantly checking in with towers, where it hands over your status parameters – “I’m a phone, and here’s my number.” This goes into the log files of ATT, Verizon, etc. These keep a record of your location, meaning you can be geo-fenced (e.g, you were a block away from a robbery, but police think you were involved – of course, note that if you were a mule for all those fake Biden votes being dropped off, they will never check that)
So, how do you get calls without being tracked? You appear as data., use discount code “Ranger.” Cost is about 50 a month.
Here’s how it works: there are two categories of devices talking to cell towers: phones and “non-phone machines” just using data – i.e., data devices like machinery pressure gauges reporting pressures in oil pumping and wells , security systems, remote control applications, etc. They just send data. These non-phone devices have a different type of SIM card (looks, fits the same, but just for data), which doesn’t identify itself as a phone; rather it identifies itself as a data device, and hence doesn’t pass a phone number to cell towers. Volta makes your phone look like a data device to the cell towers, so the phone never sends your phone number to the cell tower, and in fact it never checks in as a phone. So if there is geofencing being done, your device no longer has checked in as a phone, and the cell towers don’t know the phone number you have, as the phone switching occurs in a Volta server farm located far away, which then sends data packet to your “Non-phone” phone. Even if they wanted to track you, the switching is done at the server farm. You still make phone calls, text, browse the web like usual, just not going thru the regular phone switches. All you do is swap out the SIM card. You can sign up anonymously with Volta, and you can also get a new phone number from them. Mike Adams reports the sound quality is “clear as day” even tho it is data. Adams report here about 1 hour 20 min. mark. You also do not load the APK file from the Google play store.
YOU can also use as a hot spot; data … none of the carriers know what that data is, so they can’t assign it to you.
Above Phone Partners with Presearch on Secure, Private Phone is the link to Above Phone
(Note: you can also use the Tor Browser as well on your Android)
In an age of increased concern about surveillance, big tech tracking and security for crypto assets, Above Phone provides users with a 100% private, secure phone that leverages the best in open source, privacy-focused software to create a full suite of apps to replace big tech.
Through a new collaboration with Presearch, the community-driven, decentralized search engine that respects user privacy, the Above Phone is now even more secure and private.
This partnership makes the Presearch search engine and secure web browser app the default search and browsing experience for Above Phone users, guaranteeing a completely secure and private internet experience right out of the box.
The Above Phone is not just an alternative to big tech phones but a platform for ensuring your privacy on the go which runs on a custom version of the Android operating system. The Above Phone provides by default encrypted phone calls, video chats, and text messaging.
By setting Presearch as the default web browser and search engine, the Above Phone prevents you from being tracked or profiled, and ensures that your IP address or GPS location are not captured by the surveillance state, all while providing world-class search results. Search queries are not stored and users can remain totally anonymous.
Big tech companies have made billions selling consumer data to third parties. sometimes illegally. With the Above Phone powered by Presearch, theft of consumer data are blocked by default. Users are now empowered to control their data.
“Are you Degoogled?” is a growing trend as consumers take back their data from the big tech giants. The Above Privacy Phone powered by Presearch is a powerful tool in this arsenal.
About Presearch
Presearch operates a search engine with more than 4 million registered users, making it one of the largest blockchain projects in the world. Its users conduct over 100 million searches a month.
Why do people use Presearch? There are three main Unique Value Propositions (UVPs):
1. User control over data and privacy
2. Payment for contributing value to the ecosystem
3. Decentralization of the search ecosystem
About Above Agency
Above Agency is a digital agency that builds friendly technology ecosystems for people who value privacy & freedom. We got our start helping activist organizations and movements build robust presences without relying on abusive big tech companies.
The is a mobile privacy solution that combines four different components
• Secure hardware
• Open-source operating systems (GrapheneOS & CalyxOS)
• Free & Open Source Applications
• Privacy Services
The fifth and final component is user education accompanied by a change in mindset, and real-world practice. Education on the phones is supported by our Knowledge Base which is completely open to the public.
Freedom is free! :-) Cost was already paid by the patriots storming the beaches on Iwo Jima and Normandy! :-)
Wow Amy, I’ll have to copy and paste this list and absorb all of this info.
I can already tell the links are good.
I recognize many of them.
Excellent list! You should add Whitney Webb's site:
I have a ton of respect for WW. I wouldn’t want her investigating me if I were a criminal. She’s not only a great investigative journalist, she’s got huge ⚽️ 🏀 🏈
Absolutely! I've been following her work for about 2 years and I'm just in awe of her. She's one of the smartest, most courageous people out there, for sure.
I LOVE Whitney Webb's work - you are correct, I should add her, but my links list is already very long!
One more won't hurt.. She has to be one there! :)
I’ve been pouring through those links some tonight. Some good info in there. Little overwhelming though.
I'm watching Alison McDowell's (wrenchinthegears) 3.5 hr video about Twitter, the Emergent Superorganism right now. She's another truly brilliant mind, I've been following her for 2 years as well.
Hello Reignite Family
We have decided to focus on step 14 for the next five weeks. We won't be doing another step until January 8th, 2023.
We will use this time to finish some projects that will enhance this initiative, and we'll keep pushing this step and previous ones.
With all the social events over the holidays, we could reach SO MANY people with step 14.
We'll still touch base every once in a while via email. Use this time to focus on your family, rest up and get ready for next year because we have a huge job on our hands to pushback against Digital IDs and currencies.
Step 14 of the GLOBAL WALKOUT
'Digital ID awareness'
We are so blessed to have Catherine Austin Fitts announce another step for us.
It's time for us to step outside our echo chamber even more and start educating as many people as we can about the dangers of a Digital ID and Digital currencies, that includes CBDCs (central bank digital currencies).
First, watch the new documentary called State of Control (click the link below for that) so that you can answer people’s questions. Then, download and print the pamphlet we’ve made (also in the link). Go for a walk with your family and friends and drop them into letterboxes, give them out at work, to the cashiers and parents at school drop-off. Give them to as many people as you can.
This is so critical because when the implementation of these things begins to happen, it might be too late to educate others. You’ve got to start now. The more people we can reach now, the more effective our campaigns will be to stop their agenda. Think of this exercise as rallying the troops and getting them ready to pushback against the global digital ID and global digital currencies when the time comes.
READ WHY THE WALKOUT WON'T WORK for long and why the only solution is getting our hands real dirty with politics:
You now have a new subscriber - thank you!
Yes it's coming. I have an old Nokia 3310, this is why it took me 4+ hours to clear ICA (Singapore), luckily I had a 'Western' passport and could create a burner email on a computer provided by Changi airport.
Humanity has been in prison for almost 6000 years. We are nearing the End of the Age, and they KNOW it. The REAL Agenda is hidden in plain sight. From the horse's mouth:
“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” Robert Muller (United Nations), author of the World Core Educational curriculum
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.
``Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods.... Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.'' -- Albert Pike in Morals and Dogmas.
His statue is in front of the US Congress since ~1903. Maintained with your tax money!!!
the parent company producing new smart streetlights in Los Angeles and worldwide through its Silicon Valley subsidiary (LEOTECH):
I am a child of God and as such I fear nothing. . . .I am also the survivor of a
brain tumor in '03 (2 surgeries with unbelievable complications and have lived with the residue since
and for 19 years He has kept me)
Christ said:
". . not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
Matthew 10:28
Amen Rosalee.
God bless you Rosalee!
That is inspiring to know He has kept you all this time since the brain tumor and surgeries.
Yet He still expect us to act making this world better:
That’s all good and well understood, but do we turn the other cheek to be slaughtered.... a well known fact about humans is how we suffer more when things are done to others than this brings us down the emotional scale, also the vibrational scale, also the lower we go the closer we get to hell......So if we don’t stop this, this is where we will go, unless when we die we stay away from the light and leave this simulation, then leave this system altogether.
Can we put our phones away? Can we throw away our digital identities? Maybe just email to keep and data searching? We will need to form communities.
I have no idea what happen to my reply to you
I replied yet it is not here.
Bottom line is I am NOT surrendering, standing down, retreating nor am I
falling back to EVIL which is now palpable
It is all based on scripture that calls on us to EXPOSE evil
Complacency does not expose it
It also speaks
For nothing is hidden, that will not be revealed; nor anything secret, that will not be known and come to light.
Finally, WE are now living in:
Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.
I grew up in a home that professed and lived
Non Sibi Sed Patriae
NOT for self but country and remain same today
I was banned today from Dr. Mercola’s website for posting the following comment. Freedom of speech is officially dead.
To Mercola: you just lost one of your biggest fans. I’m sure you won’t miss my $200-300 a year in supplement purchases, but you’re still biting the hand that feeds you. It’s going to catch up to you eventually. You are a hypocrite. Always complaining about being attacked and censored, yet doing the very same thing to those who have supported you. If you are going to align yourself with the wicked bastards that rule over us, than you will take part in their judgement when it’s rolled out. Know that I will be exposing you as a fraud from this day forward to everyone who will listen.
To everyone else
Here was the comment that got me banned:
Joined On 07/16/2012
Add as Friend Send Message
Time will prove me 100% correct about Dr. Robert Malone. He is a wolf in sheep clothing. The Vaccine Passports won’t be stopped. They were what this pandemic was all about from Day 1. I’ve instinctly known this all along. God given discernment that instantly told me that the pandemic was a false flag, to scare people into accepting what would eventually turn out to be what the Bible calls the mark of the beast. When the dna altering vaccine was rolled out in record time, I was still trying to figure out the details as to how it played into the whole mark of the Empire scenario, but that’s when I discovered Quantum dot tattoos.
They definitely will qualify for the biblical mark of the beast, if they are placed on foreheads and right hands. To deceive people, I believe that they will be put on smart phone apps first, before eventually ending up tattooed on the bodies of the damned. The vaccines are definitely loaded with nanotechnology and the elite are definitely trying to introduce their Iron into our clay temples. The Bible said the final empire would be a mixture of iron and clay in Daniel chapter 2 This is what we are seeing now.
Zero chance that the passports will be stopped though. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled regardless. Just make sure that you guys refuse these marks, even to the death if it comes down to that. It’s better to lose your life, than your soul! The penalty for everyone who takes the mark is eternal damnation mentioned in Revelation 14. It’s here at the door folks, make sure your heart is right with God, and walk with Him daily. Things get Much worse from here on out. The following video is one of the best summaries as to what these mrna vaccines are really all about. It’s well worth the time to watch.
Steve Kirsch is one of them for sure. I was actually thinking about him before I came to the end of your comment. I noticed some red flags with him awhile ago, and quit wasting my time following up with anything he had to say. He just comes across as the type of guy who would sell out his own mother for the right price.
I hadn’t really paid attention to be honest, but now that you mention it...
William B, 404 error when clicking on that bitchute vid link.
Wouldn’t surprise me. I’m hovering over the target, and they don’t want the truth getting out.
I believe the Jesuit Order rules the world from Vatican City. That is my interpretation of Revelation 17 - The woman who rides the beast.
I have written on this topic thoroughly so many times, That I get sick of repeating it, so I’ve saved one of my older comments on this subject, so I can just copy and paste, and save myself an hour of time typing it all out. I will go ahead and do that below, if you wanna take the time to read it. It’s long but thorough.
I’m thoroughly studied up on all of that. Roman Catholicism is a false religion. It was Constantine who basically Christianized his Pagan beliefs, and mixed them into his Pagan Babylonian Religion in order to unite everyone under his rule.
He was indeed the first Pope. Catholics are taught that Peter was the first pope. Utter foolishness. I can easily prove this to be false with Bible scripture alone.
I don’t care to read the book of Judith or any of their other false doctrines. Revelation 17 reveals everything that needs to be known about that Great Whore. Her teachings are no where to be found in the Bible, and many of the things they teach and forbidden in the Bible.
I could pump out a list of things, but nobody seems to care.
No religion is from God. They are all used by men to control and manipulate others.
This Bible is God’s Word, Religions are fake.
Nobody needs a priest or a preacher to teach them anything.
I personally found God by just picking up a Bible and reading it. I highly recommend that everyone else do the same.
At least that way, people can read it, and then decide what they believe AFTER reading what it has to say.
Most atheists have never read the Bible, yet they slander it every chance they get, mostly based off of assumptions.
It’s folly and shameful to dismiss a matter before hearing it.
For something that has eternal consequences, I wonder why more people don’t at least read it once.
The veil of deception is falling. People are seeing the truth behind the poisoning of humanity. It isn’t just the latest mrna dna altering abominations that they have called vaccines. It’s the glyphosate in the food supply, the chemtrails being sprayed daily into the atmosphere, the fluoride and other toxins being put into our water.
They’ve lied to us about everything, including the shape of our earth and what lies beyond its boundaries. The Bible explained the truth all along, and yet...religion has purposely turned men away from God’s Word, because men can see the wickedness and hypocrisy of Religion, and they assume that God isn’t real, and the Bible is foolishness as well.
In the Bible, the Book of Daniel reveals what the future holds. In chapter 2, God gives King Nebuchadnezzar a dream, which Daniel interrupts. This dream revealed all of the Empires that would exist on the earth from the time of King Nebuchadnezzar, unto the return of Messiah, and His eternal Kingdom. I’m going to quickly summarize, so I can get to my point a little faster. I highly encourage everyone to open a KJV Bible and read this chapter for yourself, and research everything I am saying to prove it to be truth, and not just my opinion.
In the Dream, there was a giant statue made up on different metals, each representing a different empire upon the earth, all in sequential order from the head to the feet. Here they are:
Head of Gold: Babylonian Empire
Shoulders of Silver: Mede/Persian Empire
Midrift of Bronze: Grecian Empire (Alexander the great)
Legs of Iron: Roman Empire
Feet of miry clay/Iron: Beast System
After much research, and studying the entire book of Daniel, and Revelation I have determined the above Empires are indeed associated correctly. The purpose of me writing these thoughts out is to bring your attention to where we are currently at in time. We are transitioning into the feet or iron/miry clay...the final empire before Christ returns. This system is described in several places in the Bible, but here in Chapter 2 of Daniel, verse 43 it says something profound that I want to bring to everyone’s attention.
Daniel 2:43 (KJV) And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
This is the verse that reveals what will be going on shortly. The iron (nanotechnology) being mixed with miry clay (humanity), they (fallen angels/aliens) shall mingle themselves with the seed of men (DNA) 🧬.
This is my perception of what the verse means, and I want the world to know in advance what’s coming. They seek an Empire of transhumanism. Super soldiers, hybrids, nanotechnology replacing blood cells. Remember the Bible says the life is in the blood. Ponder the implications of that.
I see all of this happening quickly, and those who have chosen to augment themselves will be branded like property. It’s called the mark of the beast. It will probably be a QRCODE found on the right hand or forehead. Probably invisible to the naked eye, but will glow under ultraviolet light thanks to the Luciferase added within it.
All QRCodes are nothing more than a numbering system, and the foundation for all barcodes are the place holders that separate them. 666. All barcodes including qrcodes contain placeholders of 6, to separate the country code from the manufacturers code. An example of this would be the number 612346567896
or ||1234||56789||
The vaccine passports/green passports will lead to the mark of the beast.
That’s what I believe is going on with these Mrna “Vaccines” complete with the name of Lucifer as they’ve included Luciferase into them. I personally found proof of this on Moderna’s own website.
If I were a Luciferian, I would NEVER inject anything into my body that bore the name of Jesus. Why would any Christian inject themselves with anything that includes “Luciferase”? The name of Lucifer!!!
Revelation 17-18 reveal the mystery of the woman who is riding the beast, and her judgment. This is where things come full circle. The woman is revealed to be a great City which resides on 7 mountains, and rules over the kings of the earth. I believe this to be Vatican City, Rome. In Revelation 18, it says the following:
and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants (corporations) were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (G5331-Pharmakeia) were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Revelation 18:23-24
The word Sorceries in this verse is Strong’s G5331 - Pharmakeia, it means the following:
1.the use or the administering of drugs
2. poisoning
3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
Notice the word idolatry above? Would you agree that people put blind faith in their physicians and pharmaceuticals? Is that idolatry?
And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.
2 Chronicles 16:12-13
Can you see the lesson here?
Now back to the overall revealing here in Revelation 17-18…
The reason this is important is because, these chapters reveal that the merchants/corporations of Rome are responsible for deceiving all of the nations of the earth with their Pharmaceuticals aka MRNA “vaccines” the same ones that introduced Iron into clay (nanotechnology into humans), the same ones that bore the name of Lucifer.
Is the USA a corporation of Rome? How about The city of London, New York, Washington DC? After all, the land Washington DC was built upon used to be called “Rome, MARYland”
Right between VIRGINia and MARYland, you just can’t make this stuff up.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the return of Messiah) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin (antichrist)be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God(our bodies), shewing himself that he is God. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,8-12
What is it referring to when it says “who believed not the truth?” What truth?
Could it be the following:
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word (Bible) is truth.
John 17:17
Definition of sanctify is to set apart as or declare holy;
The overall message this comment is trying to convey to everyone is that:
I pray that God will confirm this rather long comment to all of you out there who want to know the truth. I pray that it reaches those of you who don’t want to be deceived, and that it resonates with you.
Let no man deceive you! Put your faith and trust in Jesus and His Word. It is the foundation that can be relied upon.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
A video to watch for visual learners. This explains what’s going on with Alien deceptions. Once you know the truth about this, the truth starts becoming easier to see.
Well William B, if you find it working at a different platform, like rumble or odysee or youtube, pls post it, I'm curious to check it out. Thanks!
I’ll try to find you another link. Those who are hiding the truth are relentless and powerful. That link was working a few hours ago. It’s probably why they banned me. It laid it all out and connected all the dots.
Try this:
Yup, this one works! Thanks William!
That video is over a year old! Oct 2021
Download it if you can. They clearly want it gone.
Daniel 2:43 (KJV) And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
This verse is talking about the people who will make up the Beast System - the final world empire before Christ returns.
They’re indeed pumping clay bodies full of iron nanoparticles but the verse straight up says they shall not cleave one to another as iron doesn’t mix with clay. So I agree, there will be problems.
In Revelation, the people who took the mark develop grievous sores...all of this is linked together.
They’ve made several attempts today to break the link I posted. So, I have downloaded it onto a friends server to provide people with another link if necessary. I hate censorship and everyone participating in it! Dr. Mercola can go fly a kite, I’ll never buy another thing from him again, and I’ll expose him every chance I get.
WOW, I'm not even able to like your comments here. The globalists do go after everyone who is influential to "buy" them to their side. Interesting.
I’ve watched comments that I have liked, removed before my eyes several times. I don’t think it’s a bug, I think it’s intentional, just another way to steer content since everything heavily liked moves to the top.
I've wondered about that! I just tried to like your comment and it didn't work.
Thank you
That happens all the time in substack. On the app and the web. It's been that was since substack started.
William Brown, before you get upset with Dr Mercola (I’ve been a fan of his for a long time too, & it’s cuz of him I didn’t take the poison), do you think the artificial intelligence could have censored your comment? Just maybe?? 🤷🏼♀️ He is a proponent of free speech, so it doesn’t make sense.
It breaks my heart to finally see the truth, but I was warned years ago and ignored the warning. I reached out to another Substack author that has been posting on Mercola with me for several years. Here is what he had to say about it.
1. They removed my comment completely so nobody could read it.
2. They have been preventing him from being able to like comments from certain people like myself. (A form of censorship)
3. He had noticed that Mercola has been cracking down on all negative opinions of Dr. Robert Malone recently.
4. I created a new account with a different email address and tried to tell my fellow friends on there what was going on, and I got a message that said “Your comment will appear after moderators approve your comment” and of course it was never approved.
There shouldn’t be any censorship at all on his site, and there is. That alone is problematic and hypocritical on his part. Whether or not he is one of them or just being threatened to play ball, or else pay the consequences is for everyone else to decide for themselves, but everything I have posted about the situation is the truth.
I’ve always loved and admired him as a beacon of truth and integrity in a world full of deception, but alas, he just turned out to be more sly than all the others.
Florida seems to be where they want all of the unvaxxed moving to. Probably so they can have their gmo released mosquitos inject people with the same crap.
It sure would be tough to get out of Florida if things got bad there. There’s literally not very many routes out of the State.
My mind can think of lots of scenarios. Here’s another: using weather manipulation I can see them causing hurricanes to slam Florida and destroy many livelihoods down there.
Either way, DeSantis is a puppet playing his role. It amazes me how many people still put faith in politics, especially with all of the obvious election fraud going on nowadays. They don’t even hide it anymore.
This country is being destroyed intentionally, and I can totally see a civil war on the horizon.
Don’t hold your breath. The trolls are everywhere.
And as for the orchestrated revolution. That’s probably still just around the corner.
When the poles shift, Florida will be gone anyway. SuspiciousObserver on YT.
I believe that the earth is flat based on the Bible, and therefore don’t believe there is a South Pole. All of that polarity shifting is junk science in my opinion. However, I’m not that smart, and am probably overlooking many aspects to the equation.
it's because a nuke activated tsunami can wipe out all of florida - just do it yourself and blame russia and who is gonna know?
William Brown, wow, I appreciate all of what you’re saying here. I noticed on here that multiple comments have been deleted, I think it was by the name “BF.” That is the first commenter I asked a question to...I think that commenter’s posts have been deleted. That is suspicious to me...& also, I was scrolling down reading your comment, & I guess I accidentally hit those 3 periods/ellipsis (...) & it said I reported your comment! 😬 I never meant to report your comment! Then, it wouldn’t let me heart/like your comment. 🤷🏼♀️ ?? I wonder if it’s some type of AI that polices all this stuff on the internet. ?? I hate to think that Mercola is not on the side of good.
Lots of shady activities are clearly going on right now. The censorship is real, and Dr. Mercola is definitely allowing it to take place, regardless of who’s actually doing it.
I’m heartbroken myself over all of it. I honestly thought he was one of the good guys. He isn’t. He’s a shill, one of the best I’ve ever seen. Since I’ve been commenting on his website since 2012, Lots of other regular commenters know me, and have privately revealed some shady things that have been going on for awhile.
I understand if people don’t want to believe what I’m saying. I was told myself 5 years ago by several people that Mercola was censoring them, and I didn’t believe it.
Something sinister is going on regardless, even if the details aren’t known.
Just looking at this thread today after 12 hours is revealing lots of deleted and censored comments as well as several people commenting on not being able to like my comments.
I’m only one person and they may have silenced me on mercola, but I still managed to get on Substack and call him out before he could do anything about it.
“Page not found” error.
They’re heavily censoring that link for some reason. Try this one, before they break it too.
i doubt mercola blocked you - probably technical glitches.
I can't get the Twitter links to open to anything.
Same here.
If you watch them on the Substack app they work
I don't have a smartphone.
Kathleen J, you are wise!
I had an old flip phone that was 3G and Verizon stopped supporting so I got another flip phone with 4G. I spend way too much on the internet while I am home and don't want to be that person who always has their head down looking at a small screen. I see mothers that don't pay attention to their small children. I see drivers who are too immersed to realize that the light has turned green. And, I see way too many distracted drivers that scare the crap out of me.
But this is the best reason. The FBI using geofencing on January 6.
The majority of the video links in this substack have been removed from twittr, btw. So glad the new owner is such a huge proponent of free speech /sarc.
A few question:s why do Chinese people take their smartphones with them 100 percent of the time? Is it illegal to be without the technological ball and chain in China? Does China already use AI and digital currency all over the country and people cannot pay with old-fashioned money?
Here in the US, I’ve started leaving my "smartphone" at home whenever I leave the house, and I’m starting to make note of where old-fashioned payphones are located here and there in case I need to make a call.
Little things add up, and if we stop using the old tech, it will soon disappear, just like landline phones did a couple of months ago. American "landline" phones are now VOIP, so no internet, no phone. :-(
You have to watch the videos from the Substack app, not the email
My landline is not VOIP and it works if the power goes out. I live in New Hampshire.
They are replacing them all over the world by force. Don't count on them for long.
Yeah, I figured that. I live in the country. No 5G here yet but I know it's just a matter of time. Most of the people here would think it'd be great to have it.
eventually they'll dump pots because it is too much maintenance to keep up so be sure you have some backup plan to activate when that happens.
What's VOIP?
"The main difference between VoIP and landline is that VoIP uses the internet to transmit digital data between devices, while traditional landline uses physical wires to transmit analog signals."
Voice Over Internet Protocol
difference between analog signal and digital. Very boring stuff, but I’m sure there’s a wiki page on it.
Thanks for clarifying, William. :) I'm not very techy but was smart enough to ask when I had my landline installed here because Verizon had tried to talk me into VOIP when I lived in NY.
I read so much info, and believe it, but what do we do beside turn out phones off and say no to vax passports?
don’t add credit cards to ‘wallet’ on phone… think this is the intermediate step to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)… which is the precursor to Beast chip implants.
All the vaccinated have already been implanted. Check their bluetooth emissions at a supermarket line.. or a cemetery.
So should I turn off my iPhone and get some burner phones?
nahhh just put it in a faraday case when not in use - turn off wifi before putting it in. watch where you take it out when out and about since you could be pre-crimed because your phone popped up when a crime occurred so they have to "investigate". eventually you'll have to ditch it because you won't be allowed to be part of the digital system since you don't comply so prepare ahead of time to deal with that when it arrives.
You repent and make sure you stay right with God. There is a reason Jesus said he was “the way, the truth and the life”