"In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released their sleep guidelines for infants, intended to reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths."
How many SIDS cases happened among fully unvaccinated infants? I'm not aware of even one. And this is why the AAP should be defunded and investigated for racketeering with the Pharmaceutical Industry.
I grew up without cell phones and computers. We played outside as much as possible, and we slept great. Nowadays you never see kids outside their homes. They are inside and glued to screens. Frequencies are sapping their mitochondria. Vaccines are sapping it too. And they aren't getting enough exercise and sun exposure.
Children growing up should have very limited time on computers connected to ethernet and no cell phones.
We managed to get by without cell phones. The kids are far better off without them.
"In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released their sleep guidelines for infants, intended to reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths."
How many SIDS cases happened among fully unvaccinated infants? I'm not aware of even one. And this is why the AAP should be defunded and investigated for racketeering with the Pharmaceutical Industry.
I grew up without cell phones and computers. We played outside as much as possible, and we slept great. Nowadays you never see kids outside their homes. They are inside and glued to screens. Frequencies are sapping their mitochondria. Vaccines are sapping it too. And they aren't getting enough exercise and sun exposure.
Children growing up should have very limited time on computers connected to ethernet and no cell phones.
We managed to get by without cell phones. The kids are far better off without them.