Experts warn that plastic pollution in the ocean could triple by 2040 if urgent action is not taken. As Dr. Mercola reports, only 9% of plastics are recycled. Despite that little recycling symbol on the bottom of most plastic products, many simply aren't recyclable and, even when they are recycled, up to 13% of them end up in the environment as microplastics.

We must stop using the term “circular economy for plastics,” which is the subject of the pending United Nations Plastics Treaty. It is synonymous with recycling for many. A 'low plastic economy' must be the goal.

New York City banned single-use plastics in food deliveries, and starting in October 2023, a similar ban went into effect in the United Kingdom. Although 120 countries have issued some bans, their effect is minimal because banned items, such as plastic bags, make up a small portion of plastics.

Products that are designed to look sustainable actually aren't. For example, not many realize that cardboard takeout containers are often lined with wax or plastic to prevent leaks. In the link 10 products) Governments should penalize these deceptive practices and we call on companies to opt for truly sustainable alternatives.

The $1.2 million Tom Ford Plastics Innovation Prize recently announced its three winners, who are using seaweed to design sustainable, biologically degradable alternatives to thin-film plastic. One of the award winners, Notpla, has created Natural Polymers Group, a network of innovators who are creating nature-based plastic substitutes to address the global problem of plastic pollution. The group is calling on UN treaty makers to recognize natural polymeric materials as a key tool in the fight against plastic and to include them in their definition of non-plastic substitutes.


https://eradicateplastic.com/hidden-plastics-10-common-items-that-surprisingly-contain-plastic/ (2023).---

https://www.oecd.org/environment/plastic-pollution-is-growing-relentlessly-as-waste-management-and-recycling-fall-short.htm (2023).--

https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/18/recycling-universal-symbol-chasing-arrows (2023).--

https://naturalpolymersgroup.com/ (2023).--

EU rules on single-use plastic products aim to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, in particular the marine environment, and on human health.

They also aim to promote the transition to a circular economy with innovative and sustainable business models, products and materials, thus also contributing to the efficient functioning of the internal market.

The Rethink Plastic alliance and the Break Free From Plastic movement have published an annual assessment tracking the progress made by EU countries in taking national measures to phase out single-use plastic, in line with Single-Use obligations. -Use Plastics Directive. The report reveals that most EU countries have made significant progress, but significant steps are still expected from national authorities in terms of political ambition and legislative compliance. In light of the findings, European NGOs are calling on national governments and the European Commission to play their key role in curbing plastic pollution from disposable items once and for all.

The map shows the ambition gap between the best performing countries leading the transition (highlighted in green) and the countries lagging behind in implementing EU measures to curb single-use plastic (in orange and red)

https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/plastics/single-use-plastics_en (2023).---


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Our County provides recycle bins and we put glass, plastics and paper in them. So our plastics aren't going to the dump, they are being turned into more plastic.

Scientists/Doctors who have examined the mRNA COVID vaccine vials have found up to 6 phthalates in them, which were part of what the hydrogels were composed of. Other scientists collecting dust samples in wild land areas have found these substances in the dust.

Clifford Carnicom has been examining rain water, and has found these substances in it. It is suspected they are mostly originating from chemtrails, which are falling on our crops and getting into our water supply.

They have also discovered cesium 137 among these particles. Now this is interesting, because in order to make wireless bioantennas inside living organisms, you have to have cesium 137.

We are under attack from the global elite who seek to gain control of the human race through biodigital connectivity. Science articles abound on this subject. It's unpleasant, but we must know our enemy if we are to protect ourselves.

Methylene blue and EDTA chelation are two proven ways to remove the metals and the plastics that are getting into our blood.

Learn more about this from Clifford Carnicom's and Ann Mihalcea's work. They both have substacks that are easy to find.

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May 26·edited May 26


Dr.Hüseyin Sancar Bozkurt


3-Bioprobif is taking a giant step for a healthy future with the probiotic PROBIF based edible 100% vegetable and non-plastic food packaging and probiotic based organic biodegradable bioplastic products it has developed!




Microplastics that enter the body with food pass through the intestine into the blood, where they are transported through the lymphatic system to the liver and gallbladder.

Microplastics, due to their small size and hydrophobicity (not being hydrophobic), can cross the placenta and blood-brain barrier, reaching the gastrointestinal (digestive) system and lungs, two potential areas of harm that can occur in the human body.

Probif is defined as a microplastic destroyer product.

Probiotic is a product that simultaneously focuses on the beneficial effect of bifidobacteria on human immunity and microplastic biodegradation.




Highest Dose of Bifidobacterium in a Single Box

100 Billion Bifidobacterium Infantis in One Box!


Support your digestion and immunity with Probif.

Probif is a type of fortified Bifidobacteria that destroys microplastics in the intestine and 3 elements (E3) with 2 products in one place (Prebiotic-Booster Probiotic Bifidobacterium-Postbiotic) helps regulate your digestive system and support your immune system.

Probif has the effect of destroying microplastics accumulated in the intestine, preventing both the accumulation in the body and the accumulation in nature through feces. (First in the world) Using algae cell wall for the first time in the world as a postbiotic.

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