Dr. Mercola, welcome to alternative, alternative health. "Mainstream alternative" gets a lot of things dangerously wrong. Among them are iron, vitamin D3, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, ascorbic acid, and zinc. All of these commonly taken supplements are hazardous to your health.

I have been following Morley's work for several years. Incorporating his work and Ray Peat's work into my health practices and supplement regimen has produced huge health dividends.

One subject that Dr. Mercola did not discuss in the article may be almost as important as iron metabolism. If you read "Cure Your Fatigue," and I highly recommend that you do, you will learn that taking oral vitamin D3 can be highly hazardous to your health. Vitamin D is a secosteroid hormone, not a vitamin. "Vitamin D3", which is cholecalciferol, is a rat poison. It kills a rat by disrupting its calcium metabolism. "Many critical reactions in the rodent's body require calcium. In addition to forming new bone, calcium is needed for, milk production, blood clotting, neuromuscular action and a host of other functions. Cholecalciferol interferes with these functions leading complications like kidney damage, heart problems and bleeding." https://www.solutionsstores.com/cholecalciferol

Get your vitamin D from the sun folks. My mother's one kidney began to fail after she got her D25 blood level up to 100 by taking "vitamin D3."

If you want to learn more about the dangerous practices recommended by "mainstream alternative" start listening to the following podcasts:

"Mitolife Radio" by Matt Blackburn and "Extreme Health Radio" by Justin Stellman. They can be found on all the major podcast platforms. I recommend listening to all of their Morley Robbins interviews as well as Jim Stephenson who I consider to be the foremost expert on "secosteroid hormone D."

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