Yes, the way of life of confinement and malnutrition were the basis of the spread of infectious diseases in the Aboriginal people. Epidemiology has been a constant in most of the great expansionary processes in History. The bacteria traveled with the Spaniards who, without being aware, introduced a lethal weapon to the subjugated populations with serious nutritional problems. Most of the natives were too weak to cultivate the fields and care for their children; many others, devastated by the catastrophic effects of the disease, took their own lives. The high mortality rate was also a problem for Europeans. In need of labor, they began to bring slaves from Africa. A measure that made the situation even worse, since many captives were carriers of new viruses.

In the 20th century, many other historians, such as Tzvetan Todorov, similarly stated that Amerindians increased their vulnerability to microbes because they were exhausted from work, hungry, and demoralized. Anthropologists such as Marvin Harris have also emphasized that the recovery capacity of groups affected by epidemics has always been directly related to a balanced diet with a sufficient level of protein.

The exact population prior to the discovery of America is unknown, and estimates range wildly between 13.5 and 90 million. At the end of the 19th century, barely half a million natives remained. Due to his immunological insufficiency. Viruses such as influenza, measles and smallpox were lethal and caused what, according to many historians, is the largest genocide in human history.

Antonio de Herrera directly linked hunger and epidemics. In fact, he says that, in 1539, the natives of Popayán stopped sowing the land to try to drive out the Europeans. Next, they experienced a great famine that was followed by a no less rigorous “pestilence.” And in some cases the relationship between misery and disease is well demonstrated, as is the case with typhus that was spread through lice. But, what's more, we have some indigenous testimonies in which it can be verified that they also linked the epidemics with labor exploitation.

It is true that its secular isolation increased the virulence of the epidemics, but also that the situation of helplessness, lack of health care, food shortages and reductionist policies accentuated their effects. In some way there was, as Massimo Livi-Bacci has written, a “confiscation of energy” that caused a notable reduction in their ability to survive. In large areas of America it was common for the sick to be left with food and drink and abandon them to their fate, “if he ate it well, if not, he would die…”. Likewise, the policy of concentration or reduction of the natives to towns, to favor, as it was said then, their life as a police force, considerably favored contagion.

When settler foods and rationed foods from the federal government] replaced community foods, ...dramatic changes occurred over the span of a relatively short period of time and the health of Native American peoples throughout the United States never has fully recovered....For example, there was no word for diabetes in traditional native languages ​​when Europeans arrived on this continent... In 1940, the occurrence of diabetes among Native Americans was almost unknown. Diabetes began to appear in 1950, until during the 1960s it became a common condition. From the 1990s to the present, almost all Native Americans are personally involved with diabetes or with family members and friends with diabetes. It has been called the new smallpox...

Each native group has its own distinct traditions, languages, and belief systems, but there are many similarities between the groups. Traditional food lessons were interdisciplinary and consisted of science, math, history, social studies, and social-emotional teachings. These lessons were anchored in creation stories, resided at the core of ceremonies, and ultimately manifested the social dynamics of each community. Creation stories revolved around finding, growing, preparing, and sharing the foods that in many cases were at the center of those stories. Community contributions and responsibility for food were integral socioeconomic acts that not only shaped the food system but also maintained ancestral knowledge systems.

A family's wealth was measured by its intimate knowledge of various resources. Each family's understanding of their specific farming, hunting, and fishing techniques reflected their wealth. Preparation to become a contributing member of the community began in childhood. Children acquired knowledge through practical and experiential learning without age segregation.

https://www.despertaferro-ediciones.com/2020/epidemias-en-la-america-de-la-conquista-revisitando-la-question/ (2020).--

https://www.aft.org/hc/fall2020/segrest_hipp (2020).--


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Tom Cowan rejects virus theory, an impossible position.

Viruses are genetic instructions for producing proteins. They are genetics. By rejecting 'virus theory' you reject the blueprint for protein building in each living biological life form. Each life form has something called toll receptors. They are God's ID on each one. When a protein is created or inserted from another source that is in close homology to one of your own proteins, your body's NKC's will destroy it because it lacks your toll receptor. Your body is stamped with an ID from the Creator. It will not accept proteins made from outside sources.

The reason COVID shots are so devastating is because they are creating viruses synthetically. You can call it viruses or genetics. Both terms are synonymous for the same thing. They are a blueprint for protein production, and if they weren't produced by your body's blueprint they are either hidden inside places like the B cells, or expressed. Once expressed, autoimmunity ensues in an all out war against them. If inadequate vitamin D is available, your killer cells become less discriminate about which proteins they will attack.

This is why in vaccine comparison studies the unvaccinated are vastly more healthy than the vaccinated. Vaccines by their nature introduce protein making machinery that originates from other organisms, machinery that was trained through GoF to get taken up before the NKC's discover them.

Tom Cowan's terrain theory totally misses the boat, IMO.

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