Complaints with a very significant example of the manipulation of the medical class: When patients were pumped with Remdesivir, sedated and connected to ventilators, health professionals were afraid to speak. Even though patients were denied effective treatments; Even though their organs were damaged while they were isolated and left to die, most of the doctors and nurses stood by and said nothing. Doctors and nurses were afraid to speak out about the horrors of inhumane hospital protocol, the failures of COVID-19 testing, the harms of illegal mandates and the scourge of vaccine injuries because the National Health Service (NHS) England had a plan to attack any whistleblower. who spoke about patient safety.

Health professionals work in a culture of lies and cover-ups, and are subject to legal sanctions and investigations if they speak up about medical errors.

However, some doctors and nurses did speak out, and they did so with great courage and bravery. Today, they come forward and talk about how NHS bosses hounded them, threatening their careers and lives for daring to raise concerns about patient safety.

During the Covid-19 era, the government granted immunity from liability to hospital systems. This protected institutions from medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuits, reinforcing a system of fraud and abuse. During this time, the NHS fostered a culture of fear, forcing healthcare professionals to follow harmful protocols against their conscience and intimidating individual doctors and nurses if they spoke out for the safety of their patients.

https://expose-news.com/2024/05/17/nhs-coordinated-plan-to-break-whistleblowers/ (05/2024).—

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A precedent-setting ruling in favor of the First Amendment was issued today by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. This influential Court established the right to object in court to censorship of physicians' speech on topics ranging from government Covid policies to abortion, stated AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly.

The court has established the right to object to such censorship in response to a lawsuit filed by the Association of Physicians and Surgeons of the American Educational Foundation (AAPS), which sought the right to move forward with its censorship case after it was dismissed by the District Court. for the Southern District of Texas. The appeals court considers that the AAPS does have sufficient grounds to proceed.

The professional association states that three other medical associations: the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG), the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), and the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), along with the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas coordinated to suppress his members' speech related to COVID-19 measures such as vaccines, lockdowns, and mask mandates.

The loss of these credentials would have resulted in his exclusion from most insurance networks, as well as the right to practice in many of the country's hospitals. Although they lack the authority of official state medical boards, they have become de facto credentials to practice and thus serve to censure physicians without being beholden to the kind of political accountability that official state medical boards would have. .

https://reclaimthenet.org/fifth-circuit-revives-physicians-first-amendment-claims (06/2024).--

https://aapsonline.org/physicians-right-to-free-speech-upheld-in-aaps-v-abim/ (06/2024).--

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I remember an article in 2019 about large orders for midazolam. And another for body bags.

This was all planned. Mikovits theory is that COVID was injected into people since around the 60's, and it was the primary source for chronic diseases today. Healthy people with good genetics can keep these pathogens silent for decades. But as people age their immune systems decline and the pathogens start going to work. The elderly are those people whose former injections are beginning to manifest in cancers, heart disease, diabetes and a host of severe chronic diseases.

The purpose of the COVID psyop was to eliminate the evidence of past vaccine sins. The elderly, autistic kids and psychologically messed up people are people who were damaged by vaccines, people whose genetics did not keep the pathogens quiet. They were evidence against the vaccine schedule. They were murdered to cover this up.

I highly recommend reading Plague, 2014, Plague of Corruption 2019 and Ending Plague by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively. Nothing makes more sense to me than what is presented in these books.

Although while that is true, I believe vaccines have moved into a new paradigm, one they've also been working on since the 80's that began with research into an HIV vaccine and became the universal pan-coronavirus vaccine, hence, the mRNA COVID jabs.

This era is technological in nature. They use synthetic genetic sequences in synthetic DNA plasmids. These are packed in cationic lipids that aren't really lipids at all, they are made from 6 Phthalates, gold sputtered graphene and magnetic metals such as tin and aluminum, and cesium 137, among other elements. The form rubbery clots that magnetically aggregate forming rouleux in the blood. These are self assembling nanoparticles that form nanocircuits, nano antennas with wireless capabilities so they can 'hack into the software of life' through an extensive wireless network comprising cell towers and home routers.

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My father was 83 when he was admitted to hospital, with cancer and dementia. He was designated DNR without my mother’s permission and she was told the doctors would make the decision to put him on morphine. However, they were more blunt (honest) with my brother, when they told him they needed his bed! He died one day later, under what looked like opiate coma. That was 2013! Demicide has been going on a long time in the UK.

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