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Serious Lupron damage caused by BigPharma and FDA corruption. Dr. David Redwine is a world-renowned endometriosis excision surgeon and has dedicated his career to endometriosis research. Dr. Redwine had access to Lupron's raw data when he was an expert medical witness in one of the lawsuits against Lupron in 2011.

Dr. Redwine, while sifting through thousands of pages of raw data, produced a 300-page report for the FDA called Lupreulide, the D is Silent. Lupreulide is the name of the drug Lupron, and if you take away the D from Lueprolide, says Lureulie, it is in "lie," a play on words due to some of its findings listed below:

The published data on Lupron did not always match the raw data: the published data hid important negative findings about Lupron, downplayed risks, and used misleading and deceptive graphs to make the data look more favorable.

Dr. Redwine's conclusion was that the potential benefits did not outweigh the potential risks and he asked the FDA to remove Lupron from the market immediately.

In addition to the side effects one may have when taking Lupron, it can also cause long-term irreversible side effects even after stopping the medication. Andrew Friedman, who was a researcher who conducted clinical studies on Lupron, admitted to falsifying data in two Lupron studies, one of which was on the effectiveness and safety of Lupron with add-on therapy for endometriosis. He admitted it in court, at trial.

Some people report having permanent side effects from Lupron, some of which have reduced their quality of life or even left them disabled. In fact, there are groups on Facebook called “Lupron Victims” and “Lupron Survivors” because these people's health was severely affected by Lupron.

https://insixteenyears.com/lupron/ .------


https://studylib.net/doc/5849089/the-national-lupron-victims-network .----

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