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BigPharma is in coexistence with the agri-food system and government institutions to promote obesity and diabetes and all types of chronic diseases. Indoctrination in junk food from childhood is a big market for BigPharma and parents and schools are taught to make children obese. There is one thing most experts agree on: increased consumption of highly processed foods is a major contributor to the childhood obesity epidemic. The government and media made a lot of fuss about C-19 as together they destroyed society to keep people "safe" from a "virus." Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people die every year from eating processed foods and no one in a position of power says a word.

With 1 in 5 children now obese, Pharma Targets $50 Billion Market for Weight Loss Drugs. About 16 to 47 percent of the world's adult population has insulin resistance. This condition predisposes to diabetes, neuropathy, nephropathy, dementia and metabolic syndrome, and compromises quality of life. The FDA approved 37 drugs and medical products in 2022. Surprisingly, 24 of the new drugs (65 percent) were approved based on a single study.

When the 21st Century Cures Act was signed into law in December 2016, the federal government made it easier to accelerate the development of medical products. The law quickly became a portal for corruption, allowing the industry to bypass the once rigorous, evidence-based standards for approving new drugs. By short-circuiting the scientific method, industry and government work hand in hand to flood the market with new drugs that lack adequate safety data. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/fda-approved-65-percent-of-new-drugs-in-2022-based-on-a-single-study-5453802  (08/10/2023).---

Ozempic and Wegovy, another weight-loss drug, are giving users problems other than diarrhea or constipation, including bouts of vomiting, cramps, constant gas, and sulfur burps that smell like rotten eggs. Last year alone, more than 5 million prescription weight-loss medications were distributed, much to the dismay of patients who suffer horrible side effects and regain the weight after quitting the next one. -worthless drugs. That includes more than 100,000 Wegovy prescriptions being deleted EVERY WEEK, according to drug maker Novo. At least 3 in 10 people taking the pharmaceutical weight loss drug Ozempic say on Reddit that this is the most embarrassing and recurring event they have experienced in years.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12119851/People-Ozempic-say-theyre-defecating-bed-symptom-affects-30-takers.html  (06/25/2023) OZEMPIC, HORMONE MIMICKING DRUG SIDE EFFECTS & ASK DR. JANE https://www.brighteon.com/53ad8312-c7d7-4458-ac89-32d0bbde5007.---  Semaglutide, the active ingredient found in the widely used diabetes and obesity drugs Ozempic and Wegovy, respectively, is linked to an increased risk of thyroid cancer in patients taking the drugs as prescribed. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/thyroid-cancer-concerns-raised-regarding-active-ingredient-in-popular-drugs-ozempic-and-wegovy-5351884  (06/24/2023).--- Women around the world who were tricked into taking Ozempic report that the side effects they still suffer from persist for many years after they stopped taking it.

A 38-year-old teacher named Emily Wright from Toronto says she actually had to quit her job after the gastroparesis she developed while taking Ozempic left her vomiting even years after quitting the dangerous drug, Wright says her life has been a " hell", and that hell has no end. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12336125/Ozempic-life-hell-wish-never-touched-Women-left-vomiting-work-despite-weight-loss-drug-years.html  ( 07/25/2023).--

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