As autism rates have skyrocketed among US children in recent decades, along with concern among parents, much research has focused on investigating the role of environmental risk factors in the combination of various underlying genetic factors.

Additionally, for decades, children who developed autism after receiving routine vaccinations have been denied justice. Their parents have been ridiculed, criticized and abandoned to their fate. The children suffered.

All because the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) determined that vaccines did not cause autism in three "test" claims.. While Pharma foresees exponential growth in a multi-billion dollar market for autism drugs. Justice Department attorneys committed fraud in vaccine injury case, CHD attorney alleges.

The global autism spectrum disorder treatment market is projected to reach $11.42 billion by 2028. Critics called the report "heartbreaking" and called for more attention.

Among environmental risk factors such as electromagnetic fields, metals such as aluminum and mercury in vaccines, exposure to glyphosate, acetaminophen use during pregnancy and childhood, heavy metals in baby foods and other environmental contaminants organic.

Studies also link industrial chemicals, such as lead, arsenic, copper, selenium, iron, and magnesium, to the disorder.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/autism-rate-increase-cdc/ (2023)

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/multi-billion-market-autism-treatment-drugs/ (2023).--

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/demanding-justice-for-vaccine-injured-children-like-yates/ (2024).---

https://www.globalresearch.ca/doj-lawyers-committed-fraud-vaccine-injury-case-chd-attorney-alleges-motion-filed-today/5853855 (2024).--

Prenatal exposure to the Pfizer vaccine caused "pronounced autism-like behaviors."

https://www.globalresearch.ca/study-shows-prenatal-exposure-pfizer-covid-vaccine-causes-autism-male-rats/5846157 (2024).---

Study links parental exposure to toxic chemicals with increased risk of autism and ADHD in children

A study published last month in the Journal of Xenobiotics suggests that exposure to toxic substances, such as heavy metals, organophosphate pesticides, and tobacco smoke, likely stimulates epigenetic changes in gene expression.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/parents-exposure-toxic-chemicals-pesticides-autism-adhd-kids/ (2024).---

Kennedy is the president of Children's Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group he joined in 2015, formerly known as the World Mercury Project. The group alleges that a large proportion of American children suffer from conditions as diverse as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, food allergies, cancer and autoimmune diseases due to exposure to certain chemicals and radiation. CHD has blamed and campaigned against vaccines, drinking water fluoridation, paracetamol (acetaminophen), aluminum, wireless communications, among others.”

In reality, vaccines have been scientifically and legally documented to cause autism many times.

Here is the evidence. First, we will provide historical context, looking at some of the scandalous revelations made over the past 30 years that reveal a cover-up of the connection between vaccines and autism. We will then report on scientific studies examining the connection between autism or neurological and developmental injuries and vaccines, focusing on heavy metals used in vaccine adjuvants. Third, we will cover the history and purpose of the vaccine court, which has paid out billions to injured victims over its thirty-five years of existence.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/do-vaccines-cause-autism-history-institutional-corruption/5830596 (2023).---

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The childhood vaccine schedule is injecting parasites. Pets transfer parasites. A parasite detox has cured many autistic children. https://www.brighteon.com/1bcbec44-30ba-4dc0-b072-2cf734822c77

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