Dr. Mercola also recommends Valerian Root, since it influences the neurotransmitter GABA, which plays the role of mediating brain sound receptors. Deficiency in either of these could trigger or aggravate tinnitus, as both are necessary to stimulate normal nerve function. Studies demonstrated improvement in hearing when participants with noise-induced hearing loss supplemented with magnesium. In one,11 patients with moderate to severe tinnitus achieved significant improvement by taking a daily dose of 532 milligrams of magnesium for three months.
Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 may reduce noise-induced hearing loss. This and other antioxidants may also help neutralize reactive oxygen species involved in the progression of tinnitus. Taurine has demonstrated a protective effect on hearing loss related to medication use. 5 medicinal plants consisting of Panax ginseng, Melissa officinalis, Allium cepa and Ginkgo biloba and astragalus, are effective. The boiling of the plant was the most commonly used. The use of medicinal plants and their derivatives results in a reduction in the overall prevalence of earache probably due to the inhibition of ROS production, and iNOS and inflammatory antiactivities.
Dr. Mercola also recommends Valerian Root, since it influences the neurotransmitter GABA, which plays the role of mediating brain sound receptors. Deficiency in either of these could trigger or aggravate tinnitus, as both are necessary to stimulate normal nerve function. Studies demonstrated improvement in hearing when participants with noise-induced hearing loss supplemented with magnesium. In one,11 patients with moderate to severe tinnitus achieved significant improvement by taking a daily dose of 532 milligrams of magnesium for three months.
Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 may reduce noise-induced hearing loss. This and other antioxidants may also help neutralize reactive oxygen species involved in the progression of tinnitus. Taurine has demonstrated a protective effect on hearing loss related to medication use. 5 medicinal plants consisting of Panax ginseng, Melissa officinalis, Allium cepa and Ginkgo biloba and astragalus, are effective. The boiling of the plant was the most commonly used. The use of medicinal plants and their derivatives results in a reduction in the overall prevalence of earache probably due to the inhibition of ROS production, and iNOS and inflammatory antiactivities.
David Hoffmann, a herbalist originally from Great Britain, wrote in his book "The Herbal Handbook" that the Golden Seal could be an effective aid for some cases of tinnitus caused by accumulation of mucus. .--https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/143845042.pdf . .------ The International Tinnitus Journal: http://www.tinnitusjournal.com/ .------ www.tinnitusjournal.com .---