Vitamin D, K2, magnesium and other vitamins and nutraceuticals, in addition to moderate exercise, are great medicine for telomeres and their relationship with aging. This review shows evidence of the relationship of magnesium with all the characteristics of aging (genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis, deregulated nutrient detection, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, impaired intercellular communication, disability). autophagy, dysbiosis and chronic inflammation), which can positively affect human health

.https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/4/496 (2024).--

Dietary Antioxidant Indices (DAI) May Potentially Be Associated with Relative Telomere Length

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/abs/association-between-the-dietary-antioxidant-index-and-relative-telomere-length-of-leukocytes- in-the-chinese-population/9D82A2E9617210456406D89E212D5738 (2024).--

In this study, several different measures of telomere length are evaluated, to more comprehensively evaluate the effects of a Multivitamin Blend on telomere shortening in the presence and absence of oxidative stress.

https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19390211.2023.2179153 (2024).--

It has been shown that moderate physical exercise has a positive effect on sarcopenia, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation and inducing protective effects on telomeric DNA.

https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9059/11/2/598 (2023).--

Other reviews report that micronutrients, such as vitamin D and C, folate, and vitamin B12, are involved in telomere biology, cellular aging, and genomic stability. Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences that, together with the associated sheltrin complex, protect the ends of chromosomes and maintain genomic stability.

Vitamin D is important for a variety of vital cellular processes including cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Higher concentrations of vitamin D are associated with longer telomere length. Low levels of telomerase cause cellular senescence and apoptosis.

In addition, inflammation and telomere dysfunction together lead to age-related diseases and vitamin D is anti-inflammatory. Vitamin D controls energy metabolism in adipose tissue by affecting fatty acid oxidation, expression of uncoupling proteins, insulin resistance, and adipokine production.

Inflammation of adipose tissue can have a significant impact on the metabolic disorders that are often associated with obesity. and vitamin D can modulate the inflammatory response of immune cells and adipocytes within adipose tissue. The shortening rate can be further increased by inflammation and oxidative stress and therefore affect the aging process. Telomerase participates in the modulation of NF-κB activity. Vitamin D could be considered an adjuvant therapy to relieve inflammation and oxidative stress.

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.840804/full (2022).--

https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/5/4546 (2023).--

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2023.1025936/full (2023).--

https://link.springer.com/article/10.14283/jfa.2020.33 (2021).----

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8159757/ (2021).----

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1043661822004303 (2022).----

https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/cclm-2014-1184/html (2014).---


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Aerobic exercise lasting at least 2 years can increase telomere length, and future research should further clarify the optimal duration of exercise.

It has been shown that moderate physical exercise has a positive effect on sarcopenia, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation and inducing protective effects on telomeric DNA.

https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9059/11/2/598 (2023).--

The findings of this systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that high-intensity interval training appears to have a positive effect on telomere length compared to other types of exercise such as resistance training or aerobic exercise in a healthy population.

https://publichealth.jmir.org/2024/1/e46019 (2024).--

Regular exercise and/or physical activity, as well as other lifestyle factors such as nutrition or time and/or quality of sleep, are simple ways to implement into daily life to slow the normal aging process and ,therefore extending the service life.

https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/11/1/153/htm (2021).-----

This study evaluates the effects of a combination of nutraceutical supplements (NS) on telomere length (LT) in healthy volunteers without a medical history of any disease. In this study, we evaluated the effects of a combination of nutraceutical supplements (NS) on telomere length (LT) in healthy volunteers without a medical history of any disease. Among the supplements is D3&K2.

https://www.spandidos-publications.com/ijmm/44/1/218 (2019).----

This review discusses growing evidence showing that nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) and vitamin K signaling play a crucial role in counteracting oxidative stress, DNA damage, senescence and inflammation. .


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In this study, the following were tested individually and in mixtures: (1) α-lipoic acid, (1) green tea extract, (2) dimethylaminoethanol L-bitartrate (DMAE L-bitartrate), (3) N-acetyl hydrochloride -L-cysteine (HCL), (4) chlorella powder, (5) L-carnosine, (6) vitamin D3, (7) rhodiola PE 3%/1%, (8) glycine, (9) red wine extract french, (10) chia, (11) broccoli seed extract and (12) astragalus (TA-65). Some of the compounds increased telomerase activity and combinations of the higher-ranking compounds were able to significantly increase telomerase activity, from 51% to 290%, relative to controls.

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ghania_Ait-Ghezala/publication/305470083_Identification_of_Telomerase-activating_Blends_From_Naturally_Occurring_Compounds/links/57b1d37408aeb2cf17c57a56.pdf (2016).----

In this study, we evaluated the effects of a combination of nutraceutical supplements (NS) on telomere length (LT) in healthy volunteers without a medical history of any disease. Among the supplements is D3&K2.

https://www.spandidos-publications.com/ijmm/44/1/218 (2019).----

In this review, vitamin K plays a crucial role in counteracting oxidative stress, DNA damage, senescence and inflammation.

https://academic.oup.com/ndt/article/35/Supplement_2/ii31/5803063?login=false (2020).----

In this study, a positive association was found between newborn telomere length and maternal vitamin D intake (diet + supplement) during the first trimester.

https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/6/2012/htm (2021).-----

In this review, higher concentrations of circulating maternal folate and vitamin D were related to greater telomere length,

https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/79/2/148/5910720?login=false (2021).----

Astragalus increases the production of telomerase, the enzyme that controls telomeres that play a key role in cell replication, cancer and human aging. Cycloastragenol inhibits the aging process of cells and improves their response to fight viral infections.

Spanish cancer scientists identified another compound in astragalus, called TA-65, which also activates telomerase, significantly increasing average telomere length, glucose tolerance, osteoporosis and skin fitness.

https://www.jimmunol.org/content/190/1_Supplement/177.4.short (2013).----

https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/2/1/57/htm (2013).-----

http://www.thehealthcloud.co.uk/health-benefits-astragalus/ (2014).-----

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11240-021-02047-w (2021).-----

Chronic stress shortens telomeres. 3 herbs to reduce stress

Ayurvedic medicine has many rejuvenating herbs, traditionally known as rasayana, that improve health, immunity, vigor, vitality and longevity, as well as protecting against stress. Ashwagandha has shown promise in maintaining telomere structure.

https://lifespa.com/healthy-dna-stress-telomeres/ .---

https://www.ayush.com/anti-aging-potential-of-ashwagandha .---


https://www.healthycell.com/blog/how-to-lengthen-telomeres-with-7-natural-ingredients (2019).-----


https://selfhacked.com/blog/telomerase-telomeres-aging/ (2022)


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6755196/ (2019).-----

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Snake oil! And snake oil salesmen!

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