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Human beings are social by nature, we like to feel accompanied and feel that someone cares about us. Since cave times we learned that we need to be accepted in a social group, collaborating and facing threats all together.

Fascism, corruption and restrictive measures are generators of depression and loneliness. "Fascism is now in the driver's seat." Yes, fascism, fear, dissatisfaction and loneliness. The population is more desperate as a result of being aware of the undersatisfaction of their needs and the cuts in freedoms and rights, which deepens with the advance of the decomposition of social services, a "healthcare" corrupted by big pharmaceutical companies, and a perspective Tyrannical imposition by the globalist elite. The population is unemployed or chained to a job that may not satisfy their needs. Thus, violence combines as responses to frustration, helplessness and fear and loneliness.

Separation from loved ones, loss of freedom, uncertainty about the severity of the illness, and boredom have serious psychological effects.

The sad reality is that the feeling of incomprehension and loneliness continues to grow in our society. We all need to feel a real hug, to feel understood, that we matter and we need real human contact.

A person has in his hands the key to master his moods, overcome his negativity, attract abundance and prosperity to his life and humanity. The mind is the most powerful tool of the human being, and we must condition it to achieve the best objectives.

Communication with positive people and groups that satisfy your emotional needs and personal interests is very important but we must also complement it with solitude. Security and a strong inner life, with good living habits makes us less susceptible to loneliness. It is different to feel loneliness and take advantage of loneliness for personal enrichment. The problem is not loneliness itself, the problem is how you interpret it and what meaning you give it, the dialogue you are having with yourself. That's what makes you anxious or depressed or feel that great emptiness inside. It is this lack of security and self-confidence that makes them anxious. Learning to be alone is extremely necessary to be able to grow and mature psychologically.

For Zen Buddhist teacher Thitch Nhat Hanh, silence is essential. He assures that, “thoughts parade through our heads incessantly to the point that we lose the joy of living. For him, the only way to silence these thoughts is through silence. A silence that most of the time we find in our moments of solitude. There is nothing more reliable and endowed with immense confidence than listening to our inner voice and analyzing the pros and cons based on our own experience of life.

When we find ourselves faced with loneliness it allows us to expand our mind and release our magic and human talents. Solitude allows us to create and enjoy ourselves. Solitude is the true origin of creativity.

“The great man is he who in the midst of crowds maintains, with perfect sweetness, the independence of solitude.”-Emerson.

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