Unfortunately, Dr Mercola commonly gives out some very, very, very harmful misinformation about Methylene Blue.

According to my research, methylene blue was never used to dye blue jeans, or at least it wasn't commonly used.

But for those who feel so bad that I destroyed your romantic version of M Blue's history, here is some good news. Vincent van Gogh's used a blue paint pigmented with methylene blue in his famous painting, "The Starry Night".

However, I have to inform you that I have not spent any real time verifying the about info and I am relying on memory. I don't have time to fact check myself at the moment, but I believe that we need to get the historical record straight. But, If it is true, it just make's Gogh's painting so much more beautiful.

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Why don't you allow free speech on your platform that you send emails out on? You Banned Me For Life for speaking about the Bible that Satan the Antichrist comes first as Jesus Christ as Paul teaches in second Thessalonians 2 verses 1 through 4 the whole world follows after in Revelation 13:3 and receives the mark of the beast except those written in the Book of Life Revelation 13:8 and no that Satan the Antichrist comes first sitting in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem pretending to be God

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I have been taking methylene blue for the past 3 years and have not had another UTI

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