I like the regenerative farming movement. I found American Grass Fed's label on beef at Sprouts the other day. I bought some, that's beef I'm excited to support.

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Vandana in a report by Dr. Mercola: The poison cartel is also a big pharmaceutical company. People think that agriculture is here, medicine is there. No. The same criminal corporations gave us agrochemicals. They gave us bad medicine that creates more diseases than it solves. So Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Poison, it's all one. And Bill Gates is holding it all together even more and trying to make them bigger because he has investments in all of them... I think the seeds are where we have to start. I hope that together we can soon launch a global movement to get our seeds back from international seed banks.

The strategy is that we must remind the world that these are public institutions and that they are accountable to the farmers whose collections these seeds are. Food freedom means that our right to grow food cannot be destroyed. Secondly, it cannot destroy our governments' obligations to us to support regenerative agriculture rather than supporting and subsidizing degenerative agriculture. And third, I think we should call for a global boycott of lab-grown foods...

Another part of this should be, don't let big technology get into our bodies. Keep big tech out of life sciences... These guys will make life illegal. "To live will be illegal, except as a small cog in your machine with your permission."


A Special Interview With Vandana Shiva, Ph.D.

By Dr. Vandana Shiva and Dr. Joseph Mercola


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