A report of great informative content that constitutes a call to health with the good management of fatty acids. Cardiolipin (CL) plays an essential role in the maintenance of mitochondrial ultrastructure and function in multiple cell types. Aberrant CL metabolism has been directly linked to a number of physiologic and developmental abnormalities, including embryonic lethality, cardiomyopathy, immune cell defects, hematopoietic stem cell dysfunction, neuronal dysfunction, and metabolic disorders.

Clinical and experimental studies in human patients and animal models have also provided convincing evidence that abnormal cardiolipin content, acyl chain composition, localization, and oxidation level may be directly related to multiple diseases, including cardiomyopathy. , neuronal dysfunction, immune cell defects and metabolic disorders. The central role of CL in regulating the pathogenesis and progression of these diseases has attracted increasing attention in recent years. CL is crucial for regulating various mitochondrial functions, ranging from respiration and metabolism to apoptosis.

CL may also play an important role in the regulation of mitochondrial metabolism. The mitochondria is not only the powerhouse, but also one of the central organelles of metabolism, participating in numerous metabolic processes, including the citric acid cycle, fatty acid oxidation, amino acid synthesis and degradation, as well as of iron and sulfur groups. It has been shown that CL can interact with several mitochondrial transporter proteins. A 20-25% loss of the amount of CL has been found in ischemic hearts, and interestingly, such a reduction in CL levels seems to precede losses in other phospholipids.

Reduced total CL content and changes in CL species composition have been detected in both aged human hearts and patients with heart failure. CL may also function as a key player in regulating mitochondrial function and structure in immune cells, and consequently also in their fate and cellular fitness. Normal CL biosynthesis has been shown to be essential for hematopoietic stem cell differentiation. CL can regulate the function and survival of β cells. In adipose tissue, lipid metabolism pathways can be significantly activated during cold adaptation, further highlighted by the upregulation of CL, especially newly synthesized CL in brown and beige adipose tissues. Indeed, CL biosynthesis plays an essential role in maintaining energy homeostasis and insulin sensitivity.

https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/13/10/1889 (2022)

Astrocytes become very important during oxidative stress by triggering the inflammatory response by increasing the levels of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-18 and COX-2 messenger RNA, whose levels are altered during oxidative stress. inflammatory processes. Astrocytes are also affected upon the release of neurotrophic factors, including GDNF, BDNF. GFAP is involved in the maintenance of cellular cytoarchitecture (CNS), mechanical stability, and synaptic function, properties that are markedly affected by aging. For example, decreased GFAP expression, which reflects astroglial degeneration, has been found in the early stages of many neurodegenerative diseases. Current evidence clearly indicates that neuroinflammation plays an important role in the etiology and development of several neurological disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases such as AD and Parkinson's disease, and psychiatric conditions, including major depression, bipolar disorders, mental disorder, post-traumatic stress and as an effect of prolonged periods of immobilization, as occurs in bedridden patients or hospitalized in intensive care units and that lead to

frank decrease in the functionality and independence of individuals.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014482723000381 (2023).----

https://neurologia.com/noticia/8354/la-proteina-acidica-fibrilar-glial-(gfap)-podria-convertirse-en-una-potente-herramienta-diagnostica-en-sangre-de-las-fases- initials-of-alzheimer's (2021).---

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6763158/ (2001).---

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/neuroimaging-findings-in-posttraumatic-stress-disorder/156E2575B0C6B0132B4BCF95302A976B (2002).---

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I posted this question for Dr. Mercola, but wanted your opinion, too. What about Omega 7, such as 100% pure organic Sea Buckthorn berryJuice? There’s lots of literature claiming the health benefits, but not sure how it compares to omega 3 Krill oil, or if it’s got drawbacks like omega 6 from seeds.

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Omega-7, also known as Palmitoleic acid, is a monounsaturated fatty acid found in some animal, vegetable, and marine oils.

It is a rather rare omega fatty acid that only recently has gained global exposure for its benefits and unique qualities.

Omega-7 is present in all body tissues, mostly in skin and fat tissue. Sea buckthorn berries offer the most potent botanical source of Omega-7 currently known and are garnering wide-spread attention as a "Miracle Berry" with many health advantages.

Omega-7 Is Special

Omega-7 fatty acid promotes healthy moisturized skin, hair, and nails at a cellular level. Our tissue actually contains Omega-7 and its restoration, whether topical or internally, nourishes and balances these tissues for a youthful and shiny glow.

Omega-7 fatty acid supports a healthy gastrointestinal and digestive system from start to finish. This fatty acid nurtures mucous membranes starting in the oral cavity all the way through the end of the digestive tract, alleviating discomfort and balancing digestive functions.

Omega-7 fatty acid supports proper inflammation-response throughout the body and reinforce the body's natural lubrication system.

According to an Australian scientific study of Omega-7 conducted in the mid 90's, this fatty acid may even help manage weight and balance fat stores.

Health Benefits Of Taking Omega 7 Regularly in the link


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Macadamia nuts are the highest!

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Gui could you comment on the primrose oil in Mercolas krill oil for women? Is primrose oil safe? Or is it an oil to be avoided as well. Thank you in advance @guillermou

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The evidence reported by Dr. Mercola reveals an essential foundation for health: the importance of an organic diet of fresh foods, avoiding industrial processes as represented today with cooking sprays, ultra-processed (hydrogenated fats and carcinogenic compounds), low in omega 6, fish (EPA, DHA, vitamins D and E), saturated fats from coconut and livestock and grass-fed products, fasting and exercise. These factors are decisive in avoiding insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic diseases. Obesity and aging predispose to numerous overlapping chronic diseases. For example, metabolic abnormalities, including insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes (T2D), are important causes of morbidity and mortality. Chronic low-grade inflammation of tissues, such as the liver, visceral adipose tissue, and neurological tissues, is considered to contribute significantly to these chronic diseases. The intestinal barrier function, which is strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity and age-related diseases.

https://febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/febs.16558 (2022)

The incidence of obesity and its related metabolic disorders has increased significantly over the past 3 decades, culminating in the current global epidemic of metabolic diseases and leading to the search for contributing factors. Exposure of the developing fetus/newborn to a typical Western diet increases the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders throughout life, creating an intergenerational cycle of metabolic diseases. In Western countries, this epidemic of metabolic diseases has coincided with a marked increase in the intake of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Recent studies have emphasized the proadipogenic properties of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that perinatal exposure to a diet rich in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids results in progressive accumulation of body fat over generations.

There is evidence to support the hypothesis that omega-6 PUFAs have proadipogenic and prolipogenic properties, and exposure to a diet rich in omega-6 PUFAs during the first years of life has been shown to be sufficient to program mass gain. body fat in offspring. Excessive consumption of Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) versus deficiency of Omega-3 PUFAs in modern diets: the disturbing factor of their “balanced antagonistic metabolic functions” in the human body. The beneficial effects of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 PUFAs) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are now highlighted by a large number of studies. They play a role in the suppression of inflammation, gene expression, cell membrane fluidity/permeability, immune functionality, and intracellular/exocellular signaling. The imbalance between ω-3 and ω-6 FAs in the modern Western diet appears to contribute to the marked increase in the incidence of metabolic diseases, such as DM, over the past 30 years. Preclinical studies indicate that ω-3 may have a positive effect on glucose metabolism through its hypoglycemic and insulin-sensitizing effects.

https://journals.lww.com/co-endocrinology/Fulltext/2013/02000/Omega_6_polyunsaturated_fatty_acids_and_the_early.12.aspx (2013).-----

https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-4939-9882-1_3 (2020).----

https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jl/2021/8848161/ (2021).---

https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/13/10717 (2023).---

https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/15/12/2672 (2023).---

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Thank you, Dr. Mercola. Much gratitude to you. May God bless you more abundantly.

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Amazing job, definitely going to try to show this to my family as much as I tried to warn otherwise. They did switch to cooking with lard at least half the time or more, but they don't understand amounts, and use olive and (roasted) pumpkin seed oil almost every day as dressings and whatnot.

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Olive oil is supremely healthy for you. The amount of LA isn’t going to cause any issues. Just look into olive oil, it has mounds of evidence of being one of the healthiest foods that exists (NOTE: only high quality olive oil)

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So if Olive oil and avocado oil is no longer acceptable what do I use for a salad dressing? Do I try to find "real" olive oil? Is MCT Oil ok or not ok?

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In Spain, the most commercialized variety of oil is Picual. One of the most remarkable characteristics of the Picual Olive is its high content of oleic acid, only 80% of the total composition. This, together with its low omega 6 content (less than 5%), makes Picual olive oil one of the most permissive oils with regard to oxidation and rancidity. This gives it certain ideal characteristics, such as its great resistance to oxidation during exposure to high temperatures. Raw, it has an intense flavor and a certain bitterness that is sought after by many consumers. Always consume cold pressed and organic

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Didn't a Spanish olive company company bottle motor oil in substitute? Snap! Now I recall!


Forgot to note. Nobody was prosecuted!

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I recommend coconut oil due to the medium-long chain fat Lauric acid. The more ones lipid profile becomes saturated, the higher their metabolism will be. Our bodies do not have a desaturate enzyme for Lauric acid, so it is an excellent way to re-saturate.

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But coconut oil is solid at room temperature so not good for liquid salad dressing

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Hey Carlene, often I use whole food coconut meat or whole food avocado to make dressings. I am thinking this is better than the oils and would have far less LA. Then I add acv and herbs etc. Not sure if that is helpful to you. Take care.

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I make dressing with homemade yogurt. You can use lemon juice on a salad with salt and pepper.

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Dr. Mercola, I have a family member who's a pre-diabetic physician (and statin user) that sent me this link in response to me sharing this article - https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/2014/11/05/dietary-linoleic-acid-and-risk-of-coronary-heart-disease/ citing "opposing views / controversy to what is shared above" and they don't believe it ... I'm having a difficult time letting it go. Serious question for anyone who has read the Harvard study as it feels difficult to trust anything coming out of Harvard as it relates to big ag / big pharma supported labs and universities, and hopeless to convince the family member of their seed oil fueled dependence on statins, a crummy diet.

Dr. Mercola - have you or anyone ever debunked the Harvard link above? Any help appreciated!

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A quick note, the article discusses how it lowers LDL and total cholesterol. There’s no evidence that on a standalone basis improves health outcomes. The oxides took of the LDL is most important along with cell membrane. Basically, just cause LDL is lowered doesn’t mean it’s good.

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There are numerous studies that show how seeds oils damage our health, there are a number of studies that show positive effects. How can this be? Its worth looking at the mechanisms to square this up.

Linoleic acid is a PPAR-g activator. PPAR-g activation is the mechanism of a class of drugs called thiazolidinediones because doing so improves insulin sensitivity (and, thus, energy uptake into cells). However, this has disproportionate effects on fat cells. In other words, linoleic acid diverts energy away from the liver and into the fat cells. Less fat arriving into the liver, lower lipids in the bloodstream. This is why we see a consistent lipid-lowering effect. It's fairly reliable. But you also store more energy in the fat cells (and, indeed, the recognized side effect of the thiazolidinediones is that they make you insulin-sensitive-but-fat).

But, as with most things in the human body, its more complicated. If the fat cells are asked to take up more than they are capable of (they become full), they stop responding to insulin. This means they no longer take up the energy from the bloodstream. and now spew out fatty acids constantly. Fat cells are meant to release fatty acids during fasting, but its vital that they stop doing this after a meal (when glucose and, subsequently, insulin rise). The spike in insulin should stop the release of these fatty acids but doesn't due to the failed response in these broken fat cells. Now the liver is pounded with both glucose (from the meal) and fatty acids (from the fat cell). Cellular physiology dictates it cannot do both at the same time (see the Randle cycle) and so now downregulates its own response to insulin as a protective response. Now there is insulin resistance at the liver, which leads to a whole host of issues with both health and weight management.. It also means that the linoleic acid now accumulates in the liver/bloodstream, where it is vulnerability to oxidation can now drive a host of problems you no doubt hear about and are well-documented in many mechanistic studies.

This is why you would expect to see researchers take a batch of health volunteers, without obesity or oxidative stress and eating low-calorie diets, and follow them for six months and see their cholesterol reliably drop and little in the way of negative effects. Yet what would we expect to see in the real world, in, say, Western populations that typically consume more than they need, don't exercise and have low-grade inflammatory burdens? Well, you'd expect to see a direct correlation between the introduction of seed oils and obesity, as well as a host of other metabolic problems. You'd expect to see people who've felt below-par and struggled to lose weight for many years 'go paleo' and report surprising success. And you'd also expect to see the nutritional community arguing about whether seed oils are 'good' or 'bad'. In other words, exactly what we see.

Hope that was a good summary of a subject that probably deserves another few thousand words...

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I imagine Harvard is getting funding from LA manufacturers, as well.

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I did read & listen to all of these...!

My 1st thot on Harvard is their promotion of these highly chemically and hi heat processed oils...!

I realized there was NO mention of the ensconced GMO seeds NOR pesticides + herbicides used with the crops themselves...!


*I l99k forward to a far more indepth layout of health values with breakdown on nuts and seeds in their natural forms...!!!

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Exactly, in fact since Convid, I haven’t seen anyone mentioning GMO’s or pesticides in foods are still a problem.

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Great Article busting myths of what most people are chronically ill. I am plant based my self as I find it hard to take a life and it had worked well for me. I read all the books that are Pro Meat so I always know both sides of the argument. Although I get the science of the meat side, for me it does not add up as all my markets are perfect (good triglycerides/HDL and Total Cholesterol/HDL as well as perfect blood pressure) and everyone asked me how I look phisicually 36 and no fat on me when im 46 (not ego here just to illustrate that I am not suffering from malnutrition). I have been eating plants (with maybe once a month some local white fish or none at all, mostly because I go to dinner with friends to nice places and get bored of eating just a salad in font of everyone) for 15 years and according to all the pro meat science on nutrition, I should have every chronic disease possible because I supposedly cant get the key vitamins and minerals unless I eat meat. So Although I see both sides of science, even how it has possibly been squed by the Cabal Agenda, my personal experience and that of my kids does not add up to it. Something is missing and no one has been able to give me a satisfactory explanation, although I have my own theories. Just like the Olive Oil is deadly for you, when it has been consumed in the Mediterranean for thousands of years probably and we (I grew up there) have some of the longest life epectancy in the world. Obviously best to eat good quality Virgin Cold Pressed as opposed to heated up in pan. I have followed Dr M for many years now and he always seems to make the same generalisations. So everyone eats crap quality Olive Oil so its bad for you, another one is if you eat plant based you need to eat meat because its better for you as you must be eating processed fake crap meat etc, which in my case is the opposite of what I eat. Anyway, some more clarification on these gray area statements would be appreciated.

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Hi. Thank you. I am vegan and generally eat seeds and nuts and peanuts. The ones I choose are low on the list but as I age I find my markers could be better. I’m hoping that supplementation with carnosine could be helpful. May I ask what your opinion would be? 💞

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PS I take Dr M’s H2. That should help. Hmmmmm.

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What other supplements do you take?

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yeah I quit eating anything with LA in it.....I now eat MEAT..90% of what I eat is beef......right outta my freezer...the other 10% is fruit and real honey...and I do chug down 2 H2 pills in hot water , naturally Mercola H2 in about 6-8 oz a hot water drop in 2 tablets and swish them around for 10 seconds and Down the hatch.......maybe have a steak for breakfast...with a Egg-cream-honey mix.(eggnog) use 3- egg yokes only.........MMMMMMMM next meal in about 16 hours.....and this is a long lasting meal.....


This only a part chapter from this great book "Invisible Rainbow" and excellent read....Interesting how Radio Frequency Radiation Killed Millions including a Queen But Marconi didn't care...with known scientists and proven medical people stating it is a dangerous act..Proven inventors like Tesla and JG Bose and many more.... Marconi went ahead and eventually killed himself.. but 'Pandora's Box' was opened wide......read a bit of the results >>> http://www.thethirdlevel.info/2021/04/marconi-bees-frequencies-queen.html <<<

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I thought the H2 pills needed 90 seconds before swallowing. So you think and it makes chemical sense to counteract linoleic acid if one is vegan? Thank you. 💕

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Thank you for this important information. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C has sunflower oil as its liposome. Is this safe? My husband had a heart attack and has several arterial blockages so important to be safe on seed oils.

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The amount O6 you're getting with that is in the mg amount. But why not get whole food vitamin C from fruits, and safe the liposomal for when you're sick only? Also I wonder why the sunflower oil in some of his products aren't replaced with either olive or MCT oil.

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Excellent. Can we use carnosine or that less expensive form as protection against APEEL?

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Wow PremaShakti......I have no idea as I am not a vegan.....in my teen years I was into a vegan type of lifestyle but felt bloated and gassy a lot....not comfortable...and now decades later i know vegan was not my way of life......so I started reading more on Dr Paul Saladino and his medical diet of beef , MEAT and organ meats.....now as I was growing up, my Mother always had a Liver dinner.....and I like Liver and onions......and always felt great the next few days.....well putting 2 to 2 coming up with 4 and realized liver was making me feel good..............so now all I eat is MEAT and Ill eat the organs too

Now I am and Old man 75++and watching eagles and hawks and ravens and owls...and when a hawk attacks an animal the first thing they eat is the Liver and heart,,,,First thing..... even chickens and they will eat each other...first thing they will eat is the Liver and Heart....why?

Well as a vagen you consume a lot of phytic acid.....and Phytic acid is on every seed....one reason why coffee tastes bitter z>> https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/phytic-acid-101 <<< this is the stuff dietricians don't tell and most have no idea what it is.....

More on dr paul saladino >> https://www.paulsaladinomd.co/about and https://www.paulsaladinomd.co/ <<< good stuff and he used to be a vegan so You might read up on his studies and podcast and his knowlege

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And Perma.........I use hot tap water for my H2 pills........swishing artound in 1/2 a coffee mug.......about 300 ml

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2 Choir Boys Sing...........for cat lovers >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPdqdqj3ghY

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IDK ............but I heard Biden used to Drop Acid a few time IDK i just wondre he he was Dropping Linoleic Acid....Hummmm

From m d old Hippie High up on MyMountain....wondering thru My Caves....sure is nice n cool in here.....a Bit Bit of of n n echo :)

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I am just learning about the ill effects of seeds and seed oil. I was disappointed reading the label of Dr. Mercola’s nutrition bars full of different seeds and natural flavors specifically the Mitomax Keto. Will you be ridding of these ingredients in your bars soon?

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5G was an overhyped technology bust. Let’s learn our lesson. >>>> https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/06/13/5g-didnt-matter/

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