Where is it recommended for individuals to acquire quality DMSO?

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Where can I get dosing information specific to what I am trying to treat? For example tinnitus.

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Subscribe to Dr. Yoho. He gives links. My dog has a mast cell tumor that is shrinking with DMSO.

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How do you give DMSO to your dog and how much?

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Yes, excellent! The other nightmare for the FDA is chlorine dioxide. Check out Dr Andreas Kalcker Substack.

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It’s mumbo jumbo. 10 volume book set to explain how to mix.

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I found it easy to read and comprehend.

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We were listening to a 95 year-old Doctor Who swears by DMSO. He uses it externally, and he takes it in a diluted form internally, albeit it is a different DMSO formula for internal consumption. He dilute it with silver water, I believe 80–20..

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Have there been any articles on DSMO treating oral Lichen Planus??

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My first interaction with dmso was in Colorado Springs in 2000. My son rolled his ankle so bad it looked like a baseball under his skin. He needed crutches and the pain was unbearable. His grandpa said try this stuff on it. It was dmso. He applied it 3 or 4 times a day and in just a few days he was hiking with the rest of us. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it. I’ve had dmso in my medicine cabinet ever since.

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