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We know that factors such as sleep duration, stress, poor calcium intake or the composition of the intestinal microbiota are suggested as new actors in the development of obesity and its comorbidities. In addition short chain fatty acids (SCFA) through the fermentation of undigested fiber in the intestine. SCFAs represent an important source of energy for the host and are involved in different metabolic pathways related to anti-inflammatory effects, appetite control or regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism... The low proportions of Christensenellaceae _R-7 and Akkermansia, higher proportions of Bacteroides and lower bacterial diversity appear to be indicators of an unhealthy metabolic state with obesity.

In connection with the report by Dr. Mercola, a study coordinated by CIBEREHD researchers determines the beneficial effects of the combination of the antioxidant quercetin and the bacteria Akkermansia muciniphila on the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) associated with early obesity through modulation of the intestinal microbiota.

Because both blueberries and grapes contain considerable amounts of proanthocyanidins, it plays a special role in this prebiotic activity. Furthermore, blueberry PACs have previously been associated with an increase in mucus production which could provide ample trophic resources for Akkermansia to thrive. PACs are polyphenols formed by oligomers and polymers of flavanols (e.g., catechin and epicatechin). While PAC monomers and dimers are relatively absorbable, oligomers. This observation suggests that different mixtures of polyphenols may act redundantly to promote the presence of Akkermansia in the intestinal microbiota. Two reports further support this idea: one showing that administration of the flavonol quercetin to obese rats was associated with a trend toward an increase in Akkermansia in the gut microbiota, and the other showing that healthy volunteers drank a pomegranate extract.

Cranberry PACs improve intestinal barrier integrity by increasing mucus secretion in a murine model of elemental enteral nutrition. Recently the effect of 3 different cranberry phenolic fractions on intestinal inflammation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction by LPS-induced inflammation in intestinal cells... Polyphenols represent a safe alternative to promote the presence of Akkermansia in the intestinal microbiota in order to alleviate intestinal inflammation. The findings of a present review support the effectiveness of supplementation with Akkermansia as a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of obesity and the metabolic complications associated with obesity. It was also shown that a diet rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish oil, which are also well known for their health benefits, increases the population of Akkermansia in the intestinal microbiota. Furthermore, the polysaccharides from Glycyrrhiza uralensis seeds improve metabolic disorders and restructure the intestinal microbiota in mice with type 2 diabetes.

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https://www.ciberehd.org/noticias/la-combinacion-de-akkermansia-muciniphila-y-quercetina-mejora-la-obesidad-temprana-y-la-nafld (2022).--

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https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0141813024014259 (2024).--

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