Excellent report that shows the serious damage that vaccines cause to our beloved children and by extension constitute true crimes against humanity while providing great benefits to the pharmaceutical mafia with the approval of government institutions.

Recognition also to Dr. Suzanne Humphries for proving the truth about vaccines. She says "Vaccines did not save humanity and they never will." Like most doctors, I carried a blind belief for many years that vaccines were necessary, safe and effective. Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. There are many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines

------1) Why vaccines are often contaminated with unknown viral strains and why the vaccine industry has covered up known vaccine contamination

------2) Why parents should be concerned about serious vaccine harms

-----3) Why the "vaccines eradicated polio" fairy tale is a false mythology - here's what really happened.

-----4) Why the smallpox vaccine has never been proven to be effective.

-----5) Why the vaccine industry's research is extremely weak and ignores rigorous standards of scientific evidence. The vaccine industry's outlandish and unscientific behavior is causing an erosion of credibility in all of "science."

-----6) Why the vaccine industry does not test vaccines on unvaccinated children (they are terrified of the results).

-----7) Why children caught in measles outbreaks are often the same children who were vaccinated against measles!

----8) Why vaccines can actually suppress the immune system and cause greater vulnerability to future infections.

----9) Why many childhood infections like chickenpox are perfectly natural, normal, and even HEALTHY.

----10) Why many of the people who are engaged in pushing vaccines have financial ties to vaccine companies.

https://detenganlavacuna.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/dra-humphries/ .-----

https://es.sott.net/article/34336-Dra-Suzanne-Humphries-Las-vacunas-son-peligrosas-y-nunca-deberian-ser-inyectadas-en-nadie-por-ninguna-razon .--



There is a reason why in 100 years of vaccinating children, there have NEVER been retrospective studies.

They would PROVE 100% beyond a doubt that vaccines not only DO NOT prevent infections and transmission, but they also seriously harm children, especially in the case of allergies, middle ear infections, autism, respiratory problems, sinusitis, respiratory infections, eye infections, gastroenteritis, eczema, and behavioral problems.

Vaccines transform the immune system into allergy and autoimmunity, and there are more and more infections of other kinds. In short, what does this mean? It means that vaccines DESTROY a child's immune system, every vaccine is different with different live viruses and toxins and will actually affect a child with a weaker immune system first.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-vaccinated-children-versus-unvaccinated-children-dr-paul-thomas/5853746 (04/02/2024).--

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Thank you isn't enough for what you're doing, but a heartfelt thank you. I hope this can help: it's an organized summary of reports and research, always being updated. More than 200 reports at the time of this writing.


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