In an interview Dr. Mercola did with a pediatric physician, it was mentioned in passing that lumbrokinase can break up the biofilm around dental cavitations. I'd like to get more information on this.
As a person with long-term Lyme Disease, who hasn’t been under a LLMD’s care for several years… how can I find out what type (brand, dosage) I would benefit from?
10+ years ago I went to Sanoviv in Mexico, to no avail, went back to the Chicago area and had to go to Indiana to find a LLMD… suffice to say that it’s been a long, arduous journey. Probably got the tick and Lyme when I was 16 or 17. I am now 67. Have researched, tried various protocols, herbals, supplements, avoidance of certain foods, etc. Even moved to California for different modalities.
I started taking serrepaptase when I got chostrocondtitis.
I’ve shrunk to 5’4” approximately 106-108, try to eat organic and healthy, take many supplements and vitamins (also had TB at the age of 3 and was on INH for 2 years). Also have a 2 person infrared sauna. Have tried peat baths, ozone blood therapy, purchased a GB 4000, etc… but unfortunately found little relief
I’m grateful to be back by family in the Midwest for last 1 1/2 years (loved the weather, did not like the politics of California [10 years]) but this weather is really hard on me.
I see a Natropath (limited with Lyme) for colonics (limited to no motility) sit under my SAD light every day and am truly thankful for all the years I’ve followed Dr Mercola and his sage advice.
I would appreciate anyone can suggest a new set of eyes!
I just have to say, I looked at Mercola's scientifc references. I looked specifically at methods and procedures to evaluate the outcomes found in rats. There was never mention how many rats were used and whether there was a randomize, control group with researchers blind to the study hypotheses. This is to me is speculative. In some ways, misleading in terms of the references he provides. Also, much of the research are papers explaining information about lumbrokinase. As best as I can tell, there is not good research to validate these claims. I take lumbrokinase, and want it to do wha t it says above. Something to always consider. It shows me that you really need to check references. I love Dr. M., but he really should be providing better research to support his conclusions....especially in this case. I welcome anybody to provide me with me better research
In an interview Dr. Mercola did with a pediatric physician, it was mentioned in passing that lumbrokinase can break up the biofilm around dental cavitations. I'd like to get more information on this.
As a person with long-term Lyme Disease, who hasn’t been under a LLMD’s care for several years… how can I find out what type (brand, dosage) I would benefit from?
10+ years ago I went to Sanoviv in Mexico, to no avail, went back to the Chicago area and had to go to Indiana to find a LLMD… suffice to say that it’s been a long, arduous journey. Probably got the tick and Lyme when I was 16 or 17. I am now 67. Have researched, tried various protocols, herbals, supplements, avoidance of certain foods, etc. Even moved to California for different modalities.
I started taking serrepaptase when I got chostrocondtitis.
I’ve shrunk to 5’4” approximately 106-108, try to eat organic and healthy, take many supplements and vitamins (also had TB at the age of 3 and was on INH for 2 years). Also have a 2 person infrared sauna. Have tried peat baths, ozone blood therapy, purchased a GB 4000, etc… but unfortunately found little relief
I’m grateful to be back by family in the Midwest for last 1 1/2 years (loved the weather, did not like the politics of California [10 years]) but this weather is really hard on me.
I see a Natropath (limited with Lyme) for colonics (limited to no motility) sit under my SAD light every day and am truly thankful for all the years I’ve followed Dr Mercola and his sage advice.
I would appreciate anyone can suggest a new set of eyes!
Thank you for your graciousness and patience.
I just have to say, I looked at Mercola's scientifc references. I looked specifically at methods and procedures to evaluate the outcomes found in rats. There was never mention how many rats were used and whether there was a randomize, control group with researchers blind to the study hypotheses. This is to me is speculative. In some ways, misleading in terms of the references he provides. Also, much of the research are papers explaining information about lumbrokinase. As best as I can tell, there is not good research to validate these claims. I take lumbrokinase, and want it to do wha t it says above. Something to always consider. It shows me that you really need to check references. I love Dr. M., but he really should be providing better research to support his conclusions....especially in this case. I welcome anybody to provide me with me better research